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PROGRAM FUNDING Underrepresented or Underserved Minority Serving Institutions
Investment Name Agency B) Year Established C1) Funding FY2008 C2) Funding FY2009 C3) Funding FY2010 D) Mission0specific or General STEM? J) Focus on Underrepresented Groups in STEM L) Minority Serving Institutions
Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence ~ National Science Foundation 2002 5.240 7.190 5.700 General STEM No No
Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) National Science Foundation 2006 14.000 14.000 14.000 General STEM Yes No
CISE Pathways to Revitalized Undergraduate Computing Education (CPATH) National Science Foundation 2007 5.000 5.000 4.370 General STEM No No
Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences National Science Foundation 2002 4.570 11.790 4.180 General STEM Yes No
Geoscience Education National Science Foundation 1999 1.630 2.740 2.020 General STEM No No
Geoscience Teacher Training (GEO0Teach) National Science Foundation 2006 3.000 3.000 2.980 General STEM No No
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) National Science Foundation 1995 1.100 1.120 1.100 General STEM No No
Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) National Science Foundation 1952 96.020 162.430 136.130 General STEM No No
Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Program National Science Foundation 1997 64.760 77.990 69.700 General STEM No No
Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12) National Science Foundation 1999 54.600 58.840 55.970 General STEM No No
East Asia & Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI) National Science Foundation 2004 1.750 1.520 1.740 General STEM No No
Undergraduate Research and Mentoring in the Biological Sciences (URM) National Science Foundation 2008 5.090 4.680 9.000 General STEM Yes No
Advanced Technological Education (ATE) National Science Foundation 1993 51.460 51.850 64.510 General STEM No No
Transforming Undergrad Education in STEM (TUES) National Science Foundation 2010 37.280 40.860 41.600 General STEM No No
Climate Change Education (CCE) National Science Foundation 2009 0 9.950 10.240 General STEM No No
Excellence Awards in Science and Engineering (EASE) National Science Foundation 1983 5.570 5.150 5.180 General STEM Yes No
Federal Cyber Service: Scholarship for Service (SFS) National Science Foundation 2001 11.370 14.880 14.870 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Math and Science Partnership (MSP) National Science Foundation 2002 47.870 85.990 57.930 General STEM No No
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) National Science Foundation 1987 62.670 100.470 80.990 General STEM No No
Robert Noyce Scholarship (Noyce) Program National Science Foundation 2002 55.050 115.000 54.930 General STEM No No
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP) National Science Foundation 2002 29.480 29.090 31.640 General STEM No No
Polar Research and Education National Science Foundation 2006 2.290 2.420 1.380 General STEM No No
International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) National Science Foundation 2004 2.710 4.220 3.430 General STEM No No
Enhancing the Mathematical Sciences Workforce in the 21st Century (EMSW21) National Science Foundation 2003 19.460 26.950 15.070 General STEM No No
Interdisciplinary Training for Undergraduates in Biological and Mathematical Sciences (UBM) National Science Foundation 2004 2.320 2.710 2.700 General STEM No No
Discovery Research K-12 (DR-K12) National Science Foundation 2008 99.250 108.410 118.380 General STEM No No
Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering (REESE) National Science Foundation 2007 41.660 42.600 45.670 General STEM No No
Informal Science Education (ISE) National Science Foundation 1983 64.450 65.720 65.850 General STEM No No
Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education in Engineering National Science Foundation 2003 1.080 2.000 1.830 General STEM No No
Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science National Science Foundation 2002 3.970 5.790 5.410 General STEM No No
Engineering Education (EE) National Science Foundation 2008 11.500 22.900 13.740 General STEM No No
Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) National Science Foundation 1998 15.850 17.180 16.730 General STEM Yes No
Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP) National Science Foundation 2001 12.800 13.390 13.350 General STEM Yes Yes
Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP) National Science Foundation 1998 29.740 31.130 32.060 General STEM Yes Yes
Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) National Science Foundation 1991 40.470 42.500 44.750 General STEM Yes No
Research in Disabilities Education (RDE) National Science Foundation 1994 5.930 6.880 6.920 General STEM Yes No
Cassini NASA 1997 1.552 1.700 1.648 General STEM Yes No
Juno NASA 2008 0.581 1.209 1.310 General STEM Yes No
LDCM NASA 2002 0.144 0.539 0.300 General STEM No No
