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Created May 8, 2012 15:20
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ReplicaSetConnection for mongokit
import pymongo
from mongokit.database import Database
# code copied and adapted from mongokit (3-clause BSD license)
class CallableMixin(object):
brings the callable method to a Document. usefull for the connection's
register method
def __call__(self, doc=None, gen_skel=True, lang='en', fallback_lang='en'):
return self._obj_class(doc=doc, gen_skel=gen_skel,
lang=lang, fallback_lang=fallback_lang)
_iterables = (list, tuple, set, frozenset)
class ReplicaSetConnection(pymongo.ReplicaSetConnection):
# class to get replset features from pymongo and document from mongokit
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._databases = {}
self._registered_documents = {}
super(ReplicaSetConnection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def register(self, obj_list):
decorator = None
if not isinstance(obj_list, _iterables):
# we assume that the user used this as a decorator
# using @register syntax or using conn.register(SomeDoc)
# we stock the class object in order to return it later
decorator = obj_list
obj_list = [obj_list]
# cleanup
for dbname, db in self._databases.items():
for colname, col in db._collections.items():
for docname, doc in col._documents.items():
del col._documents[docname]
for obj_name in [obj.__name__ for obj in obj_list]:
if obj_name in col._registered_documents:
del col._registered_documents[obj_name]
# register
for obj in obj_list:
CallableDocument = type(
"Callable%s" % obj.__name__,
(obj, CallableMixin),
{"_obj_class": obj, "__repr__": object.__repr__}
self._registered_documents[obj.__name__] = CallableDocument
# if the class object is stored, it means the user used a decorator and
# we must return the class object
if decorator is not None:
return decorator
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self._registered_documents:
document = self._registered_documents[key]
return getattr(self[document.__database__][document.__collection__], key)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("%s: __collection__ attribute not found. "
"You cannot specify the `__database__` attribute without "
"the `__collection__` attribute" % key)
if key not in self._databases:
self._databases[key] = Database(self, key)
return self._databases[key]
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