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#!/usr/bin/env groovy | |
pipeline { | |
agent { node { label 'swarm-ci' } } | |
environment { | |
TEST_PREFIX = "test-IMAGE" | |
REGISTRY_ADDRESS = "my.registry.address.com" | |
SLACK_CHANNEL = "#deployment-notifications" | |
SLACK_TOKEN = credentials("slack_token") | |
DEPLOY_URL = "https://deployment.example.com/" | |
COMPOSE_FILE = "docker-compose.yml" | |
REGISTRY_AUTH = credentials("docker-registry") | |
STACK_PREFIX = "my-project-stack-name" | |
} | |
stages { | |
stage("Prepare") { | |
steps { | |
bitbucketStatusNotify buildState: "INPROGRESS" | |
} | |
} | |
stage("Build and start test image") { | |
steps { | |
sh "docker-composer build" | |
sh "docker-compose up -d" | |
waitUntilServicesReady | |
} | |
} | |
stage("Run tests") { | |
steps { | |
sh "docker-compose exec -T php-fpm composer --no-ansi --no-interaction tests-ci" | |
sh "docker-compose exec -T php-fpm composer --no-ansi --no-interaction behat-ci" | |
} | |
post { | |
always { | |
junit "build/junit/*.xml" | |
step([ | |
$class : "CloverPublisher", | |
cloverReportDir : "build/coverage", | |
cloverReportFileName: "clover.xml" | |
]) | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
stage("Determine new version") { | |
when { | |
branch "master" | |
} | |
steps { | |
script { | |
env.DEPLOY_VERSION = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "docker run --rm -v '${env.WORKSPACE}':/repo:ro softonic/ci-version:0.1.0 --compatible-with package.json").trim() | |
env.DEPLOY_MAJOR_VERSION = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "echo '${env.DEPLOY_VERSION}' | awk -F'[ .]' '{print \$1}'").trim() | |
env.DEPLOY_COMMIT_HASH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git rev-parse HEAD | cut -c1-7").trim() | |
env.DEPLOY_BUILD_DATE = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'").trim() | |
env.IS_NEW_VERSION = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "[ '${env.DEPLOY_VERSION}' ] && echo 'YES'").trim() | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
stage("Create new version") { | |
when { | |
branch "master" | |
environment name: "IS_NEW_VERSION", value: "YES" | |
} | |
steps { | |
script { | |
sshagent(['ci-ssh']) { | |
sh """ | |
git config user.email "ci-user@email.com" | |
git config user.name "Jenkins" | |
git tag -a "v${env.DEPLOY_VERSION}" \ | |
-m "Generated by: ${env.JENKINS_URL}" \ | |
-m "Job: ${env.JOB_NAME}" \ | |
-m "Build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}" \ | |
-m "Env Branch: ${env.BRANCH_NAME}" | |
git push origin "v${env.DEPLOY_VERSION}" | |
""" | |
} | |
} | |
sh "docker-compose -f ${env.COMPOSE_FILE} build" | |
sh "docker-compose -f ${env.COMPOSE_FILE} push" | |
} | |
} | |
stage("Deploy to production") { | |
agent { node { label "swarm-prod" } } | |
when { | |
branch "master" | |
environment name: "IS_NEW_VERSION", value: "YES" | |
} | |
steps { | |
sh "docker stack deploy ${env.DEPLOY_STACK_NAME} -c ${env.COMPOSE_FILE} --with-registry-auth" | |
} | |
post { | |
success { | |
slackSend( | |
teamDomain: "${env.SLACK_TEAM_DOMAIN}", | |
token: "${env.SLACK_TOKEN}", | |
channel: "${env.SLACK_CHANNEL}", | |
color: "good", | |
message: "${env.STACK_PREFIX} production deploy: *${env.DEPLOY_VERSION}*. <${env.DEPLOY_URL}|Access service> - <${env.BUILD_URL}|Check build>" | |
) | |
} | |
failure { | |
slackSend( | |
teamDomain: "${env.SLACK_TEAM_DOMAIN}", | |
token: "${env.SLACK_TOKEN}", | |
channel: "${env.SLACK_CHANNEL}", | |
color: "danger", | |
message: "${env.STACK_PREFIX} production deploy failed: *${env.DEPLOY_VERSION}*. <${env.BUILD_URL}|Check build>" | |
) | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
post { | |
always { | |
sh "docker-compose down || true" | |
} | |
success { | |
