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Last active February 23, 2021 03:59
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Godot utililty routines for printing numbers
extends Resource
class_name As
static func demo_usage():
print("These are booleans: %s %s"
% [tf(true), tf(false)])
print("These are numbers: %s %s"
% [comma_int(1234), comma(1234.567, 2)])
print("This is scientific: %s %s"
% [scientific(0.000123), scientific(1234.56)])
print("This is compact: %s %s"
% [compact(1234567.89), compact(1234578.90)])
print("Call like: As.comma(234.45) ")
static func tf(b: bool):
return 't' if b else 'f'
static func comma_int(n:int):
var result := ""
var i: int = n if n > 0 else -n
while i > 999:
result = ",%03d%s" % [i % 1000, result]
i /= 1000
return "%s%s%s" % ["-" if n < 0 else "", i, result]
static func scientific(n: float, places:int = 2) -> String:
if is_nan(n) or is_inf(n):
return str(n) # seems like best case
var e = 0
while abs(n) < 1.0:
e -= 1
n *= 10.0
while abs(n) >= 10.0:
e += 1
n *= 0.1
# 1 <= na < 10
return "%1.*fe%s" % [places, n, comma_int(e)]
static func comma(n: float, places:=2) -> String:
if places == 0:
return comma_int(int(round(n)))
var decimal_part = abs(n) - int(abs(n)) # e.g., .23 in -1.23
var decimal_str = ("%.*f" % [places, decimal_part]).right(1)
return comma_int(int(n)) + decimal_str
static func compact(n:float, places:=2)-> String:
# commas from 0.01 to 10 million, else scientific
var na = abs(n)
if na == 0 or na >= 0.01 and na < 1e7:
return comma(n, places)
else: # exponent
return scientific(n, places)
static func _co(n, places, expected):
var o = compact(n, places)
if o != expected:
print("for [%f, %d] expected :%s: got :%s:" % [n, places, expected, o])
static func _ci(n, expected):
var o = comma_int(n)
if o != expected:
print("for %d expected :%s: got :%s:"
% [n, expected, o])
static func _c(n, p, expected):
var o = comma(n, p)
if o != expected:
print("for (%f,%d) expected :%s: got :%s:"
% [n, p, expected, o])
static func _s(n, p, expected):
var o = scientific(n, p)
if o != expected:
print("for (%f,%d) expected :%s: got :%s:"
% [n, p, expected, o])
static func test_As():
print("start test of As")
_co(9, 0, "an expected error")
_co(0, 0, "0")
_co(0, 2, "0.00")
_co(0.01, 2, "0.01")
_co(234, 2, "234.00")
_co(1234, 2, "1,234.00")
_co(2000, 0, "2,000")
_co(1234, 0, "1,234")
_co(123456, 0, "123,456")
_co(1234567.899, 0, "1,234,568")
_co(1234567.899, 2, "1,234,567.90")
_co(12345678.9, 2, "1.23e7")
_co(0.00001, 2, "1.00e-5")
_co(-0.000001288, 2, "-1.29e-6")
_co(1.236e25, 2, "1.24e25")
_co(1e25, 2, "1.00e25")
_co(1e23, 2, "1.00e23")
_ci(0, "an expected error")
_ci(1234, "1,234")
_ci(1004, "1,004")
_ci(-1004, "-1,004")
_ci(-123456, "-123,456")
_c(0.0, 0, "0")
_c(0.0, 2, "0.00")
_c(0.123, 2, "0.12")
_c(-1.238, 2, "-1.24")
_c(-123456.789, 2, "-123,456.79")
_s(0.00001234, 2, "1.23e-5")
_s(log(-2.0), 3, "nan")
_s(1.0e512, 1, "inf")
print("done with test As")
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