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Last active February 21, 2017 21:28
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  • Save mereformalities/25e3130aadaa152929c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mereformalities/25e3130aadaa152929c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example Bash Profile
# alias e=mate
# VISUAL="mate -w"
# export VISUAL
# export EDITOR='subl --new-window --wait'
# export VISUAL='subl --new-window --wait'
# alias e='subl --new-window'
# export EDITOR='vim'
# export VISUAL='vim'
# alias e='vim'
# Set path
export PATH=$mac:$git:$mamp:$mysql:$postgres:$andtools:$andptools:$PATH
export MANPATH=/usr/local/man:$MANPATH
export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
export DISPLAY=:0.0
# Git branch prompt
function parse_git_branch {
git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1) /'
export PS1="\[\e[32m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\e[36m\]\w> \[\e[m\]"
# Simple prompt
# export PS1="\w> "
# History security features
export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace:ignoredups
# Tune Ruby GC (
# Ruby 1.9.3+
export RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT=49000000
export RUBY_HEAP_MIN_SLOTS=500000
export RUBY_FREE_MIN=100000
# Ruby 2.1.0+
export JAVA_6_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.6)
export JAVA_7_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.7)
export JAVA_8_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v1.8)
# Switch Java environments
alias java6="export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_6_HOME"
alias java7="export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_7_HOME"
alias java8="export JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_8_HOME"
# Fix psql
alias psql="$postgres/psql"
# Navigation
alias cb="cd $OLDPWD"
alias back=cb
alias ..="cd .."
alias home="cd ~"
alias dev="cd ~/dev"
alias desktop="cd ~/Desktop"
# Development
alias stopkiq="ps -ef | grep 'sidekiq' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9"
alias start_mysql="/Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM start"
alias rvmtest="type rvm | head -n 1"
alias migratedown="rake db:migrate VERSION=0"
alias migrate="rake db:migrate"
alias hist="history 44"
alias h=hist
alias path="echo $PATH"
alias lsd="/bin/ls -d */"
alias la="/bin/ls -l"
alias lsa="ls -la"
alias ls="ls -aF"
alias ll="ls -l"
alias mv="mv -i"
alias cp="cp -p"
alias psv="ps ux"
alias psfind="ps -axw | grep "
alias mkdir="mkdir -p -v"
alias stop="sudo kill -3"
alias forcequit="sudo kill -9"
alias ff="find . -type f -name "
alias env="printenv|sort"
alias chmod="chmod -vv"
alias chmodx="chmod 755"
alias makeexe="chmod u+x"
alias ping="ping -nc 10 "
alias mount_ro="mount -o ro,remount"
alias mount_rw="mount -o rw,remount"
alias tarit="tar -cvf"
alias untar="tar -xvf"
alias download="curl -O"
alias disk="du -s -k -c * | sort -rn" # output in kb
alias topcpu="top -o cpu"
alias topmem="top -o vsize"
alias unlock="sudo chflags nouchg"
alias relock="sudo chflags uchg"
alias flushdns="dscacheutil -flushcache"
# Config
alias rebash="source ~/.bash_profile"
alias edprof="e ~/.bash_profile"
alias edhosts="e ~/private/etc/hosts"
# Rails
alias debug="tail -f -44 log/development.log"
alias repow="touch tmp/restart.txt"
alias restart="repow"
alias rc="bundle exec rails c"
# Node
alias npmg="npm -g"
alias npml="npm -g list"
alias nvmls="nvm ls"
alias nvm-global="npm list -g --depth=0"
# Sublime
# alias subl="/Applications/Sublime\"
# Versioning
alias resetdiff="sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/"
alias gitmm="git merge origin/master --no-commit"
alias uncommit="git reset --soft HEAD~1"
alias rmcommit="git reset --hard HEAD~1"
alias gs="git status"
alias ga="git add"
alias gau="git add -u"
alias gap="git add -p"
alias gmv="git mv"
alias grm="git rm"
alias gb="git branch"
alias gco="git checkout"
alias gcom="git checkout master"
alias gnew="git checkout -b"
alias theirs="git checkout --theirs"
alias mine="git checkout --mine"
alias gpick="git cherry-pick"
alias grevert="git checkout -p"
alias gdiff="git diff HEAD~1"
alias ghist="git log -n 5"
alias glog="git log"
alias gcm="git commit -m"
alias gcam="git commit -a -m"
alias svndr="svn merge --dry-run -r BASE:HEAD ."