bitbucketStatusNotify buildState: "SUCCESSFUL" | |
} | |
failure { | |
bitbucketStatusNotify buildState: "FAILED" | |
} | |
} | |
} |
#!/usr/bin/env groovy | |
pipeline { | |
/* | |
* Run everything on an existing agent configured with a label 'docker'. | |
* This agent will need docker, git and a jdk installed at a minimum. | |
*/ | |
agent { | |
node { | |
label 'docker' | |
} | |
} | |
// using the Timestamper plugin we can add timestamps to the console log | |
options { | |
timestamps() | |
} | |
environment { | |
//Use Pipeline Utility Steps plugin to read information from pom.xml into env variables | |
IMAGE = readMavenPom().getArtifactId() | |
VERSION = readMavenPom().getVersion() | |
} | |
stages { | |
stage('Build') { | |
agent { | |
docker { | |
/* | |
* Reuse the workspace on the agent defined at top-level of Pipeline but run inside a container. | |
* In this case we are running a container with maven so we don't have to install specific versions | |
* of maven directly on the agent | |
*/ | |
reuseNode true | |
image 'maven:3.5.0-jdk-8' | |
} | |
} | |
steps { | |
// using the Pipeline Maven plugin we can set maven configuration settings, publish test results, and annotate the Jenkins console | |
withMaven(options: [findbugsPublisher(), junitPublisher(ignoreAttachments: false)]) { | |
sh 'mvn clean findbugs:findbugs package' | |
} | |
} | |
post { | |
success { | |
// we only worry about archiving the jar file if the build steps are successful | |
archiveArtifacts(artifacts: '**/target/*.jar', allowEmptyArchive: true) | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
stage('Quality Analysis') { | |
parallel { | |
// run Sonar Scan and Integration tests in parallel. This syntax requires Declarative Pipeline 1.2 or higher | |
stage('Integration Test') { | |
agent any //run this stage on any available agent | |
steps { | |
echo 'Run integration tests here...' | |
} | |
} | |
stage('Sonar Scan') { | |
agent { | |
docker { | |
// we can use the same image and workspace as we did previously | |
reuseNode true | |
image 'maven:3.5.0-jdk-8' | |
} | |
} | |
environment { | |
//use 'sonar' credentials scoped only to this stage | |
SONAR = credentials('sonar') | |
} | |
steps { | |
sh 'mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.login=$SONAR_PSW' | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
stage('Build and Publish Image') { | |
when { | |
branch 'master' //only run these steps on the master branch | |
} | |
steps { | |
/* | |
* Multiline strings can be used for larger scripts. It is also possible to put scripts in your shared library | |
* and load them with 'libaryResource' | |
*/ | |
sh """ | |
docker build -t ${IMAGE} . | |
docker tag ${IMAGE} ${IMAGE}:${VERSION} | |
docker push ${IMAGE}:${VERSION} | |
""" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
post { | |
failure { | |
// notify users when the Pipeline fails | |
mail to: 'team@example.com', | |
subject: "Failed Pipeline: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}", | |
body: "Something is wrong with ${env.BUILD_URL}" | |
} | |
} | |
} |
#!/usr/bin/env groovy | |
pipeline { | |
agent any | |
environment { | |
POM_VERSION = readMavenPom().getVersion() | |
BUILD_RELEASE_VERSION = readMavenPom().getVersion().replace("-SNAPSHOT", "") | |
IS_SNAPSHOT = readMavenPom().getVersion().endsWith("-SNAPSHOT") | |
GIT_TAG_COMMIT = sh(script: 'git describe --tags --always', returnStdout: true).trim() | |
} | |
stages { | |
stage('stage one') { | |
steps { | |
script { | |
tags_extra = "value_1" | |
} | |
echo "tags_extra: ${tags_extra}" | |
} | |
} | |
stage('stage two') { | |
steps { | |
echo "tags_extra: ${tags_extra}" | |
} | |
} | |
stage('stage three') { | |
when { | |
expression { tags_extra != 'bla' } | |
} | |
steps { | |
