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Last active October 14, 2022 19:04
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things that need a name

Things That Need a Name

  • The Chicken Problem
  • The Photoshop Problem
    • cf. Unix
    • How do you know enough to know which five commands are twenty times more important than all the others?
    • banner vs. cd
    • "Posterize" vs. "Unsharp Mask"
  • The Kawaii Marriott Reaction
    • Stockholm Syndrome, but for customer service
  • The thing where you say "I'm from Chicago" for whatever
  • recommendation that's definitely not a recommendation
    • aka #MerlinShitList OR
    • The Shoah Problem
      • "This $thing is amazing, but I can't exactly… recommend it"
      • (why twitter should have bookmarks and not freaking hearts)
  • the "you forgot about…" problem
    • No. I did not forget about anything.
    • lists are curation, you dingaling
    • if you want all the things I "forgot," buy an encyclopedia
  • DBF phenomenon: an ambitious challenge plus a fall-back easy challenge
  • Via Alex's Emergent Bipolar Mornings "That’s another thing we need a word for, like a brief and sudden interruption that can’t be avoided and must be dealt with but does not and likely would not end in catastrophe"
  • Channing Tatum's Marvel pseudo trauma
  • TV shows I didn't stop watching for any particular reason
    • because life just happens
  • Merlin's array from cognition to doing
  • Apps and services you love so much that you wish you had more occasion to use them
  • "Transphobia"
    • you sure they're solely…"scared?"
    • because you might want to leaven that "fear" with more than a dash of "weird, irrational hatred"
  • when two people you like on twitter interact with each other
  • a meta name for this very kind of thing
    • uhhhh…"sniglet?"
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