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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use Path::Tiny;
use Plack::Test;
use Plack::Request;
use Test::More;
use Test::JsonAPI::Autodoc;
my $tempdir = Path::Tiny->tempdir('test-jsonapi-autodoc-XXXXXXXX');
my $app = sub {
my $env = shift;
my $req = Plack::Request->new($env);
return [
[ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ],
"hoge": {
"a": "aa",
"b": "bb"
subtest 'output doc' => sub {
test_psgi $app, sub {
my $cb = shift;
describe 'POST /' => sub {
my $req = POST '/';
$req->header('Content-Type' => 'application/json');
"id": 1,
"message": "blah blah"
plack_ok($cb, $req, 200, "get message ok");
(my $filename = path($0)->basename) =~ s/\.t$//;
$filename .= '.md';
my $fh = path("$tempdir/$filename")->openr_utf8;
chomp (my $generated_at_line = <$fh>);
<$fh>; # blank
like $generated_at_line, qr/generated at: \d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d/, 'generated at ok';
my $got = do { local $/; <$fh> };
my $expected = do { local $/; <DATA> };
is $got, $expected, 'result ok';
## POST /
get message ok
### Target Server
(Plack application)
### Parameters
- `id`: Number (e.g. 1)
- `message`: String (e.g. "blah blah")
### Request
### Response
- Status: 200
- Content-Type: application/json
"hoge" : {
"a" : "aa",
"b" : "bb"
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