echo "tags_extra: ${tags_extra}" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} |
#!/usr/bin/env groovy | |
// Some fast steps to inspect the build server. Create a pipeline script job and add this: | |
node { | |
DOCKER_PATH = sh (script: 'command -v docker', returnStdout: true).trim() | |
echo "Docker path: ${DOCKER_PATH}" | |
FREE_MEM = sh (script: 'free -m', returnStdout: true).trim() | |
echo "Free memory: ${FREE_MEM}" | |
echo sh(script: 'env|sort', returnStdout: true) | |
} |
#!/usr/bin/env groovy | |
pipeline { | |
agent any | |
stages { | |
stage("Build") { | |
steps { | |
sh 'mvn -v' | |
} | |
} | |
stage("Testing") { | |
parallel { | |
stage("Unit Tests") { | |
agent { docker 'openjdk:7-jdk-alpine' } | |
steps { | |
sh 'java -version' | |
} | |
} | |
stage("Functional Tests") { | |
agent { docker 'openjdk:8-jdk-alpine' } | |
steps { | |
sh 'java -version' | |
} | |
} | |
stage("Integration Tests") { | |
steps { | |
sh 'java -version' | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
stage("Deploy") { | |
steps { | |
echo "Deploy!" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} |
#!/usr/bin/env groovy | |
pipeline { | |
agent any | |
environment { | |
VALUE_ONE = '1' | |
VALUE_TWO = '2' | |
VALUE_THREE = '3' | |
} | |
stages { | |
// skip a stage while creating the pipeline | |
stage("A stage to be skipped") { | |
when { | |
expression { false } //skip this stage | |
} | |
steps { | |
echo 'This step will never be run' | |
} | |
} | |
// Execute when branch = 'master' | |
stage("BASIC WHEN - Branch") { | |
when { | |
branch 'master' | |
} | |
steps { | |
echo 'BASIC WHEN - Master Branch!' | |
} | |
} | |
// Expression based when example with AND | |
stage('WHEN EXPRESSION with AND') { | |
when { | |
expression { | |
VALUE_ONE == '1' && VALUE_THREE == '3' | |
} | |
} | |
steps { | |
echo 'WHEN with AND expression works!' | |
} | |
} | |
// Expression based when example | |
stage('WHEN EXPRESSION with OR') { | |
when { | |
expression { | |
VALUE_ONE == '1' || VALUE_THREE == '2' | |
} | |
} | |
steps { | |
echo 'WHEN with OR expression works!' | |
} | |
} | |
// When - AllOf Example | |
stage("AllOf") { | |
when { | |
allOf { | |
environment name:'VALUE_ONE', value: '1' | |
environment name:'VALUE_TWO', value: '2' | |
} | |
} | |
steps { | |
echo "AllOf Works!!" | |
} | |
} | |
// When - Not AnyOf Example | |
stage("Not AnyOf") { | |
when { | |
not { | |
anyOf { | |
branch "development" | |
environment name:'VALUE_TWO', value: '4' | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
steps { | |
echo "Not AnyOf - Works!" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} |
#!/usr/bin/env groovy | |
pipeline { | |
// run on jenkins nodes tha has java 8 label | |
agent { label 'java8' } | |
// global env variables | |
environment { | |
EMAIL_RECIPIENTS = 'mahmoud.romeh@test.com' | |
} | |
stages { | |
stage('Build with unit testing') { | |
steps { | |
// Run the maven build | |
script { | |
// Get the Maven tool. | |
// ** NOTE: This 'M3' Maven tool must be configured | |
// ** in the global configuration. | |
echo 'Pulling...' + env.BRANCH_NAME | |
def mvnHome = tool 'Maven 3.3.9' | |
if (isUnix()) { | |
def targetVersion = getDevVersion() | |
print 'target build version...' | |
print targetVersion | |
sh "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' -Dintegration-tests.skip=true -Dbuild.number=${targetVersion} clean package" | |
def pom = readMavenPom file: 'pom.xml' | |
// get the current development version | |
developmentArtifactVersion = "${pom.version}-${targetVersion}" | |
print pom.version | |
// execute the unit testing and collect the reports | |
junit '**//*target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml' | |
archive 'target*//*.jar' | |
} else { | |
