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Created September 1, 2021 02:22
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Python log file tailer with slack alerting capabilities.
import sys
import time
from datetime import date, timedelta
from datetime import datetime
import os
import re
import urllib.request
import requests
import json
import logging
import configparser # py3
except ImportError:
import ConfigParser as configparser # py2
####### Begin Config ########
# scripts/
current_script_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
# Get base directory up one directory from scripts
base_directory = os.path.dirname(current_script_path)
logname = 'TailSlackLog'
output_log_path = os.path.join(base_directory, "logs", logname)
format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
level=logging.DEBUG)"Running TailSlackLog!")
logger = logging.getLogger('tailslack')
####### End Config ########
def read_configs(config_paths, config_dict):
"""Read a config file from filesystem
:param config_paths: A list of config file paths.
:type config_paths: list
:param config_dict: A Config dictionary profile.
:type config_dict: dict
:return: Config profile dictionary
:rtype: dict
# We return all these values
config = config_dict
profile = config['profile']
# grab values from config files
cp = configparser.ConfigParser()
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("%s: configuration file error" % profile)
if len(cp.sections()) > 0:
# we have a configuration file - lets use it
# grab the section - as we will use it for all values
section = cp[profile]
except Exception as e:
# however section name is missing - this is an error
raise Exception("%s: configuration section missing" % profile)
for option in list(config.keys()):
if option not in config or config[option] is None:
config[option] = re.sub(r"\s+", '', section.get(option))
if config[option] == '':
except (configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError):
except Exception as e:
# remove blank entries
for x in sorted(config.keys()):
if config[x] is None or config[x] == '':
return config
slack_config_paths = ['.slack.cfg', os.path.expanduser('~/.slack.cfg'), os.path.expanduser('~/.slack/slack.cfg')]
slack_config_dict = {'slack_token': os.getenv('SLACK_TOKEN'),
'slack_channel': os.getenv('SLACK_CHANNEL'),
'slack_icon_emoji': os.getenv('SLACK_ICON_EMOJI'),
'slack_user_name': os.getenv('SLACK_USER_NAME'),
'slack_webhook_url': os.getenv('SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL'),
'profile': 'SLACK'}
To setup config securely:
nano ~/.slack.cfg
# Then enter the desired below with your details
slack_token =
slack_channel = devalerts
slack_icon_emoji =
slack_user_name =
slack_webhook_url =
# Read config file if it exists and override the above
slack_profile = read_configs(slack_config_paths, slack_config_dict)
slack_token = None
slack_channel = None
slack_icon_emoji = None
slack_user_name = None
slack_webhook_url = None
if 'slack_token' in slack_profile:
slack_token = slack_profile['slack_token']
if 'slack_channel' in slack_profile:
slack_channel = slack_profile['slack_channel']
if 'slack_icon_emoji' in slack_profile:
slack_icon_emoji = slack_profile['slack_icon_emoji']
if 'slack_user_name' in slack_profile:
slack_user_name = slack_profile['slack_user_name']
if 'slack_webhook_url' in slack_profile:
slack_webhook_url = slack_profile['slack_webhook_url']
script_start_time =
def red(text):
print('\033[31m', text, '\033[0m', sep='')
# Some slackbot post functions
def post_message_to_slack_channel(text, channel=None, blocks=None):
if channel is None:
channel = slack_channel
return'', {
'token': slack_token,
'channel': channel,
'text': text,
'icon_emoji': slack_icon_emoji,
'username': slack_user_name,
'blocks': json.dumps(blocks) if blocks else None
def post_file_to_slack_channel(text, file_name, file_bytes, channel=None, file_type=None, title=None):
if channel is None:
channel = slack_channel
'token': slack_token,
'filename': file_name,
'channels': channel,
'filetype': file_type,
'initial_comment': text,
'title': title
files={'file': file_bytes}).json()
def post_file_to_slack_webhook(text, file_name, file_bytes, webhook_url=None, file_type=None, title=None):
if webhook_url is None:
webhook_url = slack_webhook_url
'filename': file_name,
'filetype': file_type,
'initial_comment': text,
'title': title
files={'file': file_bytes}).json()
def post_message_to_slack_webhook(message, webhook_url=None):
if webhook_url is None:
webhook_url = slack_webhook_url
slack_data = json.dumps({'text': message})
response =
webhook_url, data=slack_data,
headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(
'Request to slack returned an error %s, the response is:\n%s'
% (response.status_code, response.text)
def post_message_to_slack(message, endpoint=None, blocks=None):
# Wrapper so posting to slack can be done based on populated globals whether using slack webhook or channel with token
if slack_webhook_url is None:
post_message_to_slack_channel(message, endpoint, blocks)
if slack_channel is None and slack_token is None:
post_message_to_slack_webhook(message, endpoint)
def post_file_to_slack(text, file_name, file_bytes, endpoint=None, file_type=None, title=None):
# Wrapper so posting to slack can be done based on populated globals whether using slack webhook or channel with token
if slack_webhook_url is None:
post_file_to_slack_channel(text, file_name, file_bytes, endpoint, file_type, title)
if slack_channel is None and slack_token is None:
# (text, file_name, file_bytes, webhook_url=None, file_type=None, title=None)
post_file_to_slack_webhook(text, file_name, file_bytes, endpoint, file_type, title)
# post_message_to_slack_webhook('Testing devalerts slack from python. Ignore me')
def get_remote_file_data(file):
response = urllib.request.urlopen(file)
data =
filename =
data_meta = {'data': data, 'filename': filename}
return data_meta
def tail_file(file):
"""generator function that yields new lines in a file
:param file:File Path as a string
:type file: str
:rtype: object
seek_end = True
while True: # handle moved/truncated files by allowing to reopen
with open(file) as f:
if seek_end: # reopened files must not seek end, 2)
while True: # line reading loop
line = f.readline()
if not line:
if f.tell() > os.path.getsize(file):
# rotation occurred (copytruncate/create)
seek_end = False
except FileNotFoundError:
# rotation occurred but new file still not created
pass # wait 1 second and retry
yield line
ignored_entries = [
'InvalidArgumentException: Query string must not include a URI fragment in',
'StripeErrorCard', # StripeErrorCard: Your card was declined. | Your card does not support this type of purchase. | An error occurred while processing your card
'StripeErrorInvalidRequest', # You cannot cancel this PaymentIntent because it has a status of succeeded. Only a PaymentIntent with one of the following statuses may be canceled:
alert_words = ['fatal', 'error', 'ERROR']
big_text = """add big text here to test
# post_file_to_slack('big_log_entry', 'unnamed.txt', str(big_text).encode(), None, 'text')
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
red('Please provide the full path to the error log to tail.')
error_logfile = sys.argv[1]
loglines = tail_file(error_logfile)
# iterate over the generator
for line in loglines:
if any(x in line for x in alert_words):
if not any(x in line for x in ignored_entries):
# print ("Found a match")
if len(line) >= 4000:
line = '```' + line + '```'
# We can use post file once were using tokens vs webhooks.
# post_file_to_slack('big_log_entry', 'unnamed.txt', str(line).encode(), None, 'text')
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