CP4SMP - Competitive Program for Science Museums and Planetariums NASA 2008 7.800 7.000 7.000 General STEM No No
NIEO - NASA Informal Education Opportunities NASA 2010 0 0 2.000 General STEM No No
Aeronautics Scholarship NASA 2007 1.800 1.800 1.800 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Innovation in Aeronautics Instruction Competition NASA 2007 1.100 1.100 1.100 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
K-12 Competitive Grants Opportunity NASA 2008 11.600 13.000 3.700 General STEM Yes No
HST NASA 1995 1.420 1.347 1.250 General STEM No No
NSTI-MI - NASA Science and Technology Institute for Minority Institutions NASA 2006 2.000 1.961 2.461 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
JPFP - Jenkins Pre-Doctoral Fellowship Program NASA 2001 2.564 2.525 2.625 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
USRP - Undergraduate Student Research Project NASA 2001 3.995 3.480 2.975 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
21st Century Explorer NASA 2004 0.300 0.300 0.300 General STEM Yes No
EFP - Education Flight Projects NASA 2003 1.203 3.113 2.988 General STEM No No
SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) Education and Public Outreach NASA 1997 0.237 0.362 0.595 General STEM No No
SEMAA - Science Engineering Mathematics and Aerospace Academy NASA 1993 2.505 1.913 3.088 General STEM Yes No
Astrophysics Forum NASA 2009 0 0.993 0.996 General STEM No No
Space Grant - National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program NASA 1989 39.711 38.298 44.502 General STEM No No
SEED - Systems Engineering Educational Discovery NASA 2007 0.287 0.365 0.410 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunity Project NASA 1995 0 0.355 0.355 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
SOI 0 Summer of Innovation NASA 2010 0 0 10.000 General STEM Yes No
Kepler NASA 2008 0.229 0.575 0.495 General STEM No No
ESMD Space Grant Project NASA 2006 1.358 1.547 1.032 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Terra NASA 2009 0 0.453 0.300 General STEM No No
LTP - Learning Technologies Project NASA 2006 1.282 0.840 0.706 General STEM No No
eEducation Small Projects/Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE) NASA 2001 0.600 0.493 0.400 General STEM No No
NETS - NASA Education Technologies Services NASA 2003 1.400 1.302 1.000 General STEM No No
NSBRI Higher Education Activities - National Space Biomedical Research Institute NASA 1998 0.720 0.740 0.750 General STEM No No
DAWN NASA 2002 0.299 0.269 0.362 General STEM No No
Hinode NASA 2006 0.350 0.350 0.345 General STEM No No
MESSENGER NASA 2000 0.427 0.356 0.303 General STEM No No
GRAIL NASA 2008 0.196 0.309 0.406 General STEM Yes No
URC - University Research Centers NASA 1992 13.930 14.571 14.062 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
Aura NASA 2009 0 0.376 0.372 General STEM No No
Heliophysics E/PO Forum NASA 2009 0 0.824 0.734 General STEM No No
GSRP - Graduate Student Researchers Program NASA 1980 5.200 4.300 4.400 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
NAS - NASA Aerospace Scholars NASA 2010 0 0 0.300 General STEM No No
Innovation in Higher Education STEM Education NASA 2010 0 0 0.959 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
NAFP - NASA Adminstrator's Fellowship Project NASA 1999 1.200 0.415 0.300 General STEM Yes Yes
Visitor Centers - NASA Visitor Centers NASA 2008 5.800 7.800 6.500 General STEM No No
AESP - Aerospace Education Services Project NASA 1961 4.900 5.500 2.500 General STEM Yes No
Mars E/PO Informal Ed NASA 2002 0.986 0.772 0.806 General STEM No No
Mars E/PO Formal Ed NASA 2003 1.200 1.000 1.300 General STEM No No
GLOBE Program NASA 2003 0 4.396 3.000 General STEM No No
TCUP - NASA Tribal College and University Project NASA 1997 1.624 1.678 1.585 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
SURF - Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships Program NASA 1983 0.329 0.287 0.315 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
NES - NASA Explorer Schools NASA 2003 8.089 4.307 4.991 General STEM No No
LEARN - Learning Environment and Research Network NASA 2008 2.400 3.000 3.000 General STEM No No
GCCE - Global Climate Change Education NASA 2008 7.000 10.000 10.000 General STEM No No
MOD/SIM Summer Fellowships for Middle School Teachers NASA 2010 0 0 0.387 General STEM No No
Planetary Science E/PO Forum NASA 2010 0 0.924 0.885 General STEM No No
EPOESS NASA 2008 0.785 4.580 6.914 General STEM Yes No
Aqua NASA 2009 0 0.476 0.430 General STEM No No
INSPIRE - Interdisciplinary National Science Program Incorporating Research and Education Experience NASA 2008 2.850 3.420 2.520 General STEM No No
LERCIP - Lewis Educational Research Collaborative Internship Project (College) NASA 1990 0.758 0.966 0.900 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
MSP - MUREP Small Projects NASA 1994 1.500 1.800 1.700 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Earth Science E/PO Forum NASA 2009 0 0.757 0.871 General STEM No No
