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Alexey Simonenko meritt

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.element {
position: relative;
top: 50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);
meritt / table.css
Last active December 21, 2021 10:42 — forked from colintoh/table.css
table { display: table }
tr { display: table-row }
thead { display: table-header-group }
tbody { display: table-row-group }
tfoot { display: table-footer-group }
col { display: table-column }
colgroup { display: table-column-group }
td, th { display: table-cell }
caption { display: table-caption }
meritt /
Created July 19, 2011 06:04 — forked from tcr/
Serial/Parallel functions in CoffeeScript
# Asynchronous DSL for CoffeeScript
serial = (f) ->
next = -> arr.shift().apply(null, arguments) if arr.length
arr = (v for k, v of f(next))
parallel = (f, after = ->) ->
res = {}; arrc = 0
* Add this script to the end of your document that use <input autofocus type="text" />
* or <input type="text" placeholder="username" /> and it'll plug support for browser
* without these attributes
* Minified version at the bottom
(function () {
function each(list, fn) {
var l = list.length;
// All elements which match this will be syntax highlighted.
var selector = 'code';
var keywords = ('var function if else for while break switch case do new '
+'continue delete return this true false throw catch typeof').split(' ');
// Syntax definition
// The key becomes the class name of the <span>
// around the matched block of code.
var syntax = {
# This is how you can get a user's location using MacRuby and CoreLocation
framework 'CoreLocation'
def locationManager(manager, didUpdateToLocation: new_location, fromLocation: old_location)
puts "location: #{new_location.description}"
loc = CLLocationManager.alloc.init
loc.delegate = self
var DateHelper = {
// Takes the format of "Jan 15, 2007 15:45:00 GMT" and converts it to a relative time
// Ruby strftime: %b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S GMT
time_ago_in_words_with_parsing: function(from) {
var date = new Date;
return this.time_ago_in_words(date);
time_ago_in_words: function(from) {
meritt / httpdump
Created April 4, 2009 07:52 — forked from peterc/httpdump
# Monitor HTTP requests being made from your machine with a one-liner..
# Replace "en1" below with your network interface's name (usually en0 or en1)
sudo tcpdump -i en1 -n -s 0 -w - | grep -a -o -E "Host\: .*|GET \/.*"
# OR.. to be able to use as "httpdump" from anywhere, drop this into ~/.bash_profile:
# (again replace "en1" with correct network interface name)
alias httpdump="sudo tcpdump -i en1 -n -s 0 -w - | grep -a -o -E "Host\: .*|GET \/.*""
# All the above tested only on OS X.