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Created October 11, 2017 16:48
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DataWeave prime number generator
%dw 2.0
output application/json
import some from dw::core::Arrays
fun isPrime(num: Number): Boolean = do {
// try primes <= 16
if (num <= 16)
(num == 2) or (num == 3) or (num == 5) or (num == 7) or (num == 11) or (num == 13)
else if ( // cull multiples of 2, 3, 5 or 7
((num mod 2) == 0)
or ((num mod 3) == 0)
or ((num mod 5) == 0)
or ((num mod 7) == 0)
// cull square numbers ending in 1, 3, 7 or 9
else if(
map ($ * 10)
takeUntil ($ * $) < num
some (
(num mod ($ + 1)) == 0
or (num mod ($ + 3)) == 0
or (num mod ($ + 7)) == 0
or (num mod ($ + 9)) == 0
fun takeUntil<T>(list: Array<T>, condition: (T, Number) -> Boolean): Array<T> = do {
fun until(list: Array<T>, condition: (T, Number) -> Boolean, startIndex: Number): Array<T> =
list match {
case [] -> []
case [head ~ tail] ->
if(condition(head, startIndex))
[head ~ until(tail, condition, startIndex + 1)]
until(list, condition, 0)
fun sequence(start = 0) = [start ~ sequence(start + 1)]
fun primeGenerator() = (sequence(0) filter isPrime($))
fun primes(qty: Number, start: Number = 0) =
primeGenerator()[(start) to (start+qty-1)]
// primeGenerator()[999] //999th prime number
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this code is not working beyond 6... if you pass more than 6 to prime it wont take please solve and reply..

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