LARSS - NASA Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars Program NASA 1986 1.000 1.100 1.300 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
MUST - Motivating Undergraduates in Science and Technology NASA 2006 1.900 1.900 2.400 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
CEP - Career Exploration Project NASA 1994 1.160 1.150 1.300 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) Defense 1958 7.439 7.860 7.742 General STEM No No
Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions Research and Education Partnership Defense 2005 1.500 1.500 1.500 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
Iridescent Learning Defense 2010 0 0 1.116 General STEM Yes No
Navy - Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP) Defense 1982 0.268 0.308 0.701 General STEM No No
SeaPerch Defense 2007 0.450 0.750 0.900 General STEM Yes No
The Naval Research Enterprise Intern Program (NREIP) Defense 2002 1.200 1.200 1.900 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) Defense 1976 0.506 0.528 0.447 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
DoD STARBASE Program Defense 1993 20.000 19.000 20.000 General STEM Yes No
University NanoSatellite Program Defense 1999 1.500 1.600 1.600 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
National Defense Education Program (NDEP) K-12 component Defense 2006 1.000 15.000 14.000 General STEM No No
National Defense Education Program (NDEP) Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Defense 2005 19.000 33.000 47.000 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
University Laboratory Initiative (ULI) Defense 2002 2.600 2.300 2.350 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
National Science Center (NSC) Defense 1985 1.839 1.858 1.982 General STEM No No
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship Program Defense 1989 33.094 36.342 36.814 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Awards to Stimulate and Support Undergraduate Research Experiences (ASSURE) Defense 2008 4.500 4.500 4.500 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Cooperative Training Partnership in Environmental Sciences Research Environmental Protection Agency 2006 2.000 1.500 1.500 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Fellowships for Undergraduate Environmental Study Environmental Protection Agency 1982 0.600 1.300 1.500 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
National Network for Environmental Management Studies Fellowship Program Environmental Protection Agency 1986 0 0.316 0.394 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
P3-People, Prosperity & the Planet-Award: A National Student Design Competition for Sustainability Environmental Protection Agency 2004 1.300 1.200 2.000 General STEM No No
Science to Achieve Results Graduate Fellowship Program Environmental Protection Agency 1995 8.224 4.239 6.388 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
University of Cincinnati/EPA Research Training Grant Environmental Protection Agency 1998 0.600 0.600 0.600 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Environmental Education Grants Environmental Protection Agency 1992 3.400 3.400 3.400 General STEM No No
National Environmental Education and Training Partnership Environmental Protection Agency 1992 2.000 2.000 2.200 General STEM No No
Integrated University Program Energy 2009 0 5.000 5.000 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Minority Educational Institution Student Partnership Program Energy 2005 0.550 0.663 0.840 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Technical Career Intern Program - Fossil Energy Energy 2009 0 0.700 0.700 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship Program Energy 2009 0 0.478 0.500 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Advanced Vehicle Technology Competitions Energy 1988 1.387 1.750 2.000 General STEM No No
Graduate Automotive Technology Education Energy 1998 0.496 0.950 1.000 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Solar Decathlon Energy 2001 2.300 6.400 5.000 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Industrial Assessment Centers Energy 1978 3.400 3.300 6.100 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Minority University Research Associates Program (MURA) Energy 1995 0 0 0.592 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
HBCU Mathematics, Science & Technology, Engineering and Research Workforce Development Program Energy 2010 0 0 8.968 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
Plasma/Fusion Science Educator Programs Energy 1998 0.734 0.774 0.774 General STEM No no
National Undergraduate Fellowship Program in Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy Sciences Energy 1993 0.370 0.370 0.370 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Fusion Energy Sciences Graduate Fellowship Program Energy 1985 0.750 0.800 0.700 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Global Change Education Program Energy 1999 1.472 1.422 1.422 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
