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Last active December 1, 2021 08:49
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How to properly pass Warp errors
// As stated by author, you shouldn't use rejection as "return value" for
// error, since rejection mostly means "This filter is not capable of handling
// this request". So other filters should be tried.
// So whatever you return (Ok or Error), it should be a response value. Implementing
// that was not obvious, however Warp `3.2` added an approach to solve that.
// Operation `map` was added to cast whatever's on the chain into response, and we
// can use it to convert our custom error into Reply, not Rejection, to make warp
// work properly
// Custom error
pub enum MyError {
// Make this error castable to reply
impl Reply for Error {
fn into_response(self) -> reply::Response {
let (code, message) = map_error(&self);
return warp::reply::with_status(message, code).into_response()
// Build a way to map it to proper status codes
fn map_error(err: &Error) -> (StatusCode, &'static str) {
match err {
Error::MyClientError(_) => (StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, "User not found"),
_ => {
eprintln!("unhandled application error: {:?}", err);
(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Internal Server Error")
// This function works only if both T & E implement Reply, so it generates Response
// object from that. We will pass our
fn to_reply<T: Reply, E: Reply>(res: Result<T, E>) -> impl Reply {
match res {
Ok(r) => r.into_response(),
Err(e) => e.into_response(),
// For handler we return whatever type we want
pub async fn ok_handler() -> Result<impl Reply, MyError> {
Ok("It's all fine")
pub async fn err_handler() -> Result<impl Reply, MyError> {
Err(MyError::MyClientError("You have a problem here"))
pub fn router(
db_pool: &DBPool,
) -> impl warp::Filter<Extract = impl warp::Reply, Error = warp::Rejection> + Clone {
let ok_router = warp::path!("ok")
.then(ok_handler) // So, then can have ANY return type
.map(to_reply); // `map` transforms it to `impl Reply`, and `warp` accepts it.
let err_router = warp::path!("err")
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