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Advent of Code 2021, learning Haskell
countIncrease :: [Int] -> Int
countIncrease xs = length $ filter (uncurry (<)) $ zip xs (tail xs)
main :: IO ()
main = print . countIncrease . map read . lines =<< getContents
countIncrease :: [Int] -> Int
countIncrease xs = length $ filter (uncurry (<)) $ zip xs (tail xs)
threeMeasurement :: [Int] -> [Int]
threeMeasurement xs = zipWith3 (\a b c -> a + b + c) xs (tail xs) (drop 2 xs)
main :: IO ()
main = print . countIncrease . threeMeasurement . map read . lines =<< getContents
import Data.Bifunctor
parseLine :: String -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
parseLine s = case dir of
"forward" -> first (+delta)
"down" -> second (+delta)
"up" -> second (+ (-delta))
_ -> error "!"
[dir, delta'] = words s
delta = read delta'
main :: IO ()
main = print . uncurry (*) . ($ (0, 0)) . foldr (.) id . map parseLine . lines =<< getContents
import Data.Bifunctor
parseLine :: String -> ((Int, Int), Int) -> ((Int, Int), Int)
parseLine s = case dir of
"forward" -> \((x, y), a) -> ((x + delta, y + a * delta), a)
"down" -> second (+delta)
"up" -> second (+ (-delta))
_ -> error "!"
[dir, delta'] = words s
delta = read delta'
main :: IO ()
main = print . uncurry (*) . fst . ($ ((0, 0), 0)) . foldr (flip (.)) id . map parseLine . lines =<< getContents
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Bits
solve :: [String] -> Int
solve xs = sum gam * sum eps where
len = length $ head xs
xs' = map parseBin xs
go p = if length o > length z then (p, 0) else (0, p) where
(o, z) = partition ((==p) . (.&.p)) xs'
(gam, eps) = unzip $ map go $ take len $ iterate (*2) 1
parseBin :: String -> Int
parseBin = foldl' (\acc c -> acc * 2 + digitToInt c) 0
main :: IO ()
main = print . solve . lines =<< getContents
import Data.Char
import Data.List
solve :: [String] -> Int
solve xs = parseBin (go oxytakeo) * parseBin (go co2takeo) where
go f = go' 0 xs where
go' _ [] = error "!"
go' _ [x] = x
go' i xs = go' (i + 1) xs' where
(o, z) = partition ((=='1') . (!!i)) xs
xs' = if length o `f` length z then o else z
oxytakeo = (>=)
co2takeo = (<)
parseBin :: String -> Int
parseBin = foldl' (\acc c -> acc * 2 + digitToInt c) 0
main :: IO ()
main = print . solve . lines =<< getContents
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List
type Board = [[Int]]
solve1 :: ([Int], [Board]) -> Maybe Int
solve1 (xs, boards) = asum $ map getFirst $ inits xs where
getFirst xs' = asum $ map getScore boards where
test = any (all (`elem` xs'))
getScore board = score <$ guard (test board || test (transpose board)) where
score = last xs' * sum (filter (`notElem` xs') $ concat board)
solve2 :: ([Int], [Board]) -> Maybe Int
solve2 (xs, boards) = asum $ map getFirst $ reverse $ inits xs where
getFirst xs' = asum $ map getScore boards where
testCur = any (all (`elem` xs'))
testLast = not . any (all (`elem` init xs'))
getScore board = score <$ guard ok where
ok = (testCur board || testCur (transpose board)) && testLast board && testLast (transpose board)
score = last xs' * sum (filter (`notElem` xs') $ concat board)
parse :: String -> ([Int], [Board])
parse s = (xs, boards) where
ls = lines s
xs = read $ "[" ++ head ls ++ "]"
boards = map tail $ chunksOf 6 $ map (map read . words) $ tail ls
chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunksOf n = go where
go [] = []
go xs = xs' : go xs'' where (xs', xs'') = splitAt n xs
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import qualified Data.Map as M
type Point = (Int, Int)
type Line = (Point, Point)
axisAligned :: Line -> Bool
axisAligned ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = x1 == x2 || y1 == y2
genPoints :: Line -> [Point]
genPoints ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) =
[(x, y) | x <- [min x1 x2 .. max x1 x2], y <- [min y1 y2 .. max y1 y2]]
solve :: [Line] -> Int
solve ls = M.size $ M.filter (>1) $ M.fromListWith (+) [(p, 1) | p <- concatMap genPoints ls'] where
ls' = filter axisAligned ls
parse :: String -> [Line]
parse = map parseLine . lines where