American Chemical Society Summer School in Nuclear and Radiochemistry Energy 1984 0.517 0.531 0.547 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Computational Science Graduate Fellowship Energy 1991 6.800 6.800 7.800 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
QuarkNet Energy 1998 0.750 0.750 0.750 General STEM No No
DOE Academies Creating Teacher Scientists (DOE ACTS) Energy 2004 1.849 3.768 3.722 General STEM No no
Visting Faculty Program Energy 2002 0.250 1.542 1.019 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
Office of Science Graduate Fellowship (SCGF) Energy 2010 0 0 5.000 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
National Science Bowl Energy 1991 1.670 1.763 2.449 General STEM No No
Pre-Service Teacher Program Energy 2001 0.188 0.210 0.429 General STEM No no
Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships Energy 2004 2.583 2.497 3.802 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Community College Internship Energy 1999 0.319 0.292 0.685 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Research, Development, and Dissemination Education 2003 76.295 52.216 63.814 General STEM No No
Research in Special Education Education 2005 2.453 10.671 14.644 General STEM Yes No
High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 Education 2007 6.454 5.137 6.149 General STEM No No
Mathematics and Science Partnerships Education 2002 179.000 179.000 180.500 General STEM Yes No
Investing in Innovation Education 2010 0 0 110.500 General STEM Yes No
Teachers for a Competitive Tomorrow: Programs for Baccalaureate Degrees in STEM or Critical Foreign Languages, with Concurrent Teacher Certification Education 2008 1.000 1.000 1.000 General STEM No No
Teachers for a Competitive Tomorrow: Programs for Master's Degrees STEM or Critical Foreign Language Education (TCT-M) Education 2008 1.000 1.000 1.000 General STEM No No
Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Education 1988 30.000 31.000 31.000 General STEM Yes No
Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program Education 1980 8.577 8.577 9.503 General STEM Yes Yes
Strengthening Predominantly Black Institutions Education 2008 4.740 8.944 0 General STEM Yes Yes
Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions STEM and articulation programs Education 1995 100.000 100.000 100.000 General STEM Yes Yes
Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) Education 1972 13.900 3.500 3.650 General STEM No No
Teacher Loan Forgiveness Education 1999 15.440 38.630 49.770 General STEM No No
Upward Bound Math and Science Program Education 1990 31.186 35.204 34.873 General STEM Yes No
National Ocean Service Education Commerce 2007 0.577 0.568 0.426 General STEM No No
Environmental Literacy Grants program Commerce 2005 3.831 7.704 10.388 General STEM No No
Curriculum Improvement Partnership Award for the Integration of Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum (CIPAIR) NASA 2008 2.750 2.711 3.111 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions Commerce 2000 13.920 14.984 14.309 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
EDMAP Interior 1993 0.492 0.519 0.566 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
NOAA Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Commerce 2002 9.550 9.700 9.700 General STEM No No
AITC Secondary Postsecondary Agriculture Education Challenge Grants (SPECA) Agriculture 1999 0.983 0.983 0.983 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Higher Education Challenge Grants (HEC) Agriculture 1990 5.385 5.654 5.654 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
New Era Rural Technology Competitive Grants Program (RTP) Agriculture 2009 0 0.750 0.875 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Chandra NASA 1999 1.921 1.847 1.823 General STEM No No
Nuclear Education Curriculum Development Program Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2007 4.720 4.720 4.700 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Higher Education Multicultural Scholars Program (MSP) Agriculture 1994 1.458 0.958 1.126 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Fields Program (WAMS) Agriculture 2010 0 0 0.364 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Climate Communications and Education Commerce 2008 1.259 1.260 1.649 General STEM No No
Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research Health & Human Services 2008 70.563 83.426 68.981 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Institutional Research Training Grants (T32, T35) Health & Human Services 1975 259.076 266.467 230.840 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA for Individual Predoctoral Fellows, including Underrepresented Racial/Ethnic Groups,Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds, and Predoctoral Students with Disabilities Health & Human Services 1975 47.571 55.552 56.883 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
MARC U-STAR NRSA Program Health & Human Services 1977 16.764 21.249 21.249 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
