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orders(first: 5, filter: { customer: "" }, status: FULFILLED) {
# edges {
# node {
# id
# number
# created
# userEmail
# }
# }
# }
{"loggedIn":true,"data":[{"circuitId":"albert_park","url":"","circuitName":"Albert Park Grand Prix Circuit","Location":{"lat":"-37.8497","long":"144.968","locality":"Melbourne","country":"Australia"}},{"circuitId":"americas","url":"","circuitName":"Circuit of the Americas","Location":{"lat":"30.1328","long":"-97.6411","locality":"Austin","country":"USA"}},{"circuitId":"bahrain","url":"","circuitName":"Bahrain International Circuit","Location":{"lat":"26.0325","long":"50.5106","locality":"Sakhir","country":"Bahrain"}},{"circuitId":"BAK","url":"","circuitName":"Baku City Circuit","Location":{"lat":"40.3725","long":"49.8533","locality":"Baku","country":"Azerbaijan"}},{"circuitId":"catalunya","url":"","circuitName":"Circuit de Barcelona-Cataluny
$('#profile-subscriptions-form').on('submit', () => {
var $form = $(this);
var $validationFields = $form.find("[data-validate]");
$validationFields = $ {
var $this = $(this);
if(typeof $this.attr("data-validate-required") !== "undefined" || $this.val() !== "") {
return $this;
mendelB / changes.txt
Created September 5, 2018 15:46
Cool changes of note in the Contentful SDK
* Implemented ResourceArray::getItems to allow access to the values of a ResourceArray as an actual PHP array.
* Moved file classes to a sub-namespace Contentful\File [BREAKING].
* Contentful\File to Contentful\File\File
* Contentful\ImageFile to Contentful\File\ImageFile
* Contentful\ImageOptions to Contentful\File\ImageOptions
def apply_coupons(cart:[], coupons:[])
coupons.each do |e|
e.each do |key, value|
if cart[value]
if cart[value][:count] - e[:num] >= 0
cart[value][:count] -= e[:num]
if cart["#{value} W/COUPON"].nil?
cart["#{value} W/COUPON"] = cart[value]
cart["#{value} W/COUPON"] = {:price => e[:cost], clearance: cart[value][:clearance]}
cart["#{value} W/COUPON"][:count] = 1
def sort_by_nth_letter(array, num)
array.sort {|a, b| a[num] <=> b[num] }
sentence = <<-something
Steven likes the movies. Blake likes to ride his bike but hates movies.
Blake is taller than steven. Steven is a great teacher.
counter =
sentence.gsub('.', '').split(' ').each do |i| counter[i] += 1 end
counter.each do |k, v| puts "'#{k}' appears #{v} times" if v >= 3 end
sentence = <<-something
Steven likes the movies. Blake likes to ride his bike but hates movies.
Blake is taller than steven. Steven is a great teacher.
sentence2 = sentence.gsub('.', '').split(' ')
sentence2 = sentence2.collect { |i| i = i.upcase }
num = 1
word = nil
count = 0
counter = 0
flatiron_school = {:teachers=>[{:name=>"steph"}, {:name=>"uzo"}, {:name=>"blake"}], :students => [{:name => "giancarlo", :grade => 100, :address => "bronx"},{:name => "jamie", :grade => 200, :address => "NJ"}]}
flatiron_school.each_pair do |k, v|
v.each do |e|
e.each_pair do |key, value|
puts value if key == :name
def print_specific_elements(hash, element)