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Last active September 18, 2021 11:10
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jQuery(function () {
var larails = {
// Define the name of the hidden input field for method submission
methodInputName: '_method',
// Define the name of the hidden input field for token submission
tokenInputName: '_token',
// Define the name of the meta tag from where we can get the csrf-token
metaNameToken: 'csrf-token',
initialize: function()
$('a[data-method]').on('click', this.handleMethod);
handleMethod: function(e)
var link = $(this),
httpMethod ='method').toUpperCase(),
confirmMessage ='confirm'),
// Exit out if there is no data-methods of PUT, PATCH or DELETE.
if ($.inArray(httpMethod, ['PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']) === -1)
// Allow user to optionally provide data-confirm="Are you sure?"
if (confirmMessage)
if( confirm(confirmMessage) ) {
form = larails.createForm(link);
} else {
form = larails.createForm(link);
createForm: function(link)
var form = $('<form>',
'method': 'POST',
'action': link.prop('href')
var token = $('<input>',
'type': 'hidden',
'name': larails.tokenInputName,
'value': $('meta[name=' + larails.metaNameToken + ']').prop('content')
var method = $('<input>',
'type': 'hidden',
'name': larails.methodInputName,
return form.append(token, method).appendTo('body');
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mikel49 commented Apr 17, 2020

très cool. Thanks Honoré.

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merci honore , jaime enormement tes lecon depuis que j'ai debute dans le code ... et desole pour les accent mon ami....c'est les ushibishi qui me derange

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Abdazz commented Aug 20, 2020

Hello !
I uses this script but I'm getting a 419 error (
419 Page Expired ) ! Someone can help me ?

<a data-method="DELETE" data-confirm="Etes-vous sùr ?" class="btn btn-danger" role="button" href="{{ route('events.destroy', $event->id) }}">Supprimer</a>

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