parseLine l = (p1, p2) where
[p1s, "->", p2s] = words l
[p1, p2] = map parsePoint [p1s, p2s]
parsePoint ps = read $ "(" ++ ps ++ ")"
main :: IO ()
main = print . solve . parse =<< getContents
import qualified Data.Map as M
type Vec2 = (Int, Int)
data Line = Line { start :: Vec2, dir :: Vec2, len :: Int }
add, sub :: Vec2 -> Vec2 -> Vec2
add (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1 + x2, y1 + y2)
sub (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = (x1 - x2, y1 - y2)
mkLine :: Vec2 -> Vec2 -> Line
mkLine p1 p2
| ok = Line p1 (signum dx, signum dy) n
| otherwise = error "bad line"
(dx, dy) = p2 `sub` p1
ok = dx == 0 || dy == 0 || abs dx == abs dy
n = abs dx `max` abs dy
genPoints :: Line -> [Vec2]
genPoints (Line p d n) = take (n + 1) $ iterate (add d) p
solve :: [Line] -> Int
solve ls = M.size $ M.filter (>1) $ M.fromListWith (+) [(p, 1) | p <- concatMap genPoints ls]
parse :: String -> [Line]
parse = map parseLine . lines where
parseLine l = mkLine p1 p2 where
[p1s, "->", p2s] = words l
[p1, p2] = map parsePoint [p1s, p2s]
parsePoint ps = read $ "(" ++ ps ++ ")"
main :: IO ()
main = print . solve . parse =<< getContents
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List
import Data.Function
solve1 :: [Int] -> Int
solve1 = length . (!!80) . iterate (concatMap next) where
next 0 = [6, 8]
next x = [x - 1]
solve2 :: [Int] -> Int
solve2 = sum . map snd . (!!256) . iterate (merge . concatMap next) . map (,1) where
next (0, c) = [(6, c), (8, c)]
next (x, c) = [(x - 1, c)]
merge = map (fst . head &&& sum . map snd) . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sort
parse :: String -> [Int]
parse s = read $ "[" ++ s ++ "]"
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import Data.List
solve1 :: [Int] -> Int
solve1 xs = sum $ map (abs . (mid-)) xs where
n = length xs
mid = sort xs !! (n `div` 2)
solve2 :: [Int] -> Int
solve2 xs = minimum $ map totalCost [minimum xs .. maximum xs] where
totalCost x = sum $ map (cost . abs . (x-)) xs
cost x = x * (x + 1) `div` 2
parse :: String -> [Int]
parse s = read $ "[" ++ s ++ "]"
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
segs :: [[Int]]
segs = map (map digitToInt)
[ "012456"
, "25"
, "02346"
, "02356"
, "1235"
, "01356"
, "013456"
, "025"
, "0123456"
, "012356"
allPerms :: [Int -> Int]
allPerms = map (!!) (permutations [0..7])
decode :: [String] -> (Int -> Int) -> Maybe [Int]
decode digits perm = mapM ((`elemIndex` segs) . sort . map (perm . subtract (ord 'a') . ord)) digits
solve1 :: [([String], [String])] -> Int
solve1 = sum . map solve1 where
solve1 (_, digits) = length $ filter ((`elem` uniqueLengths) . length) digits
uniqueLengths = [2, 4, 3, 7]
solve2 :: [([String], [String])] -> Int
solve2 = sum . map solve1 where
solve1 (patterns, digits) =
read . concatMap show .
fromJust . decode digits .
head . filter (maybe False ((==[0..9]) . sort) . decode patterns) $ allPerms
parse :: String -> [([String], [String])]
parse = map parseLine . lines where
parseLine s = let (s', s'') = break (=='|') s in (words s', words $ tail s'')
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Graph
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
type Point = (Int, Int)
neighbors :: Point -> [Point]
neighbors (x, y) = [(x, y - 1), (x, y + 1), (x - 1, y), (x + 1, y)]
solve1 :: M.Map Point Int -> Int
solve1 g = sum $ map ((+1) . snd) $ filter lowPoint $ M.assocs g where
lowPoint (xy, d) = all (>d) $ mapMaybe (g M.!?) $ neighbors xy
solve2 :: M.Map Point Int -> Int
solve2 g = product $ take 3 $ sortBy (flip compare) $ map length $ dff g' where
(g', _, _) = graphFromEdges $ map getNode $ M.assocs g
getNode (xy, d) = ((), xy, nbs) where
nbs | d == 9 = []
| otherwise = filter (maybe False (/=9) . (g M.!?)) $ neighbors xy
parse :: String -> M.Map Point Int
parse s = M.fromList $ zip ((,) <$> [1..n] <*> [1..m]) (concat xss) where
xss = map (map digitToInt) $ lines s
n = length xss
m = length $ head xss
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
close :: Char -> Char
close = \case
'(' -> ')'
'[' -> ']'
'{' -> '}'
'<' -> '>'
_ -> error "!"
