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Last active April 10, 2024 14:56
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linopy example
import time
import numpy as np
from numpy import arange
import pyoptinterface as poi
from linopy import Model
from pyoptinterface import gurobi
def to_poi(m):
M = m.matrices
model = gurobi.Model()
M_vlabels = M.vlabels
names = "x" + M_vlabels.astype(str).astype(object)
Nvariables = M_vlabels.shape[0]
x = np.empty(Nvariables, dtype=object)
M_vtypes = M.vtypes
M_lb =
M_ub = M.ub
for i in range(Nvariables):
vtype = M_vtypes[i]
domain = poi.VariableDomain.Continuous
if vtype == "B":
domain = poi.VariableDomain.Binary
elif vtype == "I":
domain = poi.VariableDomain.Integer
x[i] = model.add_variable(lb=M_lb[i], ub=M_ub[i], name=names[i], domain=domain)
obj = poi.ExprBuilder()
if m.is_quadratic:
Q = M.Q
for col in range(Q.shape[1]):
# For each column, slice the relevant section of the indices and data arrays
start_index = Q.indptr[col]
end_index = Q.indptr[col + 1]
rows = Q.indices[start_index:end_index]
values =[start_index:end_index]
# Iterate through rows and values
for row, value in zip(rows, values):
obj.add_quadratic_term(x[col], x[row], value)
M_c = M.c
for i in range(Nvariables):
obj.add_affine_term(x[i], M_c[i])
if m.objective.sense == "max":
obj = -1.0 * obj
M_A = M.A
M_clabels = M.clabels
if len(m.constraints):
Nconstraints = M_A.shape[0]
names = "c" + M_clabels.astype(str).astype(object)
# convert A to csr_matrix
A = M_A.tocsr()
# iterate through rows
M_sense = M.sense
M_b = M.b
for row in range(Nconstraints):
# For each row, slice the relevant section of the indices and data arrays
start_index = A.indptr[row]
end_index = A.indptr[row + 1]
cols = A.indices[start_index:end_index]
values =[start_index:end_index]
# Iterate through columns and values
expr = poi.ExprBuilder()
for col, value in zip(cols, values):
expr.add_affine_term(x[col], value)
char_sense = M_sense[row]
rhs = M_b[row]
sense = {"<": poi.Leq, ">": poi.Geq, "=": poi.Eq, }[char_sense]
c = model.add_linear_constraint(expr, sense, rhs, name=names[row])
return model
def create_model(N):
m = Model()
x = m.add_variables(coords=[arange(N), arange(N)])
y = m.add_variables(coords=[arange(N), arange(N)])
m.add_constraints(x - y >= arange(N))
m.add_constraints(x + y >= 0)
m.add_objective((x * x).sum() + y.sum())
return m
def create_poi_model(N):
m = gurobi.Model()
x = m.add_variables(range(N), range(N))
y = m.add_variables(range(N), range(N))
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
m.add_linear_constraint(x[i, j] - y[i, j], poi.Geq, i)
m.add_linear_constraint(x[i, j] + y[i, j], poi.Geq, 0)
expr = poi.ExprBuilder()
poi.quicksum_(expr, x, lambda x: 2 * x)
poi.quicksum_(expr, y)
return m
N = 800
t0 = time.time()
model = create_model(N)
t1 = time.time()
print('Time to create linopy model:', t1 - t0)
t0 = time.time()
raw_model = model.to_gurobipy()
t1 = time.time()
print('Time to convert to gurobipy model:', t1 - t0)
t0 = time.time()
raw_model = to_poi(model)
t1 = time.time()
print('Time to convert to poi model:', t1 - t0)
t0 = time.time()
raw_model = create_poi_model(N)
t1 = time.time()
print('Time to create poi model:', t1 - t0)
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