bat(/"${mvnHome}\bin\mvn" -Dintegration-tests.skip=true clean package/) | |
def pom = readMavenPom file: 'pom.xml' | |
print pom.version | |
junit '**//*target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml' | |
archive 'target*//*.jar' | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
stage('Integration tests') { | |
// Run integration test | |
steps { | |
script { | |
def mvnHome = tool 'Maven 3.3.9' | |
if (isUnix()) { | |
// just to trigger the integration test without unit testing | |
sh "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' verify -Dunit-tests.skip=true" | |
} else { | |
bat(/"${mvnHome}\bin\mvn" verify -Dunit-tests.skip=true/) | |
} | |
} | |
// cucumber reports collection | |
cucumber buildStatus: null, fileIncludePattern: '**/cucumber.json', jsonReportDirectory: 'target', sortingMethod: 'ALPHABETICAL' | |
} | |
} | |
stage('Sonar scan execution') { | |
// Run the sonar scan | |
steps { | |
script { | |
def mvnHome = tool 'Maven 3.3.9' | |
withSonarQubeEnv { | |
sh "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' verify sonar:sonar -Dintegration-tests.skip=true -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// waiting for sonar results based into the configured web hook in Sonar server which push the status back to jenkins | |
stage('Sonar scan result check') { | |
steps { | |
timeout(time: 2, unit: 'MINUTES') { | |
retry(3) { | |
script { | |
def qg = waitForQualityGate() | |
if (qg.status != 'OK') { | |
error "Pipeline aborted due to quality gate failure: ${qg.status}" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
stage('Development deploy approval and deployment') { | |
steps { | |
script { | |
if (currentBuild.result == null || currentBuild.result == 'SUCCESS') { | |
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'MINUTES') { | |
// you can use the commented line if u have specific user group who CAN ONLY approve | |
//input message:'Approve deployment?', submitter: 'it-ops' | |
input message: 'Approve deployment?' | |
} | |
timeout(time: 2, unit: 'MINUTES') { | |
// | |
if (developmentArtifactVersion != null && !developmentArtifactVersion.isEmpty()) { | |
// replace it with your application name or make it easily loaded from pom.xml | |
def jarName = "application-${developmentArtifactVersion}.jar" | |
echo "the application is deploying ${jarName}" | |
// NOTE : CREATE your deployemnt JOB, where it can take parameters whoch is the jar name to fetch from jenkins workspace | |
build job: 'ApplicationToDev', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'jarName', value: jarName]] | |
echo 'the application is deployed !' | |
} else { | |
error 'the application is not deployed as development version is null!' | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
stage('DEV sanity check') { | |
steps { | |
// give some time till the deployment is done, so we wait 45 seconds | |
sleep(45) | |
script { | |
if (currentBuild.result == null || currentBuild.result == 'SUCCESS') { | |
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'MINUTES') { | |
script { | |
def mvnHome = tool 'Maven 3.3.9' | |
//NOTE : if u change the sanity test class name , change it here as well | |
sh "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' -Dtest=ApplicationSanityCheck_ITT surefire:test" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
stage('Release and publish artifact') { | |
when { | |
// check if branch is master | |
branch 'master' | |
} | |
steps { | |
// create the release version then create a tage with it , then push to nexus releases the released jar | |
script { | |
def mvnHome = tool 'Maven 3.3.9' // | |
if (currentBuild.result == null || currentBuild.result == 'SUCCESS') { | |
def v = getReleaseVersion() | |
releasedVersion = v; | |
if (v) { | |
