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Last active September 25, 2020 15:31
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-- 交差判定は以下のコードを利用
-- 通常ver (x2 SS)
function fillPoly(ps, w, h, r, g, b, a)
a = a and a or 255
local left, top, right, bottom = w, h, 0, 0
for i = 1, #ps do
local v = ps[i]
left = math.min(math.max(math.floor(v.x), 0), left)
top = math.min(math.max(math.floor(v.y), 0), top)
right = math.max(math.min(math.ceil(v.x), w), right)
bottom = math.max(math.min(math.ceil(v.y), h), bottom)
for rx = left, right do
for ry = top, bottom do
local c = 0
for x = rx, rx + 0.5, 0.5 do
for y = ry, ry + 0.5, 0.5 do
local hit = false
local j = ps[#ps]
for ii = 1, #ps do
local i = ps[ii]
if ((i.y > y) ~= (j.y > y)) and (x < i.x + (j.x - i.x) * (y - i.y) / (j.y - i.y)) then
hit = not hit
j = i
c = c + (hit and 1 or 0)
screen.setColor(r, g, b, a * c * 0.25)
screen.drawRect(rx, ry, 1, 1)
-- 綺麗だが少し遅いver (RGSS)
function fillPoly(ps, w, h, r, g, b, a)
a = a and a or 255
local left, top, right, bottom = w, h, 0, 0
for i = 1, #ps do
local v = ps[i]
left = math.min(math.max(math.floor(v.x), 0), left)
top = math.min(math.max(math.floor(v.y), 0), top)
right = math.max(math.min(math.ceil(v.x), w), right)
bottom = math.max(math.min(math.ceil(v.y), h), bottom)
local rad = math.atan(0.5)
local sin, cos = math.sin(rad), math.cos(rad)
local pv = math.sqrt(5) * 0.5 * 0.25
local rg = {
{ -pv * cos + pv * sin + 0.5, -pv * sin - pv * cos + 0.5 },
{ pv * cos + pv * sin + 0.5, pv * sin - pv * cos + 0.5 },
{ pv * cos - pv * sin + 0.5, pv * sin + pv * cos + 0.5 },
{ -pv * cos - pv * sin + 0.5, -pv * sin + pv * cos + 0.5 }
for rx = left, right do
for ry = top, bottom do
local c = 0
for pi = 1, #rg do
local x, y = rx + rg[pi][1], ry + rg[pi][2]
local hit = false
local j = ps[#ps]
for ii = 1, #ps do
local i = ps[ii]
if ((i.y > y) ~= (j.y > y)) and (x < i.x + (j.x - i.x) * (y - i.y) / (j.y - i.y)) then
hit = not hit
j = i
c = c + (hit and 1 or 0)
screen.setColor(r, g, b, a * c * 0.25)
screen.drawRect(rx, ry, 1, 1)
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