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Created December 2, 2019 15:00
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  • Save meowsbits/552374d2cc89de29902e5d34fbbff5e9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save meowsbits/552374d2cc89de29902e5d34fbbff5e9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
help() {
if [[ ! -z "$1" ]]
echo "Error: $1"
trap 'exit 1' RETURN
cat <<EOF
Queries the Github APIv3 to collect all issues and their comments from a repository.
The token you use must have read access to the repository.
Data will be referenced and stored as such:
${ISSUES_DIR}/.response.json <- temporary
${ISSUES_DIR}/.response-header <- temporary
The '${ISSUES_DIR}/.state' file will contain an ISO8601 datetime, which the script will use
as the 'since' parameter for it's queries, to avoid a lot of redundancy and API use.
When the script is finished, it will update this value with the datetime at which
the script began to run.
- jj , , Must be in PATH
- Environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN must be set in order to access the Github API.
Basic use:
$0 :owner/:repo
Advanced use:
Force re-download.
rm ./${ISSUES_DIR}/.state
Download all issues+issuecomments since ____.
vim ./${ISSUES_DIR}/.state/
[[ -z "$owner_repo" ]] && help "Invalid argument(s)"
[[ $# -gt 1 ]] && help "Invalid argument(s)"
[[ -z "$GITHUB_TOKEN" ]] && help "GITHUB_TOKEN not set"
command -v jj || { help "Dependency unmet"; }
mkdir -p ${ISSUES_DIR}
[[ -f ${ISSUES_DIR}/.state && $(wc -l <${ISSUES_DIR}/.state) -gt 0 ]] || date --date="2009-01-02 03:04:05" +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" >${ISSUES_DIR}/.state
# Because we'll want to use a datetime for state that doesn't leave much
# abyss time;
# say this script took 12 minues to run (which it doesn't, but bear with me),
# then if someone posted a comment during those 12 minutes and we were to
# stamp the state with the time of the script's completion -- and not it's start --
# then unbeknownst the us, that comment would be permanently foresaken to an
# abysmal pergatory of unremembrance.
start="$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")"
# It's possible these could be refactored to be DRYer.
# But there's something to be said for saying something.
process_issues() {
local _n=0
local _max; _max=$(jj -i ${ISSUES_DIR}/.response.json '#')
while [[ $_n -lt $_max ]]; do
echo "Processing issue index $_n"
_j_cmd=/"$(which jj) -i ${ISSUES_DIR}/.response.json -n $_n"
[[ ! -z $($_j_cmd) ]] || break
[[ ! -z $($_j_cmd.pull_request) ]] && _n=$((_n + 1)) && continue
_issue_number="$(printf '%05d' $($_j_cmd.number))"
$_j_cmd >"${ISSUES_DIR}/${_issue_number}.json"
_n=$((_n + 1))
get_issues() {
# Squirrel girl alert: Developer preview for reactions summary
curl >${ISSUES_DIR}/.response.json 2>&1 \
--silent --show-error \
-H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.squirrel-girl-preview" \
-D "${ISSUES_DIR}/.response-header" \
''"${owner_repo}"'/issues?state=all&page='$1'&per_page=100&sort=updated&since='"$(head -n1 <${ISSUES_DIR}/.state)"
echo "Finished issues request"
grep -v "200" ${ISSUES_DIR}/.response.json && process_issues
process_issuecomments() {
local _n=0
local _max; _max=$(jj -i ./${ISSUES_DIR}/.response.json '#')
while [[ $_n -lt $_max ]]; do
echo "Processing issuecomment index $_n"
_j_cmd=/"$(which jj) -i ${ISSUES_DIR}/.response.json -n $_n"
[[ ! -z $($_j_cmd) ]] || break
_issue_number="$(printf '%05d' $(basename $($_j_cmd.issue_url)))" # HACK
# We need a way to tell Issue Comments vs. PR Comments
# This assumes that Issues have been downloaded before their respective comments.
[[ ! -f "${ISSUES_DIR}/${_issue_number}.json" ]] && _n=$((_n + 1)) && continue
$_j_cmd >"${ISSUES_DIR}/${_issue_number}_${_issuecomment_number}.json"
_n=$((_n + 1))
get_issuecomments() {
# Squirrel girl alert: Developer preview for reactions summary
curl >${ISSUES_DIR}/.response.json 2>&1 \
--silent --show-error \
-H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github.squirrel-girl-preview" \
-D "${ISSUES_DIR}/.response-header" \
''"${owner_repo}"'/issues/comments?state=all&page='$1'&per_page=100&sort=updated&since='"$(head -n1 <${ISSUES_DIR}/.state)"
echo "Finished issuecomments request"
grep -v "200" ${ISSUES_DIR}/.response.json && process_issuecomments
onexit() {
rm ${ISSUES_DIR}/.response{.json,-header}
echo "${start}" >${ISSUES_DIR}/.state
trap onexit EXIT
touch ${ISSUES_DIR}/.response-header
while grep -q 'next' ${ISSUES_DIR}/.response-header || [[ $page == 1 ]]; do
get_issues ${page}
page=$((page + 1))
while grep -q 'next' ${ISSUES_DIR}/.response-header || [[ $page == 1 ]]; do
get_issuecomments ${page}
page=$((page + 1))
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