solve1 :: [String] -> Int
solve1 = sum . map (go []) where
go _ [] = 0
go ys (x:xs)
| x `elem` "([{<" = go (x:ys) xs
| (y:ys') <- ys, x == close y = go ys' xs
| otherwise = score x
score = \case
')' -> 3
']' -> 57
'}' -> 1197
'>' -> 25137
_ -> error "!"
solve2 :: [String] -> Int
solve2 ls = sort scores !! (length scores `div` 2) where
scores = mapMaybe (go []) ls
go ys [] = Just $ foldl' (\acc x -> acc * 5 + score (close x)) 0 ys
go ys (x:xs)
| x `elem` "([{<" = go (x:ys) xs
| (y:ys') <- ys, x == close y = go ys' xs
| otherwise = Nothing
score = \case
')' -> 1
']' -> 2
'}' -> 3
'>' -> 4
_ -> error "!"
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- lines <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
type Point = (Int, Int)
type Grid = M.Map Point Int
neighbors :: Point -> [Point]
neighbors (x, y) = [(x + dx, y + dy) | dx <- [-1..1], dy <- [-1..1], dx /= 0 || dy /= 0]
solve1 :: Grid -> Int
solve1 = getSum . execWriter . foldr (>=>) pure (replicate 100 $ flash . fmap (+1)) where
flash :: Grid -> Writer (Sum Int) Grid
flash g
| M.null g9 = pure g
| otherwise = do
tell $ Sum (M.size g9)
M.union (fmap (const 0) g9) <$> flash g''
(g9, g') = M.partition (>9) g
g'' = foldr (M.adjust (+1)) g' $ concatMap neighbors $ M.keys g9
solve2 :: Grid -> Int
solve2 = length . unfoldr go where
go g = ((), flash $ fmap (+1) g) <$ guard (any (/=0) $ M.elems g)
flash g
| M.null g9 = g
| otherwise = M.union (fmap (const 0) g9) $ flash g''
(g9, g') = M.partition (>9) g
g'' = foldr (M.adjust (+1)) g' $ concatMap neighbors $ M.keys g9
parse :: String -> Grid
parse = M.fromList . zip ((,) <$> [1..10] <*> [1..10]) . map digitToInt . filter isDigit
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M
type Node = String
type Graph = M.Map Node [Node]
small :: Node -> Bool
small = all isLower
solve1 :: Graph -> Int
solve1 g = getSum $ execWriter $ dfs [] "start" where
dfs :: [Node] -> Node -> Writer (Sum Int) ()
dfs _ "end" = tell $ Sum 1
dfs seen u | u `elem` seen = pure ()
dfs seen u = mapM_ (dfs seen') $ g M.! u where
seen' = if small u then u:seen else seen
solve2 :: Graph -> Int
solve2 g = getSum $ execWriter $ dfs [] False "start" where
dfs :: [Node] -> Bool -> Node -> Writer (Sum Int) ()
dfs _ _ "end" = tell $ Sum 1
dfs seen twice u | u `elem` seen && (u == "start" || twice) = pure ()
dfs seen twice u = mapM_ (dfs seen' twice') $ g M.! u where
seen' = if small u then u:seen else seen
twice' = twice || u `elem` seen
parse :: String -> Graph
parse = M.fromListWith (++) . concatMap parseEdge . lines where
parseEdge s = [(u, [v]), (v, [u])] where
[u, v] = words $ map (\c -> if c == '-' then ' ' else c) s
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import Data.List
type Point = (Int, Int)
type Fold = Point -> Point
solve1 :: ([Point], [Fold]) -> Int
solve1 (ps, ~(f:_)) = length $ group $ sort $ map f ps
solve2 :: ([Point], [Fold]) -> String
solve2 (ps, fs) = code where
ps' = foldl' (flip (.)) id fs <$> ps
mx = maximum $ map fst ps'
my = maximum $ map snd ps'
code = unlines [[if (x, y) `elem` ps' then '█' else ' ' | x <- []] | y <- []]
parse :: String -> ([Point], [Fold])
parse s = (map parsePoint ps, map parseFold fs) where
(ps, _:fs) = break null $ lines s
parsePoint s = read $ "(" ++ s ++ ")"
parseFold s = case axis of
'x' -> foldx
'y' -> foldy
_ -> error "!"
