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Created April 15, 2018 01:09
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
class TheKing
static final int MAXN=100_005;
static ArrayList<Integer>[] graph;
static Edge[] edges;
static int[] depth,parent;
static int n,root;
static Integer[] subset;
static Comparator<Integer> com = new Comparator<Integer>()
public int compare(Integer a, Integer b)
return[a], priority[b]);
static LCA_Sparse eu;
static IO io=new IO(;
public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception
int i;
graph = new ArrayList[n];
edges = new Edge[n-1];
for(i=0;i<graph.length;++i)graph[i]=new ArrayList<>();
int a=io.nextInt()-1,b=io.nextInt()-1;
edges[i] = new Edge(a, b, 1);
graph[a].add(i); graph[b].add(i);
root = 0;
eu = new LCA_Sparse(graph, edges, depth, parent, chCount, n, root);
subset = new Integer[io.nextInt()];
for(i=0; i<subset.length; ++i)
subset[i] = io.nextInt()-1;
Arrays.sort(subset, com);
dp = new int[1 << subset.length];
dp[0] = n-1;
answer = dp[len++];
for(i=0; i<subset.length; ++i)
static int dp[], len, answer;
static void addToDP(int node)
int curr = len, i;
dp[len] = n - depth[node];
answer ^= dp[len++];
for(i=1; i<curr; ++i)
dp[len] = dp[i] - depth[node] + depth[eu.findLCA(subset[flLog2(i)], node)];
answer ^= dp[len++];
static int[] priority;
static void preparePriority()
priority = new int[n];
int top = 0, prior = 0, ele, conn; queue[top++] = root;
while(top > 0)
priority[ele = queue[--top]] = prior++;
Iterator<Integer> itr = graph[ele].iterator();
conn = edges[].getOtherVertex(ele);
if(depth[conn] > depth[ele])
queue[top++] = conn;
static int[] queue=new int[MAXN],chCount;
static void organise()
parent=new int[n]; depth=new int[n]; chCount=new int[n];
Arrays.fill(chCount, 1);
int i,st=0,end=0;
parent[root]=-1; depth[root]=1;
int node = queue[st++], h = depth[node]+1;
Iterator<Integer> itr = graph[node].iterator();
int ch = edges[].getOtherVertex(node);
depth[ch]=h; parent[ch]=node;
chCount[parent[queue[i]]] += chCount[queue[i]];
static int flLog2(int num)
num |= num >> 1;
num |= num >> 2;
num |= num >> 4;
num |= num >> 8;
num |= num >> 16;
return Integer.bitCount(num)-1;
class IO
static byte[] buf = new byte[2048];
static int index, total;
static InputStream in;
static StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
IO(InputStream is)
in = is;
int scan() throws Exception
index = 0;
total =;
return -1;
return buf[index++];
int nextInt() throws Exception
int c, val = 0;
for(c=scan(); c<=32; c=scan());
boolean neg = c=='-';
if(c=='-' || c=='+')
c = scan();
for(; c>='0' && c<='9'; c=scan())
val = (val<<3) + (val<<1) + (c&15);
return neg?-val:val;
class Edge
int u,v; long wt;
Edge(int a,int b,long val){u=a;v=b;wt=val;}
int getOtherVertex(int a){return a==u? v: a==v? u: -1;}
String getString(){return "("+u+", "+v+" -> "+wt+")";}
class LCA_Sparse
static final int MAXN=100_005;
ArrayList<Integer>[] graph;
Edge[] edges;
int[] depth,parent,chCount;
int n,root;
HashMap<Long, Integer> recordLCA;
LCA_Sparse(ArrayList<Integer>[] g, Edge[] e, int[] dep, int[] par, int[] ch, int node, int ro)
graph = g; edges = e; depth = dep; parent = par; chCount = ch;
n = node; root = ro;
recordLCA = new HashMap<>();
sparse = new int[n][];
int[][] sparse;
void prepareSparse()
int stack[] = new int[n], top = 0;
int path[] = new int[n], end = 0;
stack[top++] = root;
while(top > 0)
int node = stack[--top], next;
Iterator<Integer> itr = graph[node].iterator();
if(depth[next = edges[].getOtherVertex(node)] > depth[node])
stack[top++] = next;
while(end > 0 && depth[path[end-1]] >= depth[node])
assignToSparse(path, end, node);
path[end++] = node;
void assignToSparse(int[] path, int end, int node)
if(end <= 0)return;
sparse[node] = new int[flLog2(end) +1];
int i, k = 0;
for(i = 0; ; ++i)
if(end < (1 << i)) break;
else sparse[node][k++] = path[end - (1 << i)];
int findLCA(int u,int v)
if(u > v) { u ^= v; v ^= u; u ^=v; }
long searchFor = u * (long) MAXN + v;
return recordLCA.get(searchFor);
if(depth[u] > depth[v]) u = kthParent(u, depth[u] - depth[v]);
if(depth[u] < depth[v]) v = kthParent(v, depth[v] - depth[u]);
recordLCA.put(searchFor, climbTillMerges(u, v));
return recordLCA.get(searchFor);
int climbTillMerges(int u, int v) // depth of 'u' & 'v' must be equal
int i;
while(u != v)
for(i = sparse[u].length -1; i >= 0; --i)
if(sparse[u][i] != sparse[v][i])
if(i < 0)
return sparse[u][0];
u = sparse[u][i]; v = sparse[v][i];
return u;
int kthParent(int node, int k)
while(k > 0)
int jump = Integer.highestOneBit(k);
k ^= jump;
node = sparse[node][flLog2(jump)];
return node;
int clLog2(int num)
num |= num >> 1;
num |= num >> 2;
num |= num >> 4;
num |= num >> 8;
num |= num >> 16;
return Integer.bitCount(num);
int flLog2(int num)
num |= num >> 1;
num |= num >> 2;
num |= num >> 4;
num |= num >> 8;
num |= num >> 16;
return Integer.bitCount(num)-1;
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