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Created May 9, 2021 14:14
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Sentiment analysis code for tutorial
from transformers import pipeline
import unicodedata
from quixstreaming import *
import signal
import threading
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import itertools
import emoji
import traceback
import numpy as np
import os
import datetime
from dateutil import parser
input_label = 'tweet-text'
classifier = pipeline('sentiment-analysis')
# Create a client factory. Factory helps you create StreamingClient (see below) a little bit easier
security = SecurityOptions("../certificates/ca.cert", "USER_NAME", "PASSWORD")
client = StreamingClient(',,', security)
# To get more info about consumer group,
# see
consumer_group = "twitter-sentiment-model"
# input_topic = client.open_input_topic('mc2568-sentimentanalysis-twitter-stream', consumer_group)
input_topic = client.open_input_topic('TWEETS_TOPIC_ID')
output_topic = client.open_output_topic('SENTIMENT_ANALYSIS_STATS_TOPICID')
stream = output_topic.create_stream("sentiment-stats")
# Give the stream human readable name. This name will appear in data catalogue. = "Sentiment Results"
def strip_accents(text):
# length_initial=len(text)
# initial_text=text
if 'ø' in text or 'Ø' in text:
return text
text = text.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
text = text.decode("utf-8")
return str(text)
def load_dict_smileys():
return {
":‑)": "smiley",
":-]": "smiley",
":-3": "smiley",
":->": "smiley",
"8-)": "smiley",
":-}": "smiley",
":)": "smiley",
":]": "smiley",
":3": "smiley",
":>": "smiley",
"8)": "smiley",
":}": "smiley",
":o)": "smiley",
":c)": "smiley",
":^)": "smiley",
"=]": "smiley",
"=)": "smiley",
":-))": "smiley",
":‑D": "smiley",
"8‑D": "smiley",
"x‑D": "smiley",
"X‑D": "smiley",
":D": "smiley",
"8D": "smiley",
"xD": "smiley",
"XD": "smiley",
":‑(": "sad",
":‑c": "sad",
":‑<": "sad",
":‑[": "sad",
":(": "sad",
":c": "sad",
":<": "sad",
":[": "sad",
":-||": "sad",
">:[": "sad",
":{": "sad",
":@": "sad",
">:(": "sad",
":'‑(": "sad",
":'(": "sad",
":‑P": "playful",
"X‑P": "playful",
"x‑p": "playful",
":‑p": "playful",
":‑Þ": "playful",
":‑þ": "playful",
":‑b": "playful",
":P": "playful",
"XP": "playful",
"xp": "playful",
":p": "playful",
":Þ": "playful",
":þ": "playful",
":b": "playful",
"<3": "love"
def load_dict_contractions():
return {
"ain't": "is not",
"amn't": "am not",
"aren't": "are not",
"can't": "cannot",
"'cause": "because",
"couldn't": "could not",
"couldn't've": "could not have",
"could've": "could have",
"daren't": "dare not",
"daresn't": "dare not",
"dasn't": "dare not",
"didn't": "did not",
"doesn't": "does not",
"don't": "do not",
"e'er": "ever",
"em": "them",
"everyone's": "everyone is",
"finna": "fixing to",
"gimme": "give me",
"gonna": "going to",
"gon't": "go not",
"gotta": "got to",
"hadn't": "had not",
"hasn't": "has not",
"haven't": "have not",
"he'd": "he would",
"he'll": "he will",
"he's": "he is",
"he've": "he have",
"how'd": "how would",
"how'll": "how will",
"how're": "how are",
"how's": "how is",
"I'd": "I would",
"I'll": "I will",
"I'm": "I am",
"I'm'a": "I am about to",
"I'm'o": "I am going to",
"isn't": "is not",
"it'd": "it would",
"it'll": "it will",
"it's": "it is",
"I've": "I have",
"kinda": "kind of",
"let's": "let us",
"mayn't": "may not",
"may've": "may have",
"mightn't": "might not",
"might've": "might have",
"mustn't": "must not",
"mustn't've": "must not have",
"must've": "must have",
"needn't": "need not",
"ne'er": "never",
"o'": "of",
"o'er": "over",
"ol'": "old",
"oughtn't": "ought not",
"shalln't": "shall not",
"shan't": "shall not",
"she'd": "she would",
"she'll": "she will",
"she's": "she is",
"shouldn't": "should not",
"shouldn't've": "should not have",
"should've": "should have",
"somebody's": "somebody is",
"someone's": "someone is",
"something's": "something is",
"that'd": "that would",
"that'll": "that will",
"that're": "that are",