["fold", "along", axis:'=':num] = words s
num' = read num
foldx xy@(x, y) = if x > num' then (2 * num' - x, y) else xy
foldy xy@(x, y) = if y > num' then (x, 2 * num' - y) else xy
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
putStrLn $ solve2 p
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
type Replace = (Char, Char) -> Maybe Char
solve1 :: (String, Replace) -> Int
solve1 (template, replace) = maximum freqs - minimum freqs where
step (a:b:xs) = case replace (a, b) of
Nothing -> a : step (b:xs)
Just c -> a : c : step (b:xs)
step xs = xs
t = iterate step template !! 10
freqs = map length $ group $ sort t
solve2 :: (String, Replace) -> Int
solve2 (template, replace) = maximum freqs - minimum freqs where
nxt cur@((a, b), cnt) = case replace (a, b) of
Nothing -> [cur]
Just c -> [((a, c), cnt), ((c, b), cnt)]
t = "*" ++ template ++ "*"
freqs =
map ((`div` 2) . snd) $
filter ((/='*') . fst) $
combine $ concatMap split $
iterate (combine . concatMap nxt) (map (,1) $ zip t (tail t)) !! 40
combine :: Ord a => [(a, Int)] -> [(a, Int)]
combine = M.assocs . M.fromListWith (+)
split ((a, b), cnt) = [(a, cnt), (b, cnt)]
parse :: String -> (String, Replace)
parse s = (p, (`lookup` rules)) where
p:"":s' = lines s
rules = map parseRule s'
parseRule s = ((a, b), c) where
[[a, b], "->", [c]] = words s
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
type Point = (Int, Int)
type Grid = M.Map Point Int
neighbors :: Point -> [Point]
neighbors (x, y) = [(x, y - 1), (x, y + 1), (x - 1, y), (x + 1, y)]
solve1 :: (Int, Int, Grid) -> Int
solve1 (n, m, g) = final M.! (n, m) where
dijkstra (dist, pq) = case S.minView pq of
Nothing -> dist
Just ((d, xy), pq') -> dijkstra $ foldl' upd (dist, pq') $ neighbors xy where
upd dp@(dist', pq'') xy'
| maybe True (<=new) maybeCur = dp
| otherwise = (M.insert xy' new dist', S.insert (new, xy') $ S.delete (cur, xy') pq'')
maybeCur = dist' M.!? xy'
cur = fromJust maybeCur
new = d + g M.! xy'
final = dijkstra (M.insert (1, 1) 0 $ (const $ maxBound `div` 2) g, S.singleton (0, (1, 1)))
solve2 :: (Int, Int, Grid) -> Int
solve2 (n, m, g) = solve1 (5 * n, 5 * m, scaleUp g) where
scaleUp = M.unions . concatMap (take 5 . iterate upy) . take 5 . iterate upx where
upc = (+1) . (`mod` 9)
upx = M.mapKeys (first (+n)) . fmap upc
upy = M.mapKeys (second (+m)) . fmap upc
parse :: String -> (Int, Int, Grid)
parse s = (n, m, M.fromList $ zip ((,) <$> [1..n] <*> [1..m]) (concat xss)) where
xss = map (map digitToInt) $ lines s
n = length xss
m = length $ head xss
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Text.Printf
data Packet = Literal { pVersion :: Int, pValue :: Int }
| Operator { pVersion :: Int, pType :: Int, pPackets :: [Packet] }
solve1 :: Packet -> Int
solve1 = go where
go (Literal ver _) = ver
go (Operator ver _ ps) = ver + sum (map go ps)
solve2 :: Packet -> Int
solve2 = go where
go (Literal _ val) = val
go (Operator _ typ ps) = ops !! typ $ map go ps
ops = [sum, product, minimum, maximum, error "literal"] ++
map (\f [a, b] -> fromEnum $ f a b) [(>), (<), (==)]
parse :: String -> Packet
parse = fst . head . readP_to_S packet . concatMap (printf "%04b" . digitToInt) where
packet = literal +++ operator
literal = Literal <$> readInt 3 <* string "100" <*> value where
value = merge <$> many (char '1' *> readString 4) <* char '0' <*> readString 4
merge init_ last_ = parseBin $ concat init_ ++ last_
operator = Operator <$> readInt 3 <*> readInt 3 <*> packets where
packets = (char '0' *> byLength) +++ (char '1' *> byCount)
byLength = fst . last . readP_to_S (many packet) <$> (readString =<< readInt 15)
byCount = flip count packet =<< readInt 11
readString n = count n $ char '0' +++ char '1'
