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Last active May 26, 2024 17:49
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Lip Gloss Box with Label
package main
import (
type BoxWithLabel struct {
BoxStyle lipgloss.Style
LabelStyle lipgloss.Style
func NewDefaultBoxWithLabel() BoxWithLabel {
return BoxWithLabel{
BoxStyle: lipgloss.NewStyle().
// You could, of course, also set background and foreground colors here
// as well.
LabelStyle: lipgloss.NewStyle().
func (b BoxWithLabel) Render(label, content string, width int) string {
var (
// Query the box style for some of its border properties so we can
// essentially take the top border apart and put it around the label.
border lipgloss.Border = b.BoxStyle.GetBorderStyle()
topBorderStyler func(string) string = lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(b.BoxStyle.GetBorderTopForeground()).Render
topLeft string = topBorderStyler(border.TopLeft)
topRight string = topBorderStyler(border.TopRight)
renderedLabel string = b.LabelStyle.Render(label)
// Render top row with the label
borderWidth := b.BoxStyle.GetHorizontalBorderSize()
cellsShort := max(0, width+borderWidth-lipgloss.Width(topLeft+topRight+renderedLabel))
gap := strings.Repeat(border.Top, cellsShort)
top := topLeft + renderedLabel + topBorderStyler(gap) + topRight
// Render the rest of the box
bottom := b.BoxStyle.Copy().
// Stack the pieces
return top + "\n" + bottom
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
func main() {
const body = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam imperdiet ultrices felis, et condimentum odio fringilla et. Etiam porttitor volutpat diam non gravida. Donec et condimentum nulla. Sed consectetur viverra fermentum. Pellentesque eget metus ut felis faucibus consectetur nec ac mi."
b := NewDefaultBoxWithLabel()
fmt.Println(b.Render("Title", body, 40))
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eugener commented Feb 15, 2024

Another change is to preserve box style background within the Render method.

topBorderStyler = lipgloss.NewStyle().

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