echo "Building version ${v} - so released version is ${releasedVersion}" | |
} | |
// jenkins user credentials ID which is transparent to the user and password change | |
sshagent(['0000000-3b5a-454e-a8e6-c6b6114d36000']) { | |
sh "git tag -f v${v}" | |
sh "git push -f --tags" | |
} | |
sh "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' -Dmaven.test.skip=true versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=${v}" | |
sh "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean deploy" | |
} else { | |
error "Release is not possible. as build is not successful" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
stage('Deploy to Acceptance') { | |
when { | |
// check if branch is master | |
branch 'master' | |
} | |
steps { | |
script { | |
if (currentBuild.result == null || currentBuild.result == 'SUCCESS') { | |
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'MINUTES') { | |
//input message:'Approve deployment?', submitter: 'it-ops' | |
input message: 'Approve deployment to UAT?' | |
} | |
timeout(time: 3, unit: 'MINUTES') { | |
// deployment job which will take the relasesed version | |
if (releasedVersion != null && !releasedVersion.isEmpty()) { | |
// make the applciation name for the jar configurable | |
def jarName = "application-${releasedVersion}.jar" | |
echo "the application is deploying ${jarName}" | |
// NOTE : DO NOT FORGET to create your UAT deployment jar , check Job AlertManagerToUAT in Jenkins for reference | |
// the deployemnt should be based into Nexus repo | |
build job: 'AApplicationToACC', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'jarName', value: jarName], [$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'appVersion', value: releasedVersion]] | |
echo 'the application is deployed !' | |
} else { | |
error 'the application is not deployed as released version is null!' | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
stage('ACC E2E tests') { | |
when { | |
// check if branch is master | |
branch 'master' | |
} | |
steps { | |
// give some time till the deployment is done, so we wait 45 seconds | |
sleep(45) | |
script { | |
if (currentBuild.result == null || currentBuild.result == 'SUCCESS') { | |
timeout(time: 1, unit: 'MINUTES') { | |
script { | |
def mvnHome = tool 'Maven 3.3.9' | |
// NOTE : if you change the test class name change it here as well | |
sh "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' -Dtest=ApplicationE2E surefire:test" | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
post { | |
// Always runs. And it runs before any of the other post conditions. | |
always { | |
// Let's wipe out the workspace before we finish! | |
deleteDir() | |
} | |
success { | |
sendEmail("Successful"); | |
} | |
unstable { | |
sendEmail("Unstable"); | |
} | |
failure { | |
sendEmail("Failed"); | |
} | |
} | |
// The options directive is for configuration that applies to the whole job. | |
options { | |
// For example, we'd like to make sure we only keep 10 builds at a time, so | |
// we don't fill up our storage! | |
buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '5')) | |
// And we'd really like to be sure that this build doesn't hang forever, so | |
// let's time it out after an hour. | |
timeout(time: 25, unit: 'MINUTES') | |
} | |
} | |
def developmentArtifactVersion = '' | |
def releasedVersion = '' | |
// get change log to be send over the mail | |
@NonCPS | |
def getChangeString() { | |
MAX_MSG_LEN = 100 | |
def changeString = "" | |
echo "Gathering SCM changes" | |
def changeLogSets = currentBuild.changeSets | |
for (int i = 0; i < changeLogSets.size(); i++) { | |
def entries = changeLogSets[i].items | |
for (int j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) { | |
def entry = entries[j] | |
truncated_msg = entry.msg.take(MAX_MSG_LEN) | |
