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Last active July 20, 2023 13:26
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Group Policy Software Deployment for VPN clients
#Remote Software Deployment script via GPO for VPN users
#This scripts checks if VPN is UP or if user is connected to internal network by pinging an internal host.
#Then, it checks if the Application file exists and runs the installation.
#It also sends a slack notification and creates a custom event "12345" for logging purposes
#version 1.1
#Konstantinos Merentitis 20.07.2023
#Scheduled Task example using "Rustdesk" software:
#GPO - Create Following Group Policy and apply to computers:
#Computer, Preferences, Control Panel Settings, Scheduled Tasks:
#Scheduled Task (At least Windows 7) - important! (Name: Rustdesk)
#run as NT AUTHORITY\System
#run weather user is logged on or not
#Triggers on logon
#Actions, Program/script: powershell.exe
#arguments: -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -executionpolicy Bypass -F "C:\GPPDeploy\rustdesk-deploy.ps1"
#Computer, Preferences, Windows Settings, files:
#Update or Replace this script from a shared target -> local (C:\GPPDeploy\):
#Source file(s) \\server.local\deploy\rustdesk\rustdesk-deploy.ps1
#Destination file C:\GPPDeploy\rustdesk-deploy.ps1
$package = "Rustdesk"
$logpath = "\\server.local\deploy\rustdesk\logs"
$testhost = "internalhost.local"
$testfile = "C:\Program Files\RustDesk\RustDesk.exe"
$filepath = "\\server.local\deploy\rustdesk\rustdesk.exe"
$hookUrl = ""
#some installation command examples (set on line 46):
# .msi: msiexec.exe /i "$filepath" /QN
# .exe: start-process -FilePath $filepath -ArgumentList '--silent-install'
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$pingstatus = ""
write-host "Waiting for internal host ping"
do {
sleep -seconds 30
$pingstatus = Test-Connection -BufferSize 32 -Count 1 -ComputerName $testhost -Quiet
} while (!$pingstatus)
write-host "`n"
write-host "Ping OK"
write-eventlog System -source Server -eventid 12345 -message "Internal Ping ok, VPN should be up, deploying $package"
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $testfile)) {
write-host "installing $package"
start-process -FilePath $filepath -ArgumentList '--silent-install'
#Slack alerts
$payload = @{
"username" = "deploy-bot"
"text" = "Succesfully Deployed $package on $env:COMPUTERNAME"
$payloadfail = @{
"username" = "deploy-bot"
"text" = "Failed to Deploy $package on $env:COMPUTERNAME"
#give some time for the installation
sleep -seconds 60
if (Test-Path -Path $testfile) {
$today = Get-Date
"Finished installing $package `t$today" | Out-File -FilePath $logpath\$env:COMPUTERNAME.txt -Append
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Body (ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject $payload) -Method Post -Uri $hookUrl
write-host "Slack alert sent"
else {
$today = Get-Date
"Failed to install $package `t$today" | Out-File -FilePath $logpath\$env:COMPUTERNAME.txt -Append
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Body (ConvertTo-Json -Compress -InputObject $payloadfail) -Method Post -Uri $hookUrl
write-host "Slack alert sent"
else {
write-host "$package already installed"
exit 0
exit 0
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