alias svnignore="svn propedit svn:ignore"
# Xcode
alias signing="security find-identity -v -p codesigning"
alias resetdiff="sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/"
alias crashes="open ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/"
# Android
alias aapt="$andsdk/build-tools/$buildtools/aapt"
alias badging="$aapt dump badging"
# alias applog="adb -d logcat com.mybiz.appname:D *:S"
alias droidlog="adb logcat *:E"
alias devices="adb devices"
# Copy gist file to a local file
function gist_copy {
if [ "$gist" != "" ]; then
curl -L$gist/download
if [ "$path" != "" ]; then
cp download $path
# Find in history
function histfind {
# arg_1 = search term
history | grep -i "$1"
function ruby-version {
local version=$(echo $MY_RUBY_HOME | awk -F'-' '{print $2}')
local build=$(echo $MY_RUBY_HOME | awk -F'-' '{print $3}')
[ "$version" != "" ] && [ "$build" != "" ] && version="$version-$build"
[ "$version" != "" ] && version="ruby-$version"
echo "$version"
function ruby-gemset {
local gemset=$(echo $GEM_HOME | awk -F'@' '{print $2}')
echo "$gemset"
# Ruby version and gemset
function rubyenv {
local version=`ruby-version`
local gemset=`ruby-gemset`
[ "$gemset" != "" ] && gemset="@$gemset"
local full="$version$gemset"
[ "$full" != "" ] && echo "$full "
# Init a cocoapods project
function podinit {
# First rubyinit
rvm --create --ruby-version use $version
# Ensure cocoapods is installed
sudo gem install cocoapods
# Check where it ended up
which pod
# Add a Podfile
if [ ! -f "Podfile" ]; then
# echo -e 'source ""' > Podfile
pod init
echo "Edit Podfile, then `pod install`"
# Open a new tab on Terminal with the current working dir
function newtab {
osascript -e "
tell application \"System Events\" to tell process \"Terminal\" to keystroke \"t\" using command down
tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \"cd \\\"$(PWD)\\\"\" in selected tab of the front window
" > /dev/null 2>&1
# run arg
if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
osascript -e "
tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \"$1\" in selected tab of the front window
" > /dev/null 2>&1
# Find a file on the local system
function findin {
# arg_1 = directory
# arg_2 = search regex
if [[ -z "$1" || -z "$2" ]]; then
echo "Usage: findin directory matcher"
sudo find $1 -name $2 -print
# Add nvm to path
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
# This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/"
# Add RVM to PATH (as last change) for scripting
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin"
# Load rvm into shell session as a function
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
# Autoenv (via brew)
source /usr/local/opt/autoenv/
# Autoenv functionality (compatible with rvm & avn)
function __autoenv_chpwd() { autoenv_init; }
[[ " ${chpwd_functions[*]} " == *" __autoenv_chpwd "* ]] || chpwd_functions+=(__autoenv_chpwd)
# Bash key shortcuts (after bindings below are added)
# up,down - get match from history
# ^d - delete current line
# ^u - delete everything to left
# ^k - delete everything to right
# ^l - clear screen
# Use 'read' command to find out what the bindings are for a particular
# key, but replace the initial '[' with '\e'.
# Modify input bindings to use history better
# bind '"\e[A"':history-search-backward
# bind '"\e[B"':history-search-forward
# bind '"\code-d"':kill-whole-line
# bind '"\e[3~"':delete-char
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