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Poor man's redundancy removal scripts. Until we incorporate this logic into anvi'o.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# you run this first:
# python affiliations.txt MAGs_input_dir
import os
import sys
import anvio.fastalib as u
import anvio.utils as utils
affiliations_input = utils.get_TAB_delimited_file_as_dictionary(sys.argv[1], no_header=True, column_names=['item', 'affiliation'])
affiliations_dict = {}
for mag in affiliations_input:
affiliation = affiliations_input[mag]['affiliation']
if not affiliation in affiliations_dict:
affiliations_dict[affiliation] = [mag]
for affiliation in affiliations_dict:
db_path = '%s.fa' % affiliation
output = open(db_path, 'w')
for mag in affiliations_dict[affiliation]:
path = '%s/%s.fa' % (sys.argv[2], mag)
fasta = u.SequenceSource(path)
seq = ''
while next(fasta):
seq += fasta.seq
output.write('>%s\n' % mag)
output.write('%s\n' % seq)
print(('nucmer --minmatch 500 --prefix %s %s %s' % (os.path.join('hits', mag), path, db_path)))
#!/usr/bin/env python
# you run this next:
# python mag_lengths.txt output_percent_identities.txt
import sys
import glob
import numpy
import anvio.utils as utils
def get_matching_stats(query_genome_name, delta_file_path, genome_lengths, program="show-coords"):
command = '%s -H -T %s' % (program, delta_file_path)
output, ret_val = utils.get_command_output_from_shell(command)
output = output.decode("utf-8")
matches = {}
summary = []
for line in [line for line in output.split('\n')]:
if not line:
fields = line.split('\t')
if len(fields) != 9:
alignment_start_target = int(fields[0])
alignment_end_target = int(fields[1])
alignment_start_query = int(fields[2])
alignment_end_query = int(fields[3])
alignment_length_target = int(fields[4])
alignment_length_query = int(fields[5])
percent_identity = float(fields[6])
query = str(fields[7])
target = str(fields[8])
if query_genome_name == target:
alignment_length = min(alignment_length_query, alignment_length_target)
if target not in matches:
matches[target] = [(alignment_length, percent_identity)]
matches[target].append((alignment_length, percent_identity), )
query_genome_length = genome_lengths[query_genome_name]['total_length']
for target_genome_name in matches:
target_genome_length = genome_lengths[target_genome_name]['total_length']
# this is tricky:
m = []
list(map(lambda n: m.extend([n[1]] * n[0]), matches[target_genome_name]))
# we are thankful to Naíla for fixing the line above)
matching_nucleotides = len(m)
average_identity = numpy.mean(m)
summary.append({'query_genome_name': query_genome_name,
'query_genome_length': query_genome_length,
'target_genome_name': target_genome_name,
'target_genome_length': target_genome_length,
'matching_nucleotides': matching_nucleotides,
'average_identity': average_identity})
return summary
def main():
delta_file_paths = glob.glob('hits/*.delta')
lengths = utils.get_TAB_delimited_file_as_dictionary(sys.argv[1], column_mapping=[str, int])
output = open(sys.argv[2], 'w')
output.write('%s\n' % '\t'.join(['query_genome_name', 'query_genome_length', 'target_genome_name', 'target_genome_length', 'matching_nucleotides', 'average_identity']))
no_redundancy_info_recovered = True
for delta_file_path in delta_file_paths:
genome_name = '.'.join(delta_file_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[:-1])
summary = get_matching_stats(genome_name, delta_file_path, lengths)
if len(summary):
no_redundancy_info_recovered = False
for e in summary:
output.write("%(query_genome_name)s\t%(query_genome_length)d\t%(target_genome_name)s\t%(target_genome_length)d\t%(matching_nucleotides)d\t%(average_identity)f\n" % e)
if no_redundancy_info_recovered:
print("None of your MAGs were redundant :/ So the output file '%s' is going to be empty (and irrelevant for the next steps of your analysis)" % sys.argv[2])
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8
import sys
import redundancy as r
from anvio.errors import ConfigError, FilesNPathsError
__author__ = "Alon Shaiber"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, The anvio Project"
__credits__ = []
__license__ = "GPL 3.0"
__version__ = []
__maintainer__ = "Alon Shaiber"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A short helper script to generate a table that is ready for redundancy analysis (the next step is')
group0 = parser.add_argument_group('ESSENTIAL INPUTS', "You must supply the following TAB-delimited files.")
