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Christian Rocha meowgorithm

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kirkegaard / setinterval.js
Created March 29, 2011 07:42
Neat way to force setInterval into running the function at start and every two seconds after that
var interv = setInterval((function() {
console.log('DING DING DING');
return arguments.callee;
})(), 2000);
emre /
Created May 27, 2011 14:49
mongodb, flask, better than jsonify
class MongoEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def _iterencode(self, o, markers=None):
if isinstance(o, ObjectId):
return str(o)
return json.JSONEncoder._iterencode(self, o, markers)
def smart_json_response(data):
data = json.dumps(data, cls = MongoEncoder, indent=4)
return current_app.response_class(data, mimetype='application/json')
lrvick /
Created September 1, 2011 07:17
Simple Websocket echo client/server with Flask and gevent / gevent-websocket
from geventwebsocket.handler import WebSocketHandler
from gevent.pywsgi import WSGIServer
from flask import Flask, request, render_template
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
paulirish / rAF.js
Last active July 19, 2024 19:50
requestAnimationFrame polyfill
// requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik Möller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel
// MIT license
(function() {
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
sjl /
Created January 17, 2012 18:09
Patched Menlo for Powerline. This one includes the bold, italic, etc variants.
<!-- For iPhone 4 with high-resolution Retina display: -->
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="114x114" href="apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png">
<!-- For first-generation iPad: -->
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" sizes="72x72" href="apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png">
<!-- For non-Retina iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android 2.1+ devices: -->
<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed" href="apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png">
gingerlime /
Created April 24, 2012 19:32
Postgresql - Changing ownership on all tables
cat << EOF
usage: $0 options
This script set ownership for all table, sequence and views for a given database
Credit: Based on by Alex Soto
jweir / redis-eventsource.go
Last active April 19, 2021 03:08
Example of using Redis PubSub and EventSource with golang
package main
import (
eventsource ""
redis ""
func haltOnErr(err error){
nickwaelkens /
Last active December 16, 2015 12:58
ROT13 in CoffeeScript
# "stop, hammertime".rot13() // returns "fgbc, unzzregvzr"
# "fgbc, unzzregvzr".rot13() // returns "stop, hammertime"
String::rot13 = ->
this.replace /[a-zA-Z]/g, (c) ->
String.fromCharCode (if ((if c <= "Z" then 90 else 122)) >= (c = c.charCodeAt(0) + 13) then c else c - 26)
markselby / node-express-redis-cache.js
Created October 28, 2013 02:19
Add Redis request caching to Node.js with Express.js.
var zlib = require('zlib');
var redis = require('redis');
var redisClient = redis.createClient();
var crypto = require('crypto');
// Our custom caching write function
function cached(body, lifetime, type) {
var key = this.req.originalUrl;
var res = this;
var etag, len;