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Last active February 1, 2024 17:06
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Every day, somebody's born who's never seen "The Flintstones"

Cincinnati's independent UHF channel 19 (WXIX, get it?) used to have a "1 O'Clock Movie" that ran for two hours every weekday afternoon. They were mostly old black and white films that, even with all the commercials, often ran shy of the 120-minute block allotted.

When they had to fill the extra time, they'd run a "Questions to the Station Manager" segment, where viewer letters were read and the manager responded on-air. Why'd you stop running Ultraman? (Too violent). Why'd you stop showing pro wrestling? (Too violent). How come you show so many commercials? (Well. We're a business and stuff).

Anyhow. One time a viewer expressed her frustration that WXIX was still showing reruns of The Flintstones, a dumb kid's cartoon that hadn't even been on the air in almost a decade ferchrissakes.

The manager calmly explained that, in addition to lots of kids enjoying the show, you have to keep in mind that, believe it or not, that show is still new to someone who's never seen it. To someone who's not you.

And, then, he said something I'll never forget:

Every day, somebody's born who's never seen The Flintstones.

So, to this day, over forty years later, whenever someone complains that "everyone already knows this" or they whine about how "everyone has already seen this," I always think the same thing:

Every day, somebody's born who's never seen The Flintstones.

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