readInt = fmap parseBin . readString
parseBin :: String -> Int
parseBin = foldl' (\acc c -> acc * 2 + digitToInt c) 0
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
-- 0 < x1 <= x2; y1 <= y2 < 0
solve1 :: (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> Int
solve1 (_, _, y1, _) = y1 * (y1 + 1) `div` 2 -- assume that this will work for some vx 🙃
solve2 :: (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> Int
solve2 (x1, x2, y1, y2) = length $ do
vx <- [1..x2]
vy <- [y1.. -y1]
guard $ not . null $
dropWhile tooClose $ takeWhile (not . tooFar) $ zip (positions ax vx) (positions ay vy)
positions a v = scanl (+) 0 $ iterate a v
ax = max 0 . subtract 1
ay = subtract 1
tooFar (x, y) = x > x2 || y < y1
tooClose (x, y) = x < x1 || y > y2
parse :: String -> (Int, Int, Int, Int)
parse s = (x1, x2, y1, y2) where
[x1, x2, y1, y2] = map read $ words $ map (\c -> if c == '-' || isDigit c then c else ' ') s
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
data SnailfishNum = S Int | P SnailfishNum SnailfishNum
snailfishNum :: ReadP SnailfishNum
snailfishNum = single +++ pair where
single = S . read <$> munch1 isDigit
pair = between (char '[') (char ']') $ P <$> snailfishNum <* char ',' <*> snailfishNum
explode :: SnailfishNum -> Maybe SnailfishNum
explode = fmap (\(n, _, _) -> n) . go (0 :: Int) where
go _ (S _) = Nothing
go 4 (P (S a) (S b)) = Just (S 0, Just a, Just b)
go 4 _ = error "not expected"
go d (P a b) = explodea <|> explodeb where
explodea = (\(a', l, r) -> (P a' (maybe b (addL b) r), l, Nothing)) <$> go (d + 1) a
explodeb = (\(b', l, r) -> (P (maybe a (addR a) l) b', Nothing, r)) <$> go (d + 1) b
addL (S x) y = S (x + y)
addL (P a b) y = P (addL a y) b
addR (S x) y = S (x + y)
addR (P a b) y = P a (addR b y)
split :: SnailfishNum -> Maybe SnailfishNum
split (S x) = P (S x') (S (x - x')) <$ guard (x >= 10) where x' = x `div` 2
split (P a b) = (flip P b <$> split a) <|> (P a <$> split b)
add :: SnailfishNum -> SnailfishNum -> SnailfishNum
add a b = reduce $ P a b where
reduce n = maybe n reduce $ explode n <|> split n
magnitude :: SnailfishNum -> Int
magnitude (S x) = x
magnitude (P a b) = 3 * magnitude a + 2 * magnitude b
solve1 :: [SnailfishNum] -> Int
solve1 = magnitude . foldl1 add
solve2 :: [SnailfishNum] -> Int
solve2 = maximum . map (magnitude . uncurry add) . ordPairs
ordPairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
ordPairs xs = [(x, x') | (ls, x:rs) <- zip (inits xs) (tails xs), x' <- ls ++ rs]
parse :: String -> [SnailfishNum]
parse = map (fst . head . readP_to_S snailfishNum) . lines
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
type Vec3 = (Int, Int, Int)
add :: Vec3 -> Vec3 -> Vec3
add (x, y, z) (x', y', z') = (x + x', y + y', z + z')
neg :: Vec3 -> Vec3
neg (x, y, z) = (-x, -y, -z)
sub :: Vec3 -> Vec3 -> Vec3
sub v v' = v `add` neg v'
magnitude :: Vec3 -> Int
magnitude (x, y, z) = abs x + abs y + abs z
orientations :: Vec3 -> [Vec3]
orientations = concatMap setyz . setx where
setx (x, y, z) = [(x, y, z), (-x, z, y), (y, z, x), (-y, x, z), (z, x, y), (-z, y, x)]
setyz (x, y, z) = [(x, y, z), (x, -z, y), (x, -y, -z), (x, z, -y)]
reorientMany :: [Vec3] -> [[Vec3]]
reorientMany = transpose . map orientations
type Scanner = S.Set Vec3
type ScannerPos = Vec3
type Beacons = S.Set Vec3
tryMerge :: Scanner -> Scanner -> Maybe (ScannerPos, Scanner)
tryMerge s s' = listToMaybe $ do
first <- S.toList s
reoriented <- reorientMany $ S.toList s'
first' <- reoriented
let diff = first `sub` first'
shifted = S.fromList $ map (add diff) reoriented
guard $ S.size (S.intersection s shifted) >= 12
pure (neg diff, S.union s shifted)
