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Created July 14, 2019 21:00
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WebRTC basic setup
// This configuration is passed when we create a new peer connection object.
// It provides a set of servers used to establish a connection. STUN servers
// are used to discover our external IP address, and TURN servers (none listed
// here) are used to proxy a connection when a peer is behind a restrictive
// firewall that prevents a direct connection.
var peerConnectionConfig = {
iceServers: [
{ urls: "" },
{ urls: "" },
{ urls: "" },
{ urls: "" },
{ urls: "" }
// Think of offerPeer as our local client. It's going to create a data channel
// and an offer and send them to the other peer.
var offerPeer = new RTCPeerConnection(peerConnectionConfig);
offerPeer.onicecandidate = onOfferPeerIceCandidate;
// Think of answerPeer as our remote server. It's going to accept an offer
// from offerPeer, and create a corresponding answer.
var answerPeer = new RTCPeerConnection(peerConnectionConfig);
answerPeer.ondatachannel = dc => {
console.log("answer data channel created",;
addDataChannelListeners(, "answerPeer");"open", () => {"hellown");
answerPeer.onicecandidate = evt => {
console.log("got answer candidate", evt);
if (evt.candidate) {
// Create the offered data channel. Note that this must happen before the
// offer is created, so that it is included in the offer.
var offerDataChannel = offerPeer.createDataChannel("dataChannel", {});
addDataChannelListeners(offerDataChannel, "offerPeer");
// Create an offer to send to answerPeer. Like most operations with the WebRTC
// API, this is asynchronous. Our callback will be invoked once an offer has
// been created.
.then(async offer => {
console.log("got offer", offer);
const newOffer = new RTCSessionDescription(offer);
console.log("newOffer", newOffer);
await offerPeer.setLocalDescription(newOffer);
// Normally we would send this over the wire to answerPeer, but since this is
// all local, we can just set it here.
await answerPeer.setRemoteDescription(newOffer);
const answer = await answerPeer.createAnswer();
console.log("got answer", answer);
const newAnswer = new RTCSessionDescription(answer);
console.log("newAnswer", newAnswer);
await answerPeer.setLocalDescription(newAnswer);
// Normally we would send this over the wire to offerPeer, but since this is
// all local, we can just set it here.
await offerPeer.setRemoteDescription(newAnswer);
.catch($ => console.error($));
// This is used to attach generic logging handlers for data channels.
function addDataChannelListeners(channel: RTCDataChannel, label: string) {
channel.onclose = function(event) {
console.log(label + " data channel close", event);
channel.onerror = function(err) {
console.log(label + " data channel error", event);
channel.onmessage = function(event) {
console.log(label + " data channel message", event);
channel.onopen = function(event) {
console.log(label + " data channel open", event);
channel.send("hello from " + label);
// This will be called for each offer candidate. A candidate is a potential
// address that the other peer can attempt to connect to. Note that
// event.candidate can be null, so we must guard against that. The two peers
// will exchange candidates until they find a connection that works.
function onOfferPeerIceCandidate(event: RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent) {
if (event && event.candidate) {
// These would normally be sent to answerPeer over some other transport,
// like a websocket, but since this is local we can just set it here.
console.log("Initializing rtc");
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