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Created October 28, 2019 11:23
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VPNGate Python script

This script allows user to connect to the vpngate server easily. The user just needs to provide the desidered output country, and the script automatically chooses the best server. It provide the user the easy way to select the desired country.

This project is inspired by Andrea Lazzarotto. Thanks to him, I able to make this project successful.


Run the script by typing command given below:


But before running the script make sure you make it executable. just right click on it and select properties menu there you will find the option to make it executable.

After running the script wait for few seconds and let it download the requied file. Then it will present you with the option of selecting the country, select the appropiate country form the available option and press enter.

Moreover, in this script you need not to type the name of the country just select the country by the option dropdown in the commandline.

After running the script it will ask you for the password, enter it and wait for the succesfull connection. After the succesfull connection it will show you the message 'INITALIZATION COMPLET'. Do not close the terminal window!!! just minimize it and that's all. You are connected to the vpn server. To terminate the program just open the terminal and type ctrl+c


OpenVPN needs to be installed.

The script should run on any Linux distribution with the Python3 Requests module installed. The user running the script must be able to run sudo commands in order to start openvpn. To install the required library just type the following command in the terminal

pip3 install bullet;

pip3 install requests;

pip3 install pyfiglet;

pip3 install pybase64;

If the openvpn is not installed in your system use the command


sudo apt-get install openvpn

For other distros you can refer it standard installation procedure.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
following script will help you to connect the vpngate server ( and the select the desired
vpn server location .
__author__ = " Chetan Dhongade and Andrea Lazzarotto"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014+, Chetan Dhongade and Andrea Lazzarotto"
__license__ = "GPLv3"
__version__ = "1.0"
__maintainer__ = "Chetan Dhongade"
__email__ = ""
#importing the required library
import requests, os, sys, tempfile, subprocess, base64, time, bullet
from bullet import colors
from pyfiglet import Figlet
print("Please install required library")
print("use the command : pip3 install <name of the library>")
#I provided seperate function for each action in the code so it is easy to maintain
#function for selecting the server it provide the drop down selection option
def select_server(serv_list):
cli = bullet.Bullet(
prompt = "\nPlease select server location : ",
choices = serv_list,
indent = 0,
align = 5,
margin = 2,
shift = 0,
bullet = "",
pad_right = 5)
result = cli.launch()
return result
#function pick_server select the server according to there score
def pick_server(supported):
winner = sorted(supported, key=lambda s: float(s[2].replace(',','.')), reverse=True)[0]
return winner
#after selecting the server we need to decode the base64 code in the python3 it return the 'utf-8' which rises
# the error to avoid it, I decode the utf-8 code, which can be written to the file
def con_serv(winner):
_, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
f = open(path, 'w')
f.write('\nscript-security 2\nup /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf\ndown /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf')
x = subprocess.Popen(['sudo', 'openvpn', '--config', path])
while True:
# termination with Ctrl+C
while x.poll() != 0:
print('\nVPN terminated')
if __name__=='__main__':
#here is the simple welcome title to make the program look good
#you can remove it if not required.
f = Figlet(font='slant')
print("welcome ....")
#Here I am using the request module to download the server list and there respective certificate
vpn_data = requests.get('').text.replace('\r','')
#after that we need to split the information to make it easy to process, it makes list in list
servers = [line.split(',') for line in vpn_data.split('\n')]
servers = [s for s in servers[2:] if len(s) > 1]
print('Cannot get VPN servers data')
#collecting the name of all country server list in the list
serv_list = []
for i in servers:
#here I am removing the repeted name of the server
serv_list = list(set(serv_list))
#here I make the seperate function to select the server
desired = select_server(serv_list)
#after selecting the server, we need to determine how many server are ther in that lication
num_serv = [s for s in servers if desired.lower() in s[5].lower()]
#showing how many server support open vpn by observing the last entry in the list's[-1]'
supported = [s for s in num_serv if len(s[-1]) > 0]
print('{0} of {1} servers support OpenVPN'.format(str(len(supported)), desired ))
#selecting the best server
winner = pick_server(supported)
print("\n\n The speed of the selected server is : {} MBps\n\n".format(str(float(winner[4]) / 10**6)))
print("please wait connecting to the vpn server.......")
print("Thank you for using VPNgate...")
#exiting the program
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