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Daniel Mingers mer0mingian

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jsoma /
Last active May 14, 2024 22:19
How to use pandoc and Markdown to build a simple reveal.js presentation (and a bit about how to customize it, too)


First you need to install pandoc.

I used brew install pandoc to install via Homebrew since I'm on a mac.

Writing your presentation

Make a for your slides (or name it whatever you want!). I put images in an /images/ folder. You can see how links and images and all of that work from this sample:

patik / styles.css
Last active April 20, 2024 06:59 — forked from joshbode/
Numbered Headings in Markdown via CSS
body { counter-reset: h1counter h2counter h3counter h4counter h5counter h6counter; }
h1 { counter-reset: h2counter; }
h2 { counter-reset: h3counter; }
h3 { counter-reset: h4counter; }
h4 { counter-reset: h5counter; }
h5 { counter-reset: h6counter; }
h6 {}
h2:before {
mengwong / numberHeaders
Last active December 31, 2023 15:52
number headers in Google Docs
// PROBLEM: in Google Documents, sometimes you want numbered headings, but the UI makes you a new list each time.
// INSIGHT: it's possible, but you have to script it.
// SOLUTION: this script adds OL+LI to Hs, all using the same listID
// DOWNLOAD: get the latest version of this gist from
// INSTALL: Go to Tools / Editor. Paste this in. Hit save. You can run it by pressing the "play" button, or from the Add-Ons menu.
// REQUIRED: Define all your headings as actual headings and not just big bold Normal. Come on, people, learn to use paragraph styles already.
// OPTIONAL: Manually make the first H1 in the document a numbered list. We'll use that as a reference heading for all the others.
// OPTIONAL: Manually set the list style to "Decimal Outline" (the style that has 1.1.2 type numbering) ... I like this best.