Short Courses on Mathematical, Statistical, and Computational Tools for Studying Biological Systems Health & Human Services 1999 0.318 0.330 0.695 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Short Courses in Integrative and Organ Systems Pharmacology Health & Human Services 2005 0.677 0.746 0.667 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Initiative for Maximizing Student Development Health & Human Services 2001 16.443 22.335 21.412 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
RISE (Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement) Health & Human Services 2000 18.570 25.690 24.442 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program Health & Human Services 1993 3.995 7.260 6.461 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Bridges to the Doctorate Health & Human Services 1993 1.287 2.180 2.977 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (PREP) Health & Human Services 2001 3.029 6.725 5.780 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
NCRR Science Education Partnership Award Health & Human Services 1991 16.183 22.209 18.324 General STEM Yes No
Cancer Education Grants Program Health & Human Services 1994 6.753 7.311 6.757 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
National Cancer Institute Cancer Education and Career Development Program Health & Human Services 1999 16.209 18.992 20.442 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics Health & Human Services 2009 0 1.449 1.449 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Short-Term Research Education Program to Increase Diversity in Health-Related Research Health & Human Services 2006 2.047 3.168 4.189 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
NHLBI Minority Undergraduate Biomedical Education Program Health & Human Services 2001 0.476 0.486 0.476 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
Short Term Educational Experiences for Research (STEER) in the Environmental health Sciences for Undergraduates and High School Students Health & Human Services 2008 0.568 0.763 0.568 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
NIAID Science Education Awards Health & Human Services 2008 0.348 0.711 1.060 General STEM No No
NINDS Diversity Research Education Grants in Neuroscience Health & Human Services 2008 0.254 0.713 0.821 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Short Courses in Population Reseach (Education Programs for Population Research R25) Health & Human Services 2008 0.700 0.924 0.750 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Graduate Program Partnerships Health & Human Services 2000 17.600 16.600 16.700 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Post-baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award Program Health & Human Services 2008 21.540 21.480 24.810 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Student Intramural Research Training Award Program Health & Human Services 1994 5.775 5.115 5.869 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Technical Intramural Research Training Award Health & Human Services 2008 2.135 2.135 2.240 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Undergraduate Scholarship Program for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds Health & Human Services 1995 2.200 2.300 2.400 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Curriculum Supplement Series Health & Human Services 1997 0.761 0.358 0.342 General STEM No No
Office of Science Education K-12 Program Health & Human Services 1991 2.096 2.107 2.270 General STEM No No
Clinical Research Training Program Health & Human Services 1997 1.000 1.000 1.100 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
CCR/JHU Master of Science in Biotechnology Concentration in Molecular Targets and Drug Discovery Technologies Health & Human Services 2005 0.405 0.425 0.445 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Science Education Drug Abuse Partnership Award Health & Human Services 1992 2.164 2.464 2.295 General STEM No No
Small Business Innovation Research Grants Health & Human Services 2008 0.263 0 0.756 General STEM No No
Training in Computational Neuroscience: From Biology to Model and Back Again Health & Human Services 2006 1.439 2.879 1.443 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Mathematics and Science Cognition and Learning (MSCL) Program Health & Human Services 2003 4.700 10.100 10.400 General STEM No No
Agriculture in the Classroom Agriculture 1986 0.500 0.500 0.500 General STEM No No
1890 Institutions Capacity Building Grants Program: Teaching Agriculture 1990 5.170 0 9.260 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
NOAA Teacher at Sea Program Commerce 2004 0.189 0.600 0.600 General STEM No No
NOAA Fisheries Education Program Commerce 2007 2.242 2.242 2.313 General STEM No No
4-H Science, 4-H Youth Development Program Agriculture 1914 26.367 26.316 24.275 General STEM No No
Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Education Program Commerce 1972 1.603 1.739 1.791 General STEM No No
