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Created November 22, 2020 15:53
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CMPivot queries

Power plan per device

PowerSettings | where Name == 'Power Plan Type'

Devices where AC power plan is not High Performance

PowerSettings | summarize countif((ACValue == 'High Performance')) by Device // | summarize countif((ACSettingIndex == 1)) by Device | where (countif_ == 0) | project Device

Devices with > 1 monitor

DesktopMonitor | summarize dcount(DeviceID) by Device | where dcount_ > 1

Machines where user X is currently logged on

User | where UserName like '%X%'

Local Time deviation

OperatingSystem | where isnotnull( LocalDateTime ) | summarize count() by LocalDateTime

Registry items

Registry('hkcu:\\Environment') Registry('hklm:\\KEY') Registry('hku:\\KEY') doesn't currently work

Machine-level proxy configuration

Registry('HKLM:\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings') | summarize countif( (Property == 'ProxyEnable') and (Value == '1') ) by Property,Value

Registry('HKLM:\\Software\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings') | summarize countif( (Property == 'ProxyEnable') and (Value == '1') ) by Property,Value

Find KMS Licensing servers

SWLicensingService | where (IsKeyManagementServiceMachine == 1)

List Maintenance Windows with Time Zone information

CcmLog('ServiceWindowManager') | where (LogText like '%Service Window with ID = {%} having Starttime=%2020%') 1
| distinct Device, MaintenanceWindow = substring(LogText,indexof(LogText ,'Starttime=')), PolicyTime = DateTime | join (TimeZone | project Device, TimeZone = strcat(StandardName, ' ', Caption)) | project Device, MaintenanceWindow, TimeZone, PolicyTime | order by Device asc, PolicyTime desc

Filtered on last hour and specific StartTime

CcmLog('ServiceWindowManager',1h) | where (LogText like '%Service Window with ID = {%} having Starttime=4/30/2020%') 1
| distinct Device, MaintenanceWindow = substring(LogText,indexof(LogText ,'Starttime=')), PolicyTime = DateTime | join (TimeZone | project Device, TimeZone = strcat(StandardName, ' ', Caption)) | project Device, MaintenanceWindow, TimeZone, PolicyTime | order by Device asc, PolicyTime desc

Render charts with title

| render piechart with(title='some text')

List all Active directory user that are administrator of their machine

Administrators | where (ObjectClass == 'User') | where (PrincipalSource == 'ActiveDirectory')

List on which machine an admin is administrator

Administrators | where (Name == 'DOMAIN\\USERNAME')

Count application crash by devices

AppCrash | summarize dcount( Device ) by FileName

List application crash on a specific device

AppCrash | where (Device == 'DeviceName')

List all Auto Start Software on a specific device

AutoStartSoftware | where (Device == 'xx')

List a specific Autostart software

AutoStartSoftware | where (Product == 'ProductName')

Count all Bios version

Bios | summarize dcount( Device ) by Version

Find a specific device based on a serial number

Bios | where (SerialNumber == 'xx')

Find a specific device based on bios version

Bios | where (Version == 'xx')

List 50 last lines of a specific SCCM log file on a specific computer

CcmLog('CCMLogName.log') | where (Device == 'DeviceName') | order by DateTime desc | project Device, LogText, DateTime

List 50 last lines of a specific SCCM log file

CcmLog('CCMLogName') | order by DateTime desc | project Device, LogText, DateTime

Active Tcp connection in or out of a specific device to a specific destination'

Connection | where (Device == ''DeviceName') | where (Server == ''ServerName')

Active Tcp connection in or out of the device to a specific destination

Connection | where (Server == ''ServerName')

List all Microsoft devices based on Manufacturer

Device | where (Manufacturer like 'Microsoft')

List all Lenovo devices based on Manufacturer

Device | where (Manufacturer like 'Lenovo')

List all Dell devices based on Manufacturer

Device | where (Manufacturer like 'Dell')

List all HP devices based on Manufacturer

Device | where (Manufacturer like 'HP')

Count devices by Manufacturer

Device | summarize dcount( Device ) by Manufacturer

Count devices by Model

Device | summarize dcount( Device ) by Model

Search a specific disk based on serial number

Disk | where (Description == 'Local Fixed Disk') | where (VolumeSerialNumber == 'YourNumber')

List all C:\ disk information from all devices

Disk | where (Description == 'Local Fixed Disk') | where (Name == 'C:')

Last 50 events from the Application event log from a specific computer

EventLog('Application') | where (Device == 'DeviceName') | order by DateTime desc

Last 50 events from the Application event log

EventLog('Application') | order by DateTime desc

Last 50 events from the System event log

EventLog('System') | order by DateTime desc

Last 50 events from the Security event log

EventLog('Security') | order by DateTime desc

Information about a specific file


Information about a specific file on a specific computer

File('c:\\path\\file.exe')| where (Device == ''DeviceName')

Active file share information excluding Administrative Shares (Share$)

FileShare | where (Type == 0)

Active file share information on a specific device

FileShare | where (Device == ''DeviceName')

Count of application installed on the device

InstalledSoftware | summarize dcount( Device ) by ProductName

Count Devices with a specific application

InstalledSoftware | summarize countif( (ProductName == 'YourProductName') ) by Device | where (countif_ > 0)

List installed applications on a specific device

InstalledSoftware | where (Device == ''DeviceName')

List a specific installed applications

InstalledSoftware | where (ProductName == 'YourProductName')

List a installed applications of a specific publisher

InstalledSoftware | where (Publisher == 'YourPublisherName')

List all Ethernet address that are up

IPConfig | where ((InterfaceAlias like 'Ethernet') and (Status == 'Up'))

List a device based on it's IPv4 address

IPConfig | where (IPV4Address == '')

Count device with a specific OS version

OS | summarize countif( (Version == '10.0.17134') ) by Device | where (countif_ > 0)

OS information on a specific device

OS | where (Device == 'DeviceName')

List all device with 64-bit OS

OS | where (OSArchitecture == '64-bit')

List all device with 32-bit OS

OS | where (OSArchitecture == '32-bit')

List all devices with Windows 10

OS | where (Version like '10%')

List all devices with Windows 7

OS | where (Version like '6.1%')

List a specific process

Process | where (Name == 'ProcessName.exe')

List all process from a specific device

Process | where (Device == 'DeviceName')

List all values for a specific HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry key


List all values for a specific HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key


List all Services on a specific machine

Service | where (Device == 'DeviceName')

List machines with a specific running service

Service | where (Name == 'ServiceName') | where (State == 'Running')

List machines with a specific stopped service

Service | where (Name == 'ServiceName') | where (State == 'Stopped')

List SMB Configuration on a specific device

SMBConfig | where (Device == 'DeviceName')

Count all device with SMB1 enabled

SMBConfig | summarize countif( (EnableSMB1Protocol == true) ) by Device | where (countif_ > 0)

Count all device with SMB1 disabled

SMBConfig | summarize countif( (EnableSMB1Protocol == false) ) by Device | where (countif_ > 0)

Count device with a specific software update applicable but not installed on the device (by KB Number)

SoftwareUpdate | summarize countif( (KBArticleIDs == 'KB0000000') ) by Device | where (countif_ > 0)

A software update applicable but not installed on a specific device

SoftwareUpdate | where (Device == 'DeviceName')


  1. IDs between {} seem to be non-recurring 2

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