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Created December 26, 2024 19:49
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ai hints plugin for steel
(require (prefix-in helix. "helix/commands.scm"))
(require (prefix-in helix.static. "helix/static.scm"))
(require "helix/misc.scm")
(require "component.scm")
(require "helix/editor.scm")
(require-builtin helix/components)
(require-builtin helix/core/text as text.)
(require "cogs/helix-ext.scm")
(define (run-cmd cmd . args)
([builder (command cmd args)])
(set-piped-stdout! builder)
(~> builder spawn-process Ok->value wait->stdout Ok->value)))
(define api-key (trim (run-cmd "printenv" "OPENAI_API_KEY")))
(define (get-document-as-slice)
(let* ([focus (editor-focus)]
[focus-doc-id (editor->doc-id focus)])
(text.rope->string (editor->text focus-doc-id))))
(define openapi-server "")
(define (make-request code-with-cursor callback)
(fn ()
(define output
(list "Only answer in code without wrapping into markdown, what would you put at the position of <CURSOR>, don't include text before or after <CURSOR>:
(hash 'type "content" 'content code-with-cursor)
"Content-Type: application/json"
(string-join (list "Authorization: Bearer " api-key))))
(define parsed-output
(string->jsexpr output)
(hash-ref 'choices)
(list-ref 0)
(hash-ref 'message)
(hash-ref 'content)))
(fn ()
(callback parsed-output))))))
(define *latest-inlay-hint* (None))
(provide ask-prompt)
(provide accept-current-hint)
;; accepts the current ai generated hint
(define (accept-current-hint)
(when (not (None? *latest-inlay-hint*))
(helix.static.insert_string (cadr *latest-inlay-hint*))
(define (clear-inlay-hint)
(when (not (None? *latest-inlay-hint*))
(apply remove-inlay-hint (cons ** *latest-inlay-hint*))
(set! *latest-inlay-hint* (None))))
;; each character should'nt send a request
(define *latest-debounce-id* 0)
(define (ask-prompt)
(define current-debounce-id (+ 1 *latest-debounce-id*))
(set! *latest-debounce-id* current-debounce-id)
(define doc (get-document-as-slice))
(define cursor-pos (>pos))
(define code-with-cursor
(substring doc 0 cursor-pos)
(substring doc cursor-pos))))
(enqueue-thread-local-callback-with-delay 300
(fn ()
(not (equal? current-debounce-id *latest-debounce-id*))
(return! void))
(make-request code-with-cursor
(fn (x)
(when (not (equal? current-debounce-id *latest-debounce-id*)) (return! void))
(fn ()
(set! *latest-inlay-hint* (list cursor-pos x))
(add-inlay-hint ** cursor-pos x))))))))
(register-hook! "post-command"
(fn (_)
(register-hook! "post-insert-char"
(fn (_)
(register-hook! "on-mode-switch"
(fn (_)
(set! *latest-debounce-id* (+ 1 *latest-debounce-id*))
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