group1 = parser.add_argument_group('ESSENTIAL OUTPUT', "You must supply a name for the output file.")
group0.add_argument('-m', '--metadata', metavar='PATH', default=None, help='A TAB-delimited file with metadata regarding each genome. It has to contain the following columns: name, length, completion, redundancy, domain.')
group0.add_argument('-C', '--correlation', metavar='PATH', default=None, dest='correlation', help='A TAB-delimited file containing the correlation information between the occurance of pairs of genomes. It must contain the following columns: key, item_1, item_2, correlation.')
group0.add_argument('-i', '--input', metavar='PATH', default=None, dest='matching', help='A TAB-delimited file with alignment information for pairs of genomes (for example an output file from Nucmer). The file has to include the following columns: query_genome_name, query_genome_length, target_genome_name, target_genome_length, matching_nucleotides, average_nucleotide_identity.')
group1.add_argument('-o','--output', metavar='PATH', default=None, help='Name of output file for the data table')
args = parser.parse_args()
A = lambda x: args.__dict__[x] if x in args.__dict__ else None
d = r.Redundancy(args)
except ConfigError as e:
except FilesNPathsError as e:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8
import sys
import redundancy as r
from anvio.errors import ConfigError, FilesNPathsError
__author__ = "Alon Shaiber"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, The anvio Project"
__credits__ = []
__license__ = "GPL 3.0"
__version__ = []
__maintainer__ = "Alon Shaiber"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A script to find redundant genomes.')
group0 = parser.add_argument_group('ESSENTIAL INPUTS', "You must supply the following TAB-delimited files.")
group1 = parser.add_argument_group('ESSENTIAL OUTPUT', "You must supply a name for the output file.")
group2 = parser.add_argument_group('ADDITIONAL ARGUMENTS', "You can set the different thresholds for determining redundancy.")
group0.add_argument('-m', '--metadata', metavar='PATH', default=None, help='A TAB-delimited file with metadata regarding each genome. It has to contain the following columns: name, length, completion, redundancy, substantive_q, domain.')
group0.add_argument('-d', '--data', metavar='PATH', default=None, dest='data', help='A TAB-delimited file containing all the following columns: item_1, item_2, correlation, query_genome_length, target_genome_length, average_nucleotide_identity, percent_alignment, matching_nucleotides, item_1_substantive_q, item_2_substantive_q, domain.')
group1.add_argument('-o', '--output-file', metavar='PATH', default=None, help='File path to store results.')
group2.add_argument('-pa', '--percent-alignment-threshold', metavar='NUM', type=float, default=75, help='Cut-off value for percent alignment. Percent alignment is the ratio between the alignment length and the shorter genome. The default is 75.')
group2.add_argument('-ani', '--average-nucleotide-identity', metavar='NUM', type=float, default=99, help='Cut-off value for average nucleotide identity. The default is 99.')
group2.add_argument('-pc', '--correlation-threshold', metavar='NUM', type=float, default=0.9, help='Cut-off value for correlation. The default is 0.9.')