"that's": "that is",
"there'd": "there would",
"there'll": "there will",
"there're": "there are",
"there's": "there is",
"these're": "these are",
"they'd": "they would",
"they'll": "they will",
"they're": "they are",
"they've": "they have",
"this's": "this is",
"those're": "those are",
"'tis": "it is",
"'twas": "it was",
"wanna": "want to",
"wasn't": "was not",
"we'd": "we would",
"we'd've": "we would have",
"we'll": "we will",
"we're": "we are",
"weren't": "were not",
"we've": "we have",
"what'd": "what did",
"what'll": "what will",
"what're": "what are",
"what's": "what is",
"what've": "what have",
"when's": "when is",
"where'd": "where did",
"where're": "where are",
"where's": "where is",
"where've": "where have",
"which's": "which is",
"who'd": "who would",
"who'd've": "who would have",
"who'll": "who will",
"who're": "who are",
"who's": "who is",
"who've": "who have",
"why'd": "why did",
"why're": "why are",
"why's": "why is",
"won't": "will not",
"wouldn't": "would not",
"would've": "would have",
"y'all": "you all",
"you'd": "you would",
"you'll": "you will",
"you're": "you are",
"you've": "you have",
"Whatcha": "What are you",
"luv": "love"
def tweet_cleaning_for_sentiment_analysis(tweet):
# Escaping HTML characters
tweet = BeautifulSoup(tweet, features="html.parser").get_text()
tweet = tweet.replace('\x92', "'")
# REMOVAL of hastags/account
tweet = ' '.join(re.sub("(@[A-Za-z0-9_]+)|(#[A-Za-z0-9_]+)", " ", tweet).split())
# Removal of address
tweet = ' '.join(re.sub("(\w+:\/\/\S+)", " ", tweet).split())
tweet = tweet.lower()
# Apostrophe Lookup #
APPOSTOPHES = load_dict_contractions()
tweet = tweet.replace("’", "'")
words = tweet.split()
reformed = [APPOSTOPHES[word] if word in APPOSTOPHES else word for word in words]
tweet = " ".join(reformed)
tweet = ''.join(''.join(s)[:2] for _, s in itertools.groupby(tweet))
# Deal with EMOTICONS
SMILEY = load_dict_smileys() # {"<3" : "love", ":-)" : "smiley", "" : "he is"}
words = tweet.split()
reformed = [SMILEY[word] if word in SMILEY else word for word in words]
tweet = " ".join(reformed)
tweet = emoji.demojize(tweet)
# Strip accents
tweet = strip_accents(tweet)
tweet = tweet.replace(":", " ")
tweet = ' '.join(tweet.split())
return tweet
# read streams
def read_stream(new_stream: StreamReader):
buffer = new_stream.parameters.create_buffer()
def on_parameter_data_handler(data: ParameterData):
df = data.to_panda_frame()
# We iterate all rows and log the scores
for index, row in df.iterrows():
thetweet = row["text"]
finaltext = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', thetweet).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
finaltext = finaltext.decode('utf8', 'replace')
finaltext = tweet_cleaning_for_sentiment_analysis(finaltext)
# Make sure we don't try to evaluate any reteets
if (finaltext[0:3] != 'rt '):
sent = classifier(finaltext)
label = sent[0]['label']
score = sent[0]['score']
# Invert the negative score so that graph looks better
if (label == 'NEGATIVE'):
score = score - (score * 2)
# Calculate a very basic rolling average
global readings
readings = np.append(readings, score)
avgscore = np.mean(readings)
if len(readings) == max_samples:
readings = np.delete(readings, 0)
print(label, score, avgscore, finaltext)
# For every X (max_samples) tweets we save average sentiment values.
stream.parameters.buffer.add_timestamp( \
.add_value("avgscore", avgscore) \
.add_value("score", score) \
except Exception:
buffer.on_read += on_parameter_data_handler
readings = np.array([])
max_samples = os.environ.get("max_samples")
# Hook up events before initiating read to avoid losing out on any data
input_topic.on_stream_received += read_stream
input_topic.start_reading() # initiate read
# Hook up to termination signal (for docker image) and CTRL-C
print("Listening to streams. Press CTRL-C to exit.")
event = threading.Event()
def signal_handler(sig, frame):
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
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