solve :: [Scanner] -> (Beacons, [ScannerPos])
solve [] = error "no scanners"
solve (s:ss) = go s [(0, 0, 0)] ss where
go s ps [] = (s, ps)
go s ps ss = go s' ps' ss' where
(s', ps', ss') = foldl' f (s, ps, []) ss
f (s, ps, ss) s' = case tryMerge s s' of
Nothing -> (s, ps, s':ss)
Just (p, s'') -> (s'', p:ps, ss)
parse :: String -> [Scanner]
parse = map parseScanner . splitScanners where
splitScanners = map T.unpack . T.splitOn (T.pack "\n\n") . T.pack
parseScanner = S.fromList . map (read . (\p -> "(" ++ p ++ ")")) . tail . lines
pairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
pairs xs = [(x, x') | (x:xs') <- tails xs, x' <- xs']
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
let (beacons, scanners) = solve p
print $ S.size beacons
print $ maximum $ map (magnitude . uncurry sub) $ pairs scanners
import Data.Ix
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as S
type Point = (Int, Int)
data Image = Image { bounds_ :: (Point, Point), on_ :: S.Set Point, onOutside_ :: Bool }
neighborhood :: Point -> [Point]
neighborhood (x, y) = [(x + dx, y + dy) | dx <- [-1..1], dy <- [-1..1]]
expandBy1 :: (Point, Point) -> (Point, Point)
expandBy1 ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = ((x1-1, y1-1), (x2+1, y2+1))
enhance :: (Int -> Bool) -> Image -> Image
enhance setOn (Image bnds on onOutside) = Image bnds' on' onOutside' where
bnds' = expandBy1 bnds
on' = S.fromList $ filter setPosOn $ range bnds'
setPosOn = setOn . toInt . map posOn . neighborhood
posOn p = S.member p on || not (inRange bnds p) && onOutside
toInt = foldl' (\acc x -> acc * 2 + fromEnum x) 0
onOutside' = onOutside && setOn 0x1ff || not onOutside && setOn 0
countOn :: Image -> Int
countOn (Image _ _ True) = error "infinite"
countOn (Image _ on _) = S.size on
solve :: (Int -> Bool, Image) -> Int -> Int
solve (setOn, im) n = countOn $ foldl' (flip ($)) im $ replicate n $ enhance setOn
parse :: String -> (Int -> Bool, Image)
parse s = (flip S.member setOn, Image ((1, 1), (n, m)) on False) where
(h:"":s') = lines s
setOn = S.fromList [i | (i, c) <- zip [0 :: Int ..] h, c == '#']
n = length s'
m = length $ head s'
on = S.fromList [(x, y) | (x, l) <- zip [1..] s', (y, c) <- zip [1..] l, c == '#']
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve p 2
print $ solve p 50
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, TupleSections #-}
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
add :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
add (!a1, !a2) (!b1, !b2) = (a1 + b1, a2 + b2)
mul :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
mul x (!a1, !a2) = (a1 * x, a2 * x)
solve1 :: (Int, Int) -> Int
solve1 (a, b) = go (a, 0) (b, 0) 1 0 where
go (pos1, score1) (pos2, score2) dice diceCnt
| score2 >= 1000 = score1 * diceCnt
| otherwise = go (pos2, score2) (pos1', score1') dice' (diceCnt + 3)
roll = 3 * dice + 3
pos1' = (pos1 + roll - 1) `mod` 10 + 1
score1' = score1 + pos1'
dice' = (dice + 3 - 1) `mod` 100 + 1
solve2 :: (Int, Int) -> Int
solve2 (a, b) = uncurry max $ go (a, 0, (1, 0)) (b, 0, (0, 1)) where
go (pos1, score1, pt1) (pos2, score2, pt2)
| score2 >= 21 = pt2
| otherwise = foldl' add (0, 0) $ map f counts
f (roll, rollCnt) = mul rollCnt $ go (pos2, score2, pt2) (pos1', score1', pt1) where
pos1' = (pos1 + roll - 1) `mod` 10 + 1
score1' = score1 + pos1'
counts = M.assocs $ M.fromListWith (+) $ map ((,1) . sum) $ replicateM 3 [1, 2, 3]
parse :: String -> (Int, Int)
parse s = (read $ last $ words l1, read $ last $ words l2) where [l1, l2] = lines s
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
type Range = (Int, Int)
type RectN = [Range] -- n-element list for n dimensions
