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Created August 4, 2014 05:19
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Convert DMG to ISO format (using expect and mkisofs)
#export IFS=$'\n'
which -s mkisofs || {
echo can\'t not find mkisofs >&2
exit 1
path="$(dirname "$1")"
name="$(basename "$1")"
cd "$path"
while ! mkdir "${folder}_$((++i))";do
expect <<_EOF_
spawn hdiutil attach -mountpoint "${folder}_$i" -noverify -noidme -noautoopen "$name"
sleep 1
expect "access*:"
send "\r"
set timeout 2
expect eof
sleep 1
mkisofs -R -o "$folder".iso -A "$folder" -find "${folder}_$i" ! \( -maxdepth 1 \( -ipath "${folder}_$i/.*" -o -ipath "${folder}_$i/*.webloc" -o -type l \) \) -a \( -maxdepth 10000 -a ! -iname '*@2x*.png' -a \( ! -ipath '*.lproj/*' -o -ipath '*/english.lproj/*' -o -ipath '*/zh[-_]cn.lproj/*' -o -ipath '*/zh[-_]hans.lproj/*' -o -ipath '*/chinese.lproj/*' -o -ipath '*/en.lproj/*' \) \) || {
hdiutil detach "${folder}_$i" && rm -rf "${folder}_$i"
exit 1
sleep 1
read -n 1 -p "Remove the source file? [Y/n]:" ans
echo ""
hdiutil detach "${folder}_$i" && rm -rf "${folder}_$i"
if [[ $ans == "" ]] || [[ $ans =~ [^Nn] ]] ;then
rm "$1"
exit 0
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