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Example code
:001 > require 'feedjira'
:002 > require './janky_parser.rb'
:003 > feed_url = ''
# Add our custom parser to the top of the stack of feeds Feedjira uses.
:004 > Feedjira::Feed.add_feed_class Feedjira::Parser::Versa::JankyPublisher
# Fetch and parse our example feed
:005 > feed = Feedjira::Feed.fetch_and_parse feed_url
:006 > feed.class
=> Feedjira::Parser::Versa::JankyPublisher # Sweet! Our parser was chosen to parse the feed.
:007 > feed.entries.first.url
=> "" # The url doesn't have a query string!
:008 > feed.entries.first.published
=> 2009-09-06 16:20:00 UTC # The published date is the correct one
# Rails initializer for the Feedjira gem. It should live in
# config/initializers/feedjira.rb
# Our app/parsers folder it auto loaded so these classes should be available here.
# Feedjira::Parser::Versa::AnotherPublisher,
# Feedjira::Parser::Versa::AThirdPublisher
].each{ |parser| Feedjira::Feed.add_feed_class parser }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>A Janky RSS Feed</title>
<description>This is an example of an RSS feed</description>
<lastBuildDate>Mon, 06 Sep 2010 00:01:00 +0000 </lastBuildDate>
<pubDate>Mon, 06 Sep 2009 16:20:00 +0000 </pubDate>
<title>Example entry 1</title>
<description>Here is some text containing an interesting description.</description>
<dc:created>2009/09/06 00/00/00</dc:created>
<pubDate>Mon, 06 Sep 2009 16:20:00 +0000 </pubDate>
<title>Example entry 2</title>
<description>Here is some text containing an interesting description.</description>
<dc:created>2009/09/06 00/00/00</dc:created>
<pubDate>Mon, 06 Sep 2009 16:22:00 +0000 </pubDate>
module Feedjira
module Parser
# It's good practice to namespace your parsers, so we'll put
# this one in the Versa namespace.
module Versa
### Entry Parser Class ###
# This first class is for parsing an individual <item> in the feed.
# We define it first because our top level parser need to be able to call it.
# By convention, this class name is the same as our top level parser
# but with "Entry" appended.
class JankyPublisherEntry
include SAXMachine
include FeedEntryUtilities
# Declare the fields we want to parse out of the XML feed.
element :title
element :link, :as => :url
element :description, :as => :summary
element :pubDate, :as => :published
element :guid, :as => :entry_id
# We remove the query string from the url by overriding the 'url' method
# originally defined by including FeedEntryUtilities in our class.
# (see
def url
@url = @url.gsub(/\?.*$/,'')
### Feed Parser Class ###
# This class is for parsing the top level feed fields.
class JankyPublisher
include SAXMachine
include FeedUtilities
# Define the fields we want to parse using SAX Machine declarations
element :title
element :link, :as => :url
element :description
# Parse all the <item>s in the feed with the class we just defined above
elements :item, :as => :entries, :class => Versa::JankyPublisherEntry
attr_accessor :feed_url
# This method is required by all Feedjira parsers. To decide which
# parser to use, Feedjira cycles through each parser it knows about
# and passes the first 2000 characters of the feed to this method.
# To make sure your parser is only used when it's supposed to be used,
# test for something unique in those first 2000 characters. URLs seem
# to be a good choice.
# This parser, for example, is looking for an occurrence of
# '<link>' which we should
# only really find in the feed we are targeting.
def self.able_to_parse?(xml)
(/<link>http:\/\/www\.jankybutlovablepublisher\.com\// =~ xml)
# Example spec for testing that your parser works as it's supposed to
require 'feedjira'
require './janky_parser'
Feedjira::Feed.add_feed_class Feedjira::Parser::Versa::JankyPublisher
describe Feedjira::Parser::Versa::JankyPublisher do
before :each do
@janky_feed =, '/janky_feed.xml'))
describe '#able_to_parse?' do
it 'should return true if the <link> tag contains ""' do
Feedjira::Parser::Versa::JankyPublisher.able_to_parse?(@janky_feed).should be_true
describe 'the parser' do
it 'should pull out the entries properly' do
feed = Feedjira::Feed.parse(@janky_feed)
feed.entries.first.class.should eq(Feedjira::Parser::Versa::JankyPublisherEntry)
describe Feedjira::Parser::Versa::JankyPublisher do
describe 'a parsed entry' do
janky_feed =, '/janky_feed.xml'))
feed = Feedjira::Feed.parse(janky_feed)
entry = feed.entries.first
it 'has the correct title' do entry.title.should == "Example entry 1" end
it 'has the correct url' do entry.url.should == "" end
it 'has the correct entry_id' do entry.entry_id.should == "foo" end
it 'has the correct published time' do entry.published.should == Time.parse("Mon, 06 Sep 2009 16:20:00 +0000") end
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Generally, I would argue that it's not the best idea to do than fetching and parsing inside the Rails app itself because fetching from a remote server can take some time and your users will end up waiting for data from both your server and the feed's server. Another option is to use queues and async workers... but they can also quickly become complicated to maintain (and/or costly to run).

At Superfeedr, we recently released our Rails Engine, which we believe is a more elegant solution with webhooks sent directly (and transparently) to your application.

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