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Created December 16, 2008 08:36
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using OpenBabel;
namespace OBDotNetExamples
public static class OBDotNetExtensions
public static IEnumerable<OBAtom> Neighbors(this OBAtom atom)
return Bonds(atom).Select<OBBond, OBAtom>((bond) => bond.GetNbrAtom(atom));
public static bool Contains(this OBBond bond, OBAtom atom)
uint idx = atom.GetIdx();
if (bond.GetBeginAtomIdx() == idx || bond.GetEndAtomIdx() == idx)
return true;
return false;
public static IEnumerable<OBBond> Bonds(this OBAtom atom)
OBBond bond;
int bondsFound = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < atom.GetParent().NumBonds(); i++)
bond = atom.GetParent().GetBond(i);
if (bond.Contains(atom))
yield return bond;
else if (bondsFound == atom.GetValence())
yield break;
public static IEnumerable<OBAtom> Atoms(this OBMol mol)
uint numAtoms = mol.NumAtoms();
if(numAtoms == 0)
yield return null;
for(int i = 1; i <= numAtoms; i++)
yield return mol.GetAtom(i);
public static IEnumerable<OBAtom> AtomsDFS(this OBMol mol)
return AtomsDFS(mol,1);
public static IEnumerable<OBAtom> AtomsDFS(this OBMol mol, int startingIndex)
if (startingIndex < 1)
throw new ArgumentException("Atom indices must be greater than 0");
if (startingIndex > mol.NumAtoms())
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Index " + startingIndex + " is invalid. Structure contains " + mol.NumAtoms() + " atoms");
bool[] visited = new bool[mol.NumAtoms()];
visited[startingIndex - 1] = true;
OBAtom current = mol.GetAtom(startingIndex);
yield return current;
Stack<OBAtom> path = new Stack<OBAtom>();
foreach (OBAtom neighbor in current.Neighbors().Where(a => !visited[a.GetIdx() - 1]))
visited[neighbor.GetIdx() - 1] = true;
while (path.Count != 0)
current = path.Pop();
yield return current;
foreach (OBAtom neighbor in current.Neighbors().Where(a => !visited[a.GetIdx() - 1]))
visited[neighbor.GetIdx() - 1] = true;
public static IEnumerable<AtomDepthPair> AtomsBFSWDepth(this OBMol mol, int startingIndex)
if (startingIndex < 1)
throw new ArgumentException("Atom indices must be greater than 0");
if (startingIndex > mol.NumAtoms())
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Index " + startingIndex + " is invalid. Structure contains " + mol.NumAtoms() + " atoms");
bool[] visited = new bool[mol.NumAtoms()];
visited[startingIndex - 1] = true;
OBAtom first = mol.GetAtom(startingIndex);
yield return new AtomDepthPair(first,1);
Queue<AtomDepthPair> queue = new Queue<AtomDepthPair>();
int depth = 2;
foreach(OBAtom a in first.Neighbors().Where(a=>!visited[a.GetIdx()-1]))
queue.Enqueue(new AtomDepthPair(a, depth));
AtomDepthPair current;
while (queue.Count != 0)
current = queue.Dequeue();
visited[current.Atom.GetIdx() - 1] = true;
yield return current;
foreach(OBAtom neighbor in current.Atom.Neighbors().Where(a=>!visited[a.GetIdx()-1]))
queue.Enqueue(new AtomDepthPair(neighbor,current.Depth+1));
public static IEnumerable<OBAtom> AtomsBFS(this OBMol mol)
foreach(AtomDepthPair pair in AtomsBFSWDepth(mol, 1))
yield return pair.Atom;
public static IEnumerable<OBBond> Bonds(this OBMol mol)
for (int i = 0; i < mol.NumBonds(); i++)
yield return mol.GetBond(i);
public struct AtomDepthPair
public int Depth;
public OBAtom Atom;
public AtomDepthPair(OBAtom atom, int depth)
Atom = atom;
Depth = depth;
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