Alaska Native-Serving and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions Education Competitive Grants Program Agriculture 2001 3.060 3.060 3.060 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
National Sea Grant College Program Commerce 1968 9.725 9.387 9.379 General STEM No No
Integrated University Program - Scholarship and Fellowship Program Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2009 0 8.400 6.600 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Integrated University Program - Trade School Scholarships Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2009 0 1.800 2.200 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
NIFA Fellowship Grants Program Agriculture 2010 0 0 6.457 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Resident Instruction Grants Program for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas Agriculture 2005 0.709 0.761 0.857 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Commerce 1994 0 0 3.000 General STEM No No
Distance Education Grants for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas (DEG) Agriculture 2010 0 0 0.720 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
1890 Institutions Capacity Building Grants Program: Extension Agriculture 2010 0 0 6.600 General STEM Yes Yes
NIST Summer Institute for MIddle School Teachers Commerce 2009 0.100 0.200 0.300 General STEM No No
1890 Facilities Grant Program Agriculture 1983 16.577 17.280 19.000 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
National Estuarine Research Reserve System Commerce 1976 2.820 3.502 4.002 General STEM No No
Coral Reef Conservation Program Commerce 2000 0.826 0.826 0.838 General STEM Yes No
NWS Outreach Program Commerce 2008 1.245 2.530 3.070 General STEM Yes No
Hispanic_serving Institutions Education Grants Program Agriculture 1997 5.800 6.327 9.327 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
Food and Agricultural Sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Grant Program Agriculture 1986 2.800 2.900 2.900 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Satellite and Information Service Commerce 2005 6.360 2.976 3.182 General STEM No No
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Commerce 1993 0.511 0.627 0.740 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship Program Commerce 2005 3.970 5.600 5.600 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (Education Only) Commerce 2001 0 0.900 0.900 General STEM No No
University Transportation Centers Program Transportation 1987 74.439 83.453 83.671 Agency Mission Workforce No No
Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program Transportation 1991 1.961 1.989 2.006 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program Transportation 2006 1.114 1.130 1.140 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Summer Transportation Institute Program for Diverse Groups (STIPDG) Transportation 1980 0.642 0.648 0.652 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
Air Transportation Centers of Excellence Transportation 1990 13.200 14.100 16.400 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Minority Serving Institutions Program (MSIP) Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2006 1.000 1.418 2.838 General STEM Yes Yes
Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program Commerce 2001 0.468 0.620 0.603 Agency Mission Workforce Yes No
NLM Institutional Grants for Research Training in Biomedical Informatics Health & Human Services 1972 10.331 14.661 10.144 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Stokes Educational Scholarship Program Defense 1987 0 1.500 1.600 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Homeland Security STEM Career Development Grant Program Homeland Security 2007 3.500 2.500 2.500 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Scientific Leadership Awards Program Homeland Security 2007 3.800 3.800 3.400 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
Summer Research Team Program Homeland Security 2005 0.170 0.272 0.550 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
Homeland Security STEM Summer Intern Program Homeland Security 2008 0.177 0.224 0.363 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Wind for Schools Energy 2007 0.366 0.460 0.625 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) National Science Foundation 2003 28.720 27.860 20.850 General STEM No No
NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) National Science Foundation 1998 92.400 61.220 75.960 General STEM Yes No
Research on Gender in Science and Engineering (GSE) National Science Foundation 1993 10.130 11.400 11.570 General STEM Yes No
CITEAM National Science Foundation 2006 9.900 0 4.850 General STEM Yes No
NHLBI HBCU Research Scientist Award Health & Human Services 2001 0.476 0.486 0.476 Agency Mission Workforce Yes Yes
AgDiscovery Agriculture 2010 0 0 0.488 Agency Mission Workforce No Unstated
SMART Grants Education 2006 194.000 341.000 379.776 General STEM No No
TOTALS n/a n/a 2,796.84 3,354.39 3,425.29
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