args = parser.parse_args()
A = lambda x: args.__dict__[x] if x in args.__dict__ else None
d = r.Redundancy(args)
except ConfigError as e:
except FilesNPathsError as e:
# -*- coding: utf-8
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
"""functions to deal with redundancy in a collection of genomes (be them s, draft or full genomes) """
import csv
from anvio import utils as u
from anvio.errors import ConfigError
__author__ = "Alon Shaiber"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, The anvio Project"
__credits__ = []
__license__ = "GPL 3.0"
__version__ = []
__maintainer__ = "Alon Shaiber"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Development"
# script to calculate the sum of an arithmetic progression series
# Since there is an inconsistency in naming the columns, the following key names might have to be fixed:
keys_to_fix = {'query_genome_name': 'item_1'
, 'query_genome_length': 'item_1_length'
, 'target_genome_name': 'item_2'
, 'target_genome_length': 'item_2_length'
, 'MAG_1': 'item_1'
, 'MAG_2': 'item_2'
, 'MAG_Id': 'item_ID'
, 'domain_tod': 'domain'
def fix_keys(dictionary):
for key in (key for key in list(dictionary.keys()) if key in keys_to_fix.keys()):
dictionary[keys_to_fix[key]] = dictionary[key]
del dictionary[key]
return dictionary
class pair:
A class to deal with pairs of genomes
has the following attributes:
item_1, item_2, correlation, query_genome_length, target_genome_length, matching_nucleotides, percent_alignment, average_nucleotide_identity, item_1_substantive_q, item_2_substantive_q, domain
def __init__(self, unique_id=0, dictionary=None):
if dictionary is None:
self.dictionary = {}
self.dictionary = fix_keys(dictionary)
list_of_keys = ['item_1', 'item_2', 'correlation', 'item_1_length', 'item_2_length', 'matching_nucleotides', 'percent_alignment', 'average_nucleotide_identity', 'item_1_substantive_q', 'item_2_substantive_q', 'domain']
self.unique_id = unique_id
# create all the keys of the dictionary
for key in list_of_keys:
if key not in self.dictionary.keys():
# Creating the keys that are not already included
self.dictionary[key] = None
def update_attribute(self, key, value):
self.dictionary[key] = value
def update_pair_from_dictionary(self, d):
# update only the attributes that are in the
for key in d.keys(): # TODO: check that these keys exist in dictionary.keys()
self.dictionary[key] = d[key]
def update_metadata_for_genome(self, genome, genome_name, genome_position):
self.update_attribute(genome_position, genome_name)
self.update_attribute(genome_position + '_length', genome['length'])
self.update_attribute(genome_position + '_substantive_q', float(genome['completion']) - float(genome['redundancy'])) # TODO: add weights x,y to x * Completion - y * redundancy
def update_metadata(self, query_genome, target_genome, metadata):
query_genome_dict = fix_keys(metadata[query_genome])
target_genome_dict = fix_keys(metadata[target_genome])
# checking that both are from the same domain
if query_genome_dict['domain'] != target_genome_dict['domain']:
raise ConfigError("domain of %s is %s and is not the same of domain of %s, which is %s, yet they were compared in %s" % (query_genome, target_genome, query_genome_dict['domain'], target_genome_dict['domain'], self))
self.update_metadata_for_genome(query_genome_dict, query_genome, 'item_1')
self.update_metadata_for_genome(target_genome_dict, target_genome, 'item_2')
self.update_attribute('domain', query_genome_dict['domain'])
def test_args():
d = {}
d['output-file'] = 'test-out.txt'
d['metadata'] = 'test-metadata.txt'
d['correlation'] = 'test-correlation.txt'
d['matching'] = 'test-matching.txt'
d['data_output'] = 'test-data.txt'
return d
class Redundancy:
def __init__(self, args=None):
if args is None:
args_dict = test_args()
A = lambda x: args_dict[x] if x in args_dict.keys() else None
A = lambda x: args.__dict__[x] if x in args.__dict__ else None
metadata = u.get_TAB_delimited_file_as_dictionary(A('metadata'))
self.group_list = group_list(metadata.keys()) = {}
self.metadata = metadata
self.percent_alignment_threshold = A('percent_alignment_threshold')
self.average_nucleotide_identity = A('average_nucleotide_identity')
self.correlation_threshold = A('correlation_threshold')
if A('data') is not None:
# hopefuly a compatible table was provided by the user = u.get_TAB_delimited_file_as_dictionary(A('data'))
# creating the data table from the following tables: metadata, matching, and correlation results
def get_list_of_group_names(self):
# creating a new list for the final group names
# this is needed because when merging groups we might end up with gaps in numbering the groups
N_items = len(self.metadata)
N_zeros = len(str(N_items))
for i in range(1,N_items):
group_names.append('group_' + str(i).zfill(N_zeros))
return group_names
def store_redundancy_output(self, output_file):
redundancy_genome_dict = {}
headers = ['item', 'redundancy_group_name', 'representative_genome', 'replicates']
# the groups will be renamed so that their numbering makes sense
group_dict = dict(zip(self.group_list.get_groups(), self.get_list_of_group_names()))
for Mygroup in group_dict.keys():
for Mygenome in self.group_list.get_genomes_from_group(Mygroup):
redundancy_genome_dict[Mygenome] = {}
redundancy_genome_dict[Mygenome]['redundancy_group_name'] = group_dict[Mygroup]
redundancy_genome_dict[Mygenome]['representative_genome'] = int(Mygenome == self.group_list.get_group_rep(Mygroup))
redundancy_genome_dict[Mygenome]['replicates'] = len(self.group_list.get_genomes_from_group(Mygroup))
if redundancy_genome_dict:
u.store_dict_as_TAB_delimited_file(redundancy_genome_dict, output_file, headers)
print('No redundant genomes were found')
def create_data_from_tables(self, args=None):
if args is None:
args_dict = test_args()
A = lambda x: args_dict[x]
A = lambda x: args.__dict__[x] if x in args.__dict__ else None
metadata = self.metadata = {}
if A('matching') is not None:
matching = my_dictionary(A('matching'), 'matching')
if A('correlation') is not None:
correlation = my_dictionary(A('correlation'), 'correlation')
unique_id = 0
for genome_1 in matching.d.keys():
for genome_2 in matching.d[genome_1].keys():
p = pair(unique_id)
match_dict = matching.d[genome_1][genome_2]
query_genome = genome_1
target_genome = genome_2
if matching.d.get(genome_2,dict()).get(genome_1, None):
# check if there is another alignment for these genomes
if float(matching.d[genome_1][genome_2]['average_nucleotide_identity']) < float(matching.d[genome_2][genome_1]['average_nucleotide_identity']):
# Keep the best alignment only
match_dict = matching.d[genome_2][genome_1]
query_genome = genome_2
target_genome = genome_1
del matching.d[genome_2][genome_1] # deleting the other alignment since it is redundant
# adding the alignment results information to the pair
# adding the correlation results information to the pair
# updating metadata to the pair
p.update_metadata(query_genome, target_genome, metadata)
# adding the pair to data[p.unique_id] = p.dictionary
unique_id = unique_id + 1
def store_data_as_TAB_delimited_file(self, output_file):
u.store_dict_as_TAB_delimited_file(, output_file)
def resolve_redundancy(self):
# dictionary to keep the group hash for each genome
for unique_id in
# checking to see if both genomes of the pair have already been assigned a hash
if float([unique_id]['correlation']) >= self.correlation_threshold and float([unique_id]['percent_alignment']) >= self.percent_alignment_threshold:
if float([unique_id]['average_nucleotide_identity']) >= self.average_nucleotide_identity:
# The pair is redundant
# pick all the representatives:
for Mygroup in self.group_list.get_groups():
def pick_rep(self, Mygroup):
Mydomain = self.group_list.get_group_domain(Mygroup)
for Mygenome in self.group_list.get_genomes_from_group(Mygroup):
if self.is_genome_better_than_rep(Mygroup, Mygenome, Mydomain):
self.set_genome_as_rep(Mygroup, Mygenome)
def is_genome_better_than_rep(self, Mygroup, Mygenome, Mydomain):
current_group_rep = self.group_list.get_group_rep(Mygroup)
if current_group_rep is None:
return True
Mygenome_is_longer_than_rep = int(self.metadata[Mygenome]['length']) > int(self.metadata[current_group_rep]['length'])
if Mydomain == 'Eukaryote' or Mydomain == 'Eukaryota':
if Mygenome_is_longer_than_rep:
return True
return False
elif Mydomain == 'Bacteria' or Mydomain == 'Archaea':
current_substantive_q = float(self.metadata[current_group_rep]['completion']) - float(self.metadata[current_group_rep]['redundancy'])
Mygenome_substantive_q = float(self.metadata[Mygenome]['completion']) - float(self.metadata[Mygenome]['redundancy'])
if Mygenome_substantive_q > current_substantive_q:
return True