data Instruction = Inst { on :: Bool, bnds :: RectN }
size :: RectN -> Int
size = product . map (\(l, r) -> r - l + 1)
split :: Range -> Range -> (Maybe Range, [Range])
split (a1, a2) (b1, b2)
| c1 > c2 = (Nothing, [(b1, b2)])
| otherwise = (Just (c1, c2), [(c1, c2)] ++ [(b1, c1 - 1) | b1 < c1] ++ [(c2 + 1, b2) | c2 < b2])
c1 = max a1 b1
c2 = min a2 b2
splitN :: RectN -> RectN -> (Maybe RectN, [RectN])
splitN a b = (sequence is, sequence ps) where
(is, ps) = unzip $ zipWith split a b
cutN :: RectN -> RectN -> [RectN]
cutN a b = if isJust isect then tail pieces else [b] where
(isect, pieces) = splitN a b
solve :: [Instruction] -> [RectN]
solve = foldl' apply [] where
apply ons inst = [bnds inst | on inst] ++ concatMap (cutN $ bnds inst) ons
parse :: String -> [Instruction]
parse = map parseLine . lines where
parseLine s = Inst o [(x1, x2), (y1, y2), (z1, z2)] where
o = head (words s) == "on"
[x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2] = map read $ words $ map (\c -> if c == '-' || isDigit c then c else ' ') s
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
let boxes = solve p
chopTo50 = fst . splitN (replicate 3 (-50, 50))
print $ sum $ map size $ mapMaybe chopTo50 boxes
print $ sum $ map size boxes
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
data Amphipod = A | B | C | D deriving (Eq, Ord, Read)
data Burrow = B1 | B2 | B3 | B4 deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord)
data Space = S1 | S2 | S4 | S6 | S8 | S10 | S11 deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord)
cost :: Amphipod -> Int
cost A = 1
cost B = 10
cost C = 100
cost D = 1000
goal :: Amphipod -> Burrow
goal A = B1
goal B = B2
goal C = B3
goal D = B4
type Dist = Int
getOut :: Burrow -> ([(Space, Dist)], [(Space, Dist)])
getOut = first reverse . go where
go B1 = splitAt 2 $ zip hallway [3, 2, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9]
go B2 = splitAt 3 $ zip hallway [5, 4, 2, 2, 4, 6, 7]
go B3 = splitAt 4 $ zip hallway [7, 6, 4, 2, 2, 4, 5]
go B4 = splitAt 5 $ zip hallway [9, 8, 6, 4, 2, 2, 3]
hallway = [S1 .. S11]
getOutOk :: [Space] -> Burrow -> [(Space, Dist)]
getOutOk occ b = p l ++ p r where
(l, r) = getOut b
p = takeWhile ((`notElem` occ) . fst)
data State = State
{ burrows_ :: M.Map Burrow [Amphipod]
, spaces_ :: M.Map Space Amphipod
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
next :: State -> [(Int, State)]
next (State burrows spaces) = burrowToSpace ++ spaceToBurrow where
total = (length spaces + sum (fmap length burrows)) `div` 4
occ = M.keys spaces
burrowToSpace = do
(b, as@(a:as')) <- M.assocs burrows
(s, d) <- getOutOk occ b
let d' = d + total - length as
st' = State (M.insert b as' burrows) (M.insert s a spaces)
pure (cost a * d', st')
spaceToBurrow = do
(s, a) <- M.assocs spaces
let b = goal a
as = burrows M.! b
guard $ all (==a) as
(s', d) <- getOutOk (delete s occ) b
guard $ s == s'
let d' = d + total - length as - 1
st' = State (M.insert b (a:as) burrows) (M.delete s spaces)
pure (cost a * d', st')
shortestPath :: (Ord v) => v -> (v -> [(Int, v)]) -> v -> Int
shortestPath src nxt dst = dijkstra (M.singleton src 0, S.singleton (0, src)) where
dijkstra (dist, pq) = case S.minView pq of
Nothing -> error "dst not found"
Just ((d, u), _) | u == dst -> d
Just ((d, u), pq') -> dijkstra $ foldl' upd (dist, pq') $ nxt u where
upd dp@(dist, pq) (w, v) = case dist M.!? v of
Nothing -> (dist', pq')
Just dv | dv' < dv -> (dist', S.delete (dv, v) pq')
_ -> dp
dv' = d + w
dist' = M.insert v dv' dist
pq' = S.insert (dv', v) pq
solve1 :: M.Map Burrow [Amphipod] -> Int
solve1 b = shortestPath st next st' where
st = State b M.empty
st' = State (M.fromList $ map gen [A, B, C, D]) M.empty where gen a = (goal a, [a, a])
