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Last active October 13, 2023 11:00
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#### Git command aliases
# Add to your .zshrc or other terminal config file
## Frequently used commands:
alias gis="git status"
alias gif="git fetch"
alias girbom="git rebase origin/master"
alias girbomn="git rebase origin/main"
## Force-with-lease:
alias gipfwl="git push --force-with-lease"
# Use for safer force pushing (e.g. after rebase). Does nothing if remote is not in the state we expected.
# See
## Interactive rebase:
function girbi() {
git rebase --interactive HEAD~$1
# Use to squash or reword commits on the current branch.
# For example, to squash or reword the last 4 commits:
# 'git rebase --interactive HEAD~4'
# or using the alias:
# 'girbi 4'
# Note that the number is inclusive of the HEAD commit.
# To make it easy to count the commits, use a oneline log format such as
# 'git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit'
## Copy branch name:
alias gicb="git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | tee >(pbcopy); echo '[Copied branch name to clipboard.] ';"
## Commit history/git log
# Custom log format that's sorta like --oneline but reordered and padded, and also includes date information.
# usage: --pretty=format:$mygitformat OR --format=$mygitformat
# format contains: abbreviated_hash | message | short_date ~ relative_date | (tags) |
export mygitformat='%C(auto)%h%C(reset) | %<(80,trunc)%C(auto)%s%C(reset) | %C(auto)%cs%C(reset) ~ %<(12,trunc)%C(auto)%cr%C(reset) | %<(40,trunc)%C(auto)%d%C(reset) |'
# --no-pager ensures that it's printed into terminal, not opened in a new 'less' process. (While also preserving color, unlike cat/head tend to do)
# Log recent commits in current branch/all branches:
alias gil='git --no-pager log --first-parent --format=$mygitformat -n 20'
alias gila='git --no-pager log --first-parent --all --format=$mygitformat -n 20'
# Check recent _merge commits only_ into master branch:
function gilm() {
default_branch='origin/master'; # Or replace with origin/main
if [ -z "$1" ] # Default when no args
echo "[$0()] Printing last $n_lines merges into branch $default_branch"
git --no-pager log $default_branch --first-parent --show-pulls --format=$mygitformat -n $n_lines
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