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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Angellist-Api Email Script
from urllib import urlopen
import json
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
from urllib import urlopen
import json
from flask import Flask, render_template, session, request, flash, url_for, redirect
from flask.ext.mail import Message, Mail
import os
app = Flask(__name__)
client = MongoClient('localhost')
investors_collection = client.valley.investors
startup_collection = client.valley.startups
emailed_collection = client.valley.emailedStartups
mail = Mail()
app.config["MAIL_SERVER"] = ""
app.config["MAIL_PORT"] = 465
app.config["MAIL_USE_SSL"] = True
app.config["MAIL_USERNAME"] = ''
app.config["MAIL_PASSWORD"] = ''
# Locations
# 1691 - Washington DC
# 1692 - Silicon Vally
# 1693 - San Jose
# 2028 - Tel Aviv
# 1664 - new york
locationId = "1692"
# jobs in sf - 37 pages
jobUrl = "" + locationId + "/jobs?page=1"
e = urlopen(jobUrl).read()
r = json.loads(e)
jobPages = r['last_page']
allStartups = []
counter = 0
for i in range(2, jobPages + 1):
thisJobUrl = "" + locationId + "/jobs?page=" + str(i)
e = urlopen(thisJobUrl).read()
r = json.loads(e)
for x in range(len(r['jobs'])):
startupId = r['jobs'][x]['startup']['id']
if startupId not in allStartups:
if r['jobs'][x]['startup']['quality'] > 5:
counter = counter + 1
emailed_collection.insert({'_id' : r['jobs'][x]['startup']['id'],
'startup' : r['jobs'][x]['startup'],
'emailTemplate' : '1',
'email' : 'Hey guys,\n\nMy name is Aaron Landy, I just left my software engineering job at in Israel. I\'m going to be in San Francisco for the week of January 26th and would love to meet about a potential job oppurtnity or simply to get to know each other for the future. My resume is attached.\n\nLooking forward,\n\nAaron Landy\n'})
webUrl = r['jobs'][x]['startup']['company_url']
print webUrl
if webUrl[0:8] == "https://":
webUrl = webUrl[8:]
if webUrl[0:4] == "www.":
webUrl = webUrl[4:]
elif webUrl[0:7] == "http://":
webUrl = webUrl[7:]
if webUrl[0:4] == "www.":
webUrl = webUrl[4:]
if webUrl[-1] == "/":
webUrl = webUrl[0:-1]
recipientEmail = 'jobs@' + webUrl
print recipientEmail
msg = Message(
subject='Hello / Software development @ ' + r['jobs'][x]['startup']['name'],
body='Hey guys,\n\nMy name is Aaron Landy, I just left my software engineering job at in Israel. I\'m going to be in San Francisco for the week of January 26th and would love to meet for a potential job oppurtnity or simply to get to know each other for the future. My resume is attached.\n\nLooking forward,\n\nAaron Landy\n',
# sender
sender=('Aaron Landy', ''),
# recipients
with app.open_resource("Resume.pdf") as fp:
# to add email attachment.
msg.attach("Resume.pdf", "application/pdf",
print 'success'
# r['jobs'][1]['tags'][1]['name'] + " : " +
#print r['jobs'][x]['tags'][1]['name'] + " : " + r['jobs'][x]['startup']['name'] + " : " + str(r['jobs'][x]['startup']['quality']) + " : " + r['jobs'][x]['startup']['company_url']
#print r['jobs'][x]['tags'][1]['name']
print counter
#startups by id
#startupInfo = ""
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