changeString += " - ${truncated_msg} [${entry.author}]\n" | |
} | |
} | |
if (!changeString) { | |
changeString = " - No new changes" | |
} | |
return changeString | |
} | |
def sendEmail(status) { | |
mail( | |
subject: "Build $BUILD_NUMBER - " + status + " (${currentBuild.fullDisplayName})", | |
body: "Changes:\n " + getChangeString() + "\n\n Check console output at: $BUILD_URL/console" + "\n") | |
} | |
def getDevVersion() { | |
def gitCommit = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim() | |
def versionNumber; | |
if (gitCommit == null) { | |
versionNumber = env.BUILD_NUMBER; | |
} else { | |
versionNumber = gitCommit.take(8); | |
} | |
print 'build versions...' | |
print versionNumber | |
return versionNumber | |
} | |
def getReleaseVersion() { | |
def pom = readMavenPom file: 'pom.xml' | |
def gitCommit = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim() | |
def versionNumber; | |
if (gitCommit == null) { | |
versionNumber = env.BUILD_NUMBER; | |
} else { | |
versionNumber = gitCommit.take(8); | |
} | |
return pom.version.replace("-SNAPSHOT", ".${versionNumber}") | |
} | |
// if you want parallel execution , check below : | |
//stage('Quality Gate(Integration Tests and Sonar Scan)') { | |
// // Run the maven build | |
// steps { | |
// parallel( | |
// IntegrationTest: { | |
// script { | |
// def mvnHome = tool 'Maven 3.3.9' | |
// if (isUnix()) { | |
// sh "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' verify -Dunit-tests.skip=true" | |
// } else { | |
// bat(/"${mvnHome}\bin\mvn" verify -Dunit-tests.skip=true/) | |
// } | |
// | |
// } | |
// }, | |
// SonarCheck: { | |
// script { | |
// def mvnHome = tool 'Maven 3.3.9' | |
// withSonarQubeEnv { | |
// // sh "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' verify sonar:sonar -Dsonar.host.url=http://bicsjava.bc/sonar/ -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true" | |
// sh "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' verify sonar:sonar -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true" | |
// } | |
// } | |
// }, | |
// failFast: true) | |
// } | |
//} |
#!/bin/env groovy | |
/* | |
Parameters: | |
GIT_MAVEN_REPOSITORY - Maven registry to be used when pushing artifacts | |
DOCKER_PUSH_REGISTRY - Docker registry to be used when pushing image | |
*/ | |
pipeline { | |
// parameters { | |
// string(name: 'PARAM_1', description: 'parameter #1', defaultValue: 'default_a') | |
// string(name: 'PARAM_2', description: 'parameter #2') | |
// string(name: 'PARAM_ONLY_IN_JENKINS_BRANCH', description: 'this param is only present in jenkins branch ') | |
// string(name: 'PARAM_EXTRA', description: 'en extra param ') | |
// // string(name: 'GIT_MAVEN_REPOSITORY', description: 'Maven registry to be used when pushing artifacts') | |
// // string(name: 'GIT_MAVEN_CREDENTIALS_ID', description: 'Credentials when using GIT_MAVEN_REPOSITORY') | |
// // string(name: 'DOCKER_PUSH_REGISTRY', description: 'Docker registry to be used when pushing image') | |
// // string(name: 'DOCKER_PUSH_REGISTRY_CREDENTIALS_ID', description: 'Credentials when using DOCKER_PUSH_REGISTRY') | |
// } | |
agent any | |
environment { | |
POM_GROUP_ID = readMavenPom().getGroupId() | |
POM_VERSION = readMavenPom().getVersion() | |
BUILD_RELEASE_VERSION = readMavenPom().getVersion().replace("-SNAPSHOT", "") | |
GIT_TAG_COMMIT = sh (script: 'git describe --tags --always', returnStdout: true).trim() | |
//IS_SNAPSHOT = readMavenPom().getVersion().endsWith("-SNAPSHOT") | |
IS_SNAPSHOT = getMavenVersion().endsWith("-SNAPSHOT") | |
version_a = getMavenVersion() | |
} | |
stages { | |
stage('Init') { | |
steps { | |
echo "version_a: ${env.versiona_a}" | |
script {println type: IS_SNAPSHOT.getClass()} | |
echo sh(script: 'env|sort', returnStdout: true) | |
