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Created November 24, 2021 17:46
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#' Add arbitrary data to record from an infolist column
#' Normal behaviour of RMassBank is that only specific columns from infolist.csv
#' are added to records. Any extra data is discarded.
#' This function provides a possibility to add or overwrite data in a record
#' in a per-compound manner (as opposed to a global value specified in the
#' RMassBank settings). For example, the user may overwrite the retention time
#' or add a CCS value.
#' Note that tags are not reordered and new tags are added after all existing tags.
#' Therefore, only use this for pre-existing tags or optional tags (that don't have
#' a prespecified order).
#' @param mb `mbWorkspace` after step 4 of mbWorkflow (i.e. after record compilation)
#' @param infolist a CSV infolist with extra columns. These need to be named
#' according to the target tag. I.e. for a tag `AC$CHROMATOGRAPHY: RETENTION_TIME`,
#' the column must be called `AC$CHROMATOGRAPHY.RETENTION_TIME` (it can be obtained
#' with `make.names("AC$CHROMATOGRAPHY: RETENTION_TIME")`.
#' @param column The column to be inserted. Note that an infolist may have multiple
#' extra columns. Each one needs to be added separately.
#' @return
#' The modified `mbWorkspace`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mb <- newMbWorkspace(w)
#' mb <- resetInfolists(mb)
#' mb <- loadInfolists(mb, "../infolists") #FOLDER
#' mb <- mbWorkflow(mb, steps = c(1:4))
#' # Currently only inserting from single infolists is supported (not from an entire
#' # folder of infolists)
#' mb <- insertExtraData(mb, "Infolist_PNEG_20eV_modified.csv", "AC$CHROMATOGRAPHY.RETENTION_TIME")
#' mb <- insertExtraData(mb, "Infolist_PNEG_20eV_modified.csv", "AC$CHROMATOGRAPHY.CCS")
#' mb <- mbWorkflow(mb, steps = c(5:8))
#' }
insertExtraData <- function(mb, infolist, column) {
infolist_ <- read.csv(infolist)
mb@compiled_ok <- mb@compiled_ok %>%
map(function(cpd) {
infolist_row <- infolist_ %>%
filter(id == as.numeric(cpd@id)) %>%
cpd@children <- cpd@children %>%
as.list() %>%
map(function(sp) {
target <- str_split(column, fixed("."))
source <- str_replace_all(column, fixed("$"), ".")
# Note: We don't take care of reordering here,
# so use at your own peril
if(length(target) == 2) {
sp@info[[target[[1]]]][[target[[2]]]] <-
} else if(length(target) == 1) {
sp@info[[target[[1]]]] <-
}) %>%
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