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Created November 26, 2012 01:31
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use strict;
use warnings;
use constant INF => 1000000000000000000000;
use List::Util qw/first/;
my $node = [
id => 0,
point => [1,2,3],
cost => {1=>1,2=>7,3=>2},
distance => INF,
done => undef,
from => undef,
id => 1,
point => [0,4,5],
cost => {0=>1,4=>2,5=>4},
distance => INF,
done => undef,
from => undef,
id => 2,
point => [0,5,6],
cost => {0=>7,5=>2,6=>3},
distance => INF,
done => undef,
from => undef,
id => 3,
point => [0,6],
cost => {0=>2,6=>5},
distance => INF,
done => undef,
from => undef,
id => 4,
point => [1,5],
cost => {1=>2,5=>1},
distance => INF,
done => undef,
from => undef,
id => 5,
point => [1,2,4,7],
cost => {1=>4,2=>2,4=>1,7=>6},
distance => INF,
done => undef,
from => undef,
id => 6,
point => [2,4,7],
cost => {2=>3,3=>5,7=>2},
distance => INF,
done => undef,
from => undef,
id => 7,
point => [5,6],
cost => {5=>6,6=>2},
distance => INF,
done => undef,
from => undef,
my $start = 0;
sub search{
my $node = shift;
my $now_point = shift;
my $start = $now_point ;
my $next = $now_point;
my $list = [$now_point];
$node->[$start]->{done} = 1;
$node->[$start]->{distance} = 0;
$node->[$start]->{from} = $start;
while(scalar @$list <= scalar @$node){
my $min = INF;
for my $key(keys $node->[$now_point]->{cost}){
my $cost = $node->[$now_point]->{cost}->{$key}+$node->[$now_point]->{distance};
if($cost < $node->[$key]->{distance}){
$node->[$key]->{distance} = $cost;
$node->[$key]->{from} = $now_point;
$node->[$key]->{done} = 1;
if($cost < $min && !defined(first{$_ == $key} @$list)){
$min = $cost;
$next = $key;
for my $key(keys $node->[$next]->{cost}){
my $cost = $node->[$next]->{cost}->{$key}+$node->[$key]->{distance};
if($cost < $node->[$next]->{distance}){
$node->[$next]->{distance} = $cost;
$node->[$next]->{from} = $key;
$now_point = $next;
push @$list , $next;
for my $dis_tmp (0..(scalar @$node -1)){
print "$start -> $dis_tmp \ncost:$node->[$dis_tmp]->{distance}\nway:";
my $tmp_way = $dis_tmp;
my $way;
while($tmp_way != $start ){
$tmp_way = $node->[$tmp_way]->{from};
unshift @$way,$tmp_way;
print "$_ -> ";
print " $dis_tmp ->終了\n\n";
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