echo "Variable params: ${params}" | |
//echo "params.PARAM_1: ${params.PARAM_1}" | |
} | |
} | |
stage('Build') { | |
when { | |
expression { false } //disable this stage | |
} | |
steps { | |
sh './mvnw -B clean package -DskipTests' | |
archive includes: '**/target/*.jar' | |
stash includes: '**/target/*.jar', name: 'jar' | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
def getMavenVersion() { | |
return sh(script: "./mvnw org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-help-plugin:2.1.1:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version | grep -v '\\[' | tail -1", returnStdout: true).trim() | |
} |
Some Jenkinsfile examples |
#!/usr/bin/env groovy | |
// scan filesystem for vulnerable log4j files | |
node { | |
sh ''' | |
cd "$(mktemp -d)" | |
git clone https://github.com/mergebase/log4j-detector.git | |
cd log4j-detector/ | |
java -jar log4j-detector-*.jar $JENKINS_HOME | |
''' | |
} |
I think the example 5 is not a jenkinsfile, it is a scripted pipeline
Jenkinsfile is just a container for declarative and/or scripted pipelines.
@jrichardsz it's still a Jenkinsfile but, just as @leeShape says, it's a scripted pipeline.
All my projects uses declarative pipelines but sometimes I need to know something about the Jenkins server. I then usually create a dummy job with a scriped pipeline just to be able to run certain commands on the server.
You are right. This fragment is from official jenkins docs:
Declarative versus Scripted Pipeline syntax
A Jenkinsfile can be written using two types of syntax - Declarative and Scripted.
Declarative and Scripted Pipelines are constructed fundamentally differently.
Declarative Pipeline is a more recent feature of Jenkins Pipeline
Also it is worth mentioning that latest Jenkins samples are oriented to Declarative Pipelines. Some times to search the alternative in scripted pipeline takes its time :(
@merikan Do you have any examples for Build Blocker or any thorough introduction how JobDSL relates to declarative and imperative pipeline?
I still dont understand how the job type pipeline
relates to the block attribute pipeline
, what options are available (can I query those?) etc.
Neither do I understand what the most basic functionality for "do it yourself" is and what the tradeoffs are.
Do you have any recommendations for this?
Hi @matu3ba
I assume you mean Build Blocker plugin
and Job DSL plugin
. I try to avoid extra plugins in my pipelines as much as possible so I have no experience with them.
A pipeline project can have internal or external pipeline script (Jenkinsfile
). A pipeline script can be declarative
or scripted
. In a declarative pipeline there is the attribute pipeline
and you can find the description at https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/
If you have your own Jenkins instance you can use the Declarative Directive Generator with the path /directive-generator/
e.g. http://jenkins.local:8080/directive-generator/
Hi @merikan, thanks for the reply.
I assume you mean Build Blocker plugin and Job DSL plugin. I try to avoid extra plugins in my pipelines as much as possible so I have no experience with them.
After searching around for a while, I found out that pipelines are not supported.
I did also find the wiki and an example.
Coding the JobDSL for trivial tasks like getting all branches is annoying: https://archive-docs.d2iq.com/mesosphere/dcos/services/jenkins/3.5.3-2.150.1/script-template-job-dsl/ and documentation for getting the pushed branch is non-existent.
Jenkins feels like a DSL that wants to be backwards-comptible with no easily accessible documentation on the internals, so I will burn it with fire once I can.
for learning purposes
Thanks @merikan this is really hepful:)
Thanks @merikan for the content.