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Created April 15, 2015 06:38
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Module 5 Exercise Update #1
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<title>Module 5 Exercise</title>
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<div id="headline">
<h1>The Missing Link Between Cigarette Consumption
<br>and Lung Cancer Among American Women</h1>
<div class="textbox">
<p>According to the American Lung Association, smoking <a href="">contributes</a>
to approximately 80% of lung cancer deaths among women. So you would
expect the relationship between cigarette consumption and lung cancer
death rates to be unmistakable. However, as the scatter plot on the left shows,
the connection between the two variables is very weak. The correlation
coefficient for the plot is a negligible .22 &mdash; revealing an
astonishingly tenuous link.</p>
<div id="chartContainerONE" style="float:left;">
<div id="tooltip" class="hidden">
<p><b>Per capita cigarette consumption:</b>
<span id="value1"></span> (<span id="value2"></span>)
<b>Lung/bronchus cancer deaths per 100k women:</b>
<span id="value3"></span> (<span id="value4"></span>)
<div id="chartContainerTWO" style="float: left">
<div id="tooltip2" class="hidden">
<p><b>Per capita cigarette consumption:</b>
<span id="value5"></span> (<span id="value6"></span>)
<b>Lung/bronchus cancer deaths per 100k women:</b>
<span id="value7"></span> (<span id="value8"></span>)
<div class="textbox">
<p>The dots appear chronologically on both chart, but the cigarette
consumption data along the x-axis spans from 1930 to 2006 on the left and
from 1930 to 1981 on the right. The reason for this is because the second chart
includes a 30-year delay between cigarette consumption and the lung cancer
death rate. This is also the reason why the correlation on the left is so
<p>When I first plotted these two data sets, I didn't realize the importance of
a latency period, or the time it takes between when someone starts smoking and
when they might first develop lung cancer. Researcher William Weiss <a href="">found</a>
that a 30-year gap exists between when cigarette smoking increased in the U.S.
and the subsequent increase in lung cancer deaths. When I adjust the original
chart for this latency period, the relationship grows much stronger. The
correlation coefficient increases from .22 to .93.</p>
<p>This 30-year lag also exists in other countries. In Australia, the Sydney Morning Herald <a href="">noted</a>
that in 2014 lung cancer deaths continued to increase among women, even as
it dropped among men. The reason for this is that the increase in the number of female
smokers peaked decades after it did for men.</p>
<div id="footer">
<p><b>Data sources:</b> American Cancer Society, Cancer Facts &amp; Figures 2015,
<a href="">"Trends in Age-adjusted Cancer Death Rates by Site, Males, US, 1930-2011"</a>
and the American Lung Association, Trend Reports, <a href="">"Trends in Tobacco Use,"</a>
Table 2: Cigarette Consumption, United States, 1900-2007.</p>
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"class": "labels",
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lagFemaleYearCig lagFemaleCigConsumption lagYearFemaleLB lagFemaleLungBronchus
1930 1485 1960 6.9
1931 1399 1961 7.4
1932 1245 1962 7.6
1933 1334 1963 8.1
1934 1483 1964 8.3
1935 1564 1965 8.9
1936 1754 1966 9.6
1937 1847 1967 10.1
1938 1830 1968 11.8
1939 1900 1969 12.5
1940 1976 1970 13.3
1941 2236 1971 14.4
1942 2585 1972 15.2
1943 2956 1973 15.8
1944 3039 1974 16.9
1945 3449 1975 17.8
1946 3446 1976 19.2
1947 3416 1977 20.3
1948 3505 1978 21.7
1949 3480 1979 22.5
1950 3522 1980 24.3
1951 3744 1981 25.1
1952 3886 1982 26.7
1953 3778 1983 28.3
1954 3546 1984 29.1
1955 3597 1985 30.6
1956 3650 1986 31.6
1957 3755 1987 32.9
1958 3953 1988 34.3
1959 4073 1989 35.9
1960 4171 1990 37
1961 4266 1991 37.8
1962 4266 1992 38.9
1963 4345 1993 39.4
1964 4195 1994 39.8
1965 4259 1995 40.4
1966 4287 1996 40.6
1967 4280 1997 40.9
1968 4186 1998 41.1
1969 3993 1999 40.3
1970 3985 2000 41.2
1971 4037 2001 41.1
1972 4043 2002 41.7
1973 4148 2003 41.4
1974 4141 2004 41
1975 4123 2005 40.8
1976 4092 2006 40.3
1977 4051 2007 40.2
1978 3967 2008 39.2
1979 3861 2009 38.7
1980 3851 2010 38
1981 3840 2011 37.1
nonlagYear nonlagCigConsumption nonlagFemaleLungBronchus
1930 1485 2.6
1931 1399 2.6
1932 1245 2.8
1933 1334 3
1934 1483 3.1
1935 1564 3.5
1936 1754 3.9
1937 1847 3.8
1938 1830 4.1
1939 1900 4.1
1940 1976 4.1
1941 2236 4.6
1942 2585 4.7
1943 2956 4.9
1944 3039 5.1
1945 3449 5.3
1946 3446 5.5
1947 3416 6.1
1948 3505 6.4
1949 3480 5.6
1950 3522 5.8
1951 3744 5.9
1952 3886 6.1
1953 3778 6
1954 3546 6
1955 3597 6.2
1956 3650 6.3
1957 3755 6.4
1958 3953 6.7
1959 4073 6.7
1960 4171 6.9
1961 4266 7.4
1962 4266 7.6
1963 4345 8.1
1964 4195 8.3
1965 4259 8.9
1966 4287 9.6
1967 4280 10.1
1968 4186 11.8
1969 3993 12.5
1970 3985 13.3
1971 4037 14.4
1972 4043 15.2
1973 4148 15.8
1974 4141 16.9
1975 4123 17.8
1976 4092 19.2
1977 4051 20.3
1978 3967 21.7
1979 3861 22.5
1980 3851 24.3
1981 3840 25.1
1982 3746 26.7
1983 3494 28.3
1984 3454 29.1
1985 3461 30.6
1986 3271 31.6
1987 3188 32.9
1988 3082 34.3
1989 2924 35.9
1990 2827 37
1991 2719 37.8
1992 2640 38.9
1993 2543 39.4
1994 2524 39.8
1995 2505 40.4
1996 2482 40.6
1997 2423 40.9
1998 2320 41.1
1999 2136 40.3
2000 2056 41.2
2001 2026 41.1
2002 1979 41.7
2003 1837 41.4
2004 1791 41
2005 2161 40.8
2006 1691 40.3
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