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Last active August 5, 2016 15:33
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Logical Proof Of An "Intelligent Creator".


A. By intelligent, it means, you are intelligent.

B. By "you", I mean your mind, and the rest of your body, since your mind cannot exist in separation from your body.

C. Either the universe is self-derived and creates itself moment to moment, or it isn't, and there is a creator beyond it.


  1. Your mind cannot exist without your body, therefore your body is part of you, an intelligent being. (Assuming A, B)

  2. You cannot exist without the universe, therefore you are part of the universe, and the universe therefore, is an intelligent being. "Are you part of the universe, or you're not part of it?"

a. The universe is self-derived, creating itself each moment in time. It is intelligent and it creates itself, proving the existence of an "Intelligent Creator".

b. The universe is NOT self-derived, and there is an alternate fabric of reality beyond this universe, to which this universe is a part of, and cannot exist without, and THAT fabric of reality is self-derived and creates itself and thus the intelligent creator, because THIS universe is intelligent.

Follow The Flow

I ask you to put your faith, not in superstitution, but in reality, in, and through which you live and breathe.

I ask you to follow no idols, follow no ideas, and follow the flow itself.

Put your faith in reality, in the flow. Restore faith in our modern world, especially the western side of it, where faith is lacking.

I don't care which religion you pick, I don't mind if you make your own, but please, take a look at some of them, while letting reality enter your mind.

"Universe is the intelligent creator":

Pantheist religions:

"There is an intelligent creator beyond":

Panetheism religions:

Taoism in particular:

The Tao begot one. 
One begot two. 
Two begot three. 
And three begot the ten thousand things.

- Tao Te Ching, Chapter 42

Therefore when Tao is lost, there is goodness. 
When goodness is lost, there is kindness. 
When kindness is lost, there is justice. 
When justice is lost, there ritual. 
Now ritual is the husk of faith and loyalty, the beginning of confusion. 
Knowledge of the future is only a flowery trapping of Tao. 
It is the beginning of folly.

- Tao Te Ching, Chapter 38

Follow the flow, you will attain virtue.

Attain virtue, you will have compassion, simplicity, humility.

Have compassion, simplicity, humility, you and universe create ten thousand things.

Lose the flow, and there is still virtue.

Lose virtue, and there is still compassion.

Lose compassion, and there is still justice and righteousnes.

Lose justice and righteousness, and there is rules and social guidelines.

Holding fast to only rules and social guidelines is the beginning of chaos.

You read the newspaper every day. You wonder what is happening in our world. You don't know how to solve all the new problems coming up everyday.

Cultivate Virtue in your self, 
And Virtue will be real. 
Cultivate it in the family, 
And Virtue will abound. 
Cultivate it in the village, 
And Virtue will grow. 
Cultivate it in the nation, 
And Virtue will be abundant. 
Cultivate it in the universe, 
And Virtue will be everywhere.

- Tao Te Ching, Chapter 54

I present you, in the above, in this gist, the solution.

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