solve2 :: M.Map Burrow [Amphipod] -> Int
solve2 b = shortestPath st next st' where
b' = M.fromList
[ (b, [a0,a1,a2,a3])
| ((b, [a0,a3]), [a1,a2]) <- zip (M.assocs b) [[D,D], [C,B], [B,A], [A,C]]
st = State b' M.empty
st' = State (M.fromList $ map gen [A, B, C, D]) M.empty where gen a = (goal a, [a, a, a, a])
parse :: String -> M.Map Burrow [Amphipod]
parse s = M.fromList $ zip [B1 .. B4] $ zipWith (\a b -> [a, b]) row1 row2 where
(row1, row2) = splitAt 4 $ map (read . (:[])) (filter isAlpha s)
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve1 p
print $ solve2 p
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
data ALUState = ALUState
{ aw :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, ax :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, ay :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, az :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Step = Int -> ALUState -> ALUState
variables :: String
variables = "wxyz"
readA :: Char -> ALUState -> Int
readA 'w' = aw
readA 'x' = ax
readA 'y' = ay
readA 'z' = az
readA _ = error "bad variable"
writeA :: Int -> Char -> ALUState -> ALUState
writeA v 'w' alu = alu { aw = v }
writeA v 'x' alu = alu { ax = v }
writeA v 'y' alu = alu { ay = v }
writeA v 'z' alu = alu { az = v }
writeA _ _ _ = error "bad variable"
modifyA :: (Int -> Int) -> Char -> ALUState -> ALUState
modifyA f c alu = writeA (f (readA c alu)) c alu
solve :: [Step] -> (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Int
solve steps choose = go steps $ M.singleton start 0 where
start = ALUState 0 0 0 0
go [] _ = error "no steps"
go [s] m = foldl1' choose $ do
(st, r) <- M.assocs m
n <- [1..9]
let st' = s n st
r' = r * 10 + n
guard $ az st' == 0
pure r'
go (s:ss) m = go ss $ M.fromListWith choose $ do
(st, r) <- M.assocs m
n <- [1..9]
let st' = s n st
r' = r * 10 + n
-- hack assuming a large value will not reach 0, speeds things up
-- guard $ az st' < 1000000
pure (st', r')
parse :: String -> [Step]
parse = go . lines where
go [] = []
go (l:ls) = (\v alu -> foldl' (flip ($)) (inp v alu) ops) : go ls'' where
(ls', ls'') = break ("inp" `isPrefixOf`) ls
inp = parseInp l
ops = map parseOp ls'
parseInp s = case words s of
["inp", a:_] -> \v -> writeA v a
_ -> error "not inp"
parseOp s = case words s of
[op, a:_, b@(b':_)] -> case op of
"add" -> makeOp (+)
"mul" -> makeOp (*)
"div" -> makeOp div
"mod" -> makeOp mod
"eql" -> makeOp $ \p q -> fromEnum $ p == q
_ -> error "not op"
bv = read b
makeOp f | b' `elem` variables = \m -> modifyA (`f` readA b' m) a m
| otherwise = modifyA (`f` bv) a
_ -> error "not op"
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve p max
print $ solve p min
import qualified Data.Map as M
type Point = (Int, Int)
data Cucumber = DownC | RightC deriving Eq
data Grid = Grid Point (M.Map Point Cucumber)
down, right :: Point -> Point -> Point
down (n, _) (x, y) = ((x + 1) `mod` n, y)
right (_, m) (x, y) = (x, (y + 1) `mod` m)
solve :: Grid -> Int
solve (Grid nm g) = 1 + length (takeWhile id $ zipWith (/=) gs (tail gs)) where
gs = iterate (step DownC down . step RightC right) g
step ctyp nxt g = M.fromList $ do
(xy, c) <- M.assocs g
let xy' = nxt nm xy
pure $ if c == ctyp && xy' `M.notMember` g
then (xy', c)
else (xy, c)
parse :: String -> Grid
parse s = Grid (n, m) g where
ls = lines s
n = length ls
m = length $ head ls
g = M.fromList
[ ((x, y), c')
| (x, l) <- zip [0..] ls
, (y, c) <- zip [0..] l
, c /= '.'
, let c' = case c of
'>' -> RightC
'v' -> DownC
_ -> error "bad cucumber"
main :: IO ()
main = do
p <- parse <$> getContents
print $ solve p
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