elif Mygenome_substantive_q < current_substantive_q:
return False
# The genomes are equal in substantive_q so picking the longest
if Mygenome_is_longer_than_rep:
return True
return False
def set_genome_as_rep(self, Mygroup, Mygenome):
self.group_list.set_group_rep(Mygroup, Mygenome)
class group_list:
def __init__(self, group_list=None):
# class for lists for redundancy groups
if group_list == None:
group_list = []
self.group_list = {} # a dictionary in which they keys are the hash of a group and the value is a group object
self.redundant_genomes = dict.fromkeys(group_list) # a dictionary in which the keys are names of genomes and the value is the hash of the group to which the genome belongs
self.number_of_redundancy_groups = 0
self.number_of_items = len(group_list)
def is_redundant(self, genome):
if self.redundant_genomes[genome] is None:
return False
return True
def get_group_domain(self, hash1):
return self.group_list[hash1].get_domain()
def create(self, output_path, headers=None, file_obj=None):
# Save the dictionary as a tab-delimited file
u.store_dict_as_TAB_delimited_file(, output_path, headers, file_obj)
def merge_groups(self, hash1, hash2):
# adding the members of group 2 to group 1
for genome in self.group_list[hash2].get_genome_list():
self.redundant_genomes[genome] = hash1
del self.group_list[hash2]
def get_genomes_from_group(self, hash1):
return self.group_list[hash1].get_genome_list()
def get_groups(self):
# return a list of all the group hashes
return self.group_list.keys()
def get_group_rep(self, hash1):
return self.group_list[hash1].get_rep()
def set_group_rep(self, hash1, genome1):
return self.group_list[hash1].set_rep(genome1)
def connect_genomes(self, genome1, genome2, domain):
# if they are not, then add the genomes to the list of redundant genomes
if not self.is_redundant(genome1):
if not self.is_redundant(genome2):
# create new group
self.number_of_redundancy_groups += 1
zero_fill = len(str(self.number_of_items))
if zero_fill > 2:
# always adding at least 2 zeros
zero_fill = 2
redundancy_group_number = 'group_' + str(self.number_of_redundancy_groups).zfill(zero_fill)
self.group_list[redundancy_group_number] = group(redundancy_group_name=redundancy_group_number, genome_list=[genome1, genome2], domain=domain)
self.redundant_genomes[genome1] = redundancy_group_number
self.redundant_genomes[genome2] = redundancy_group_number
# adding genome1 to the group of genome2
redundancy_group_number = self.redundant_genomes[genome2]
self.redundant_genomes[genome1] = redundancy_group_number
if not self.is_redundant(genome2):
# adding genome2 to the group of genome1
redundancy_group_number = self.redundant_genomes[genome1]
self.redundant_genomes[genome2] = redundancy_group_number
elif self.redundant_genomes[genome1] != self.redundant_genomes[genome2] and self.redundant_genomes[genome1] is not None:
# need to merge the groups
self.merge_groups(self.redundant_genomes[genome1], self.redundant_genomes[genome2])
class group:
def __init__(self, genome_list, redundancy_group_name, representative=None, domain=None):
self.genome_list = genome_list
self.representative = representative
self.domain = domain
def set_rep(self, representative):
self.representative = representative
def extend_genome_list(self, new_list):
def get_rep(self):
return self.representative
def get_genome_list(self):
return self.genome_list
def add_genome(self, genome):
def get_domain(self):
return self.domain
class my_dictionary:
def __init__(self, my_file, dict_type):
self.d = {}
with open(my_file, 'r') as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter='\t')
for row in reader:
row = fix_keys(row)
if row['item_1'] not in self.d.keys():
self.d[row['item_1']] = {}
if dict_type == 'matching':
elif dict_type == 'correlation':
def add_matching_results_to_dictionary(self, row):
d = {}
d['matching_nucleotides'] = int(row['matching_nucleotides'])
d['average_nucleotide_identity'] = float(row['average_nucleotide_identity'])
d['percent_alignment'] = 100 * float(row['matching_nucleotides']) / min(int(row['item_1_length']), int(row['item_2_length']))
self.d[row['item_1']][row['item_2']] = d
def add_correlation_results_to_dictionary(self, row):
d = {}
d['correlation'] = float(row['correlation'])
self.d[row['item_1']][row['item_2']] = d
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