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Bash setup & dotfiles
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# Easier navigation: .., ..., ...., ....., ~ and - | |
alias ..="cd .." | |
alias ...="cd ../.." | |
alias ....="cd ../../.." | |
alias .....="cd ../../../.." | |
alias ~="cd ~" # `cd` is probably faster to type though | |
alias -- -="cd -" | |
# Open current path in VS Code | |
alias c="code-insiders ." | |
# v shows current git code hash + tag + number of commits since | |
# For example: v1.6.1-3-g3265e6d (3 commits after tag v1.6.1 with current hash 3265e6d) | |
alias v="git describe --tags --always --dirty="-dev"" | |
# List all files colorized in long format | |
alias l="ls -lhF ${colorflag}" | |
# List all files colorized in long format, excluding . and .. | |
alias ll="ls -lAhF ${colorflag}" | |
# List only directories | |
alias lsd="ls -lF ${colorflag} | grep --color=never '^d'" | |
# Always use color output for `ls` | |
alias ls="command ls ${colorflag}" | |
# lt runs "make lint" and "make test" | |
alias lt="make lint && make test" | |
# Git | |
alias g="git" | |
alias ggo="git checkout" | |
alias gs='git status -sb' | |
alias ga='git add ' | |
alias gb='git branch ' | |
alias gc='git commit' | |
alias gd='git diff' | |
alias gds='git diff --staged' | |
alias gl='git log --pretty=format:"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]" --graph --date=short' | |
alias gca="git commit -a --amend --reuse-message=HEAD" | |
alias gcn="git commit --no-verify" | |
alias gdp='git diff | less' | |
alias gb-current='git branch --show-current' | |
# Switch to common branch, pull and prune | |
alias g-main="git checkout main && git pull && git fetch -p" | |
alias g-dev="git checkout develop && git pull && git fetch -p" | |
# git+github: check out PR by number | |
alias ghpr='gh pr checkout' | |
# git: create a PR | |
alias pr-create='gh pr create -f' | |
alias pr-create-draft='gh pr create -f -d' | |
# Kubernetes | |
alias k="kubectl" | |
alias kg="k get" | |
alias kd="k describe" | |
alias kgp="kg pods" | |
alias kgpw="kg pods --watch" | |
alias kgd="kg deploy" | |
alias kgn="kg nodes" | |
alias kdp="kd pod" | |
alias kdd="kd deploy" | |
alias ktop="k top pod" | |
alias kexec="k exec -ti " | |
alias klog="k logs" | |
alias klogf="k logs -f" | |
alias klogf5m="k logs --since 5m -f" | |
alias klogf1m="k logs --since 1m -f" | |
alias klogf1s="k logs --since 1s -f" | |
alias klogprev="k logs --tail 40 --previous" | |
# Various | |
alias gr="grep -nir" | |
alias f="find ./ -name" | |
alias uuid='uuidgen | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"' | |
alias sshpwd="ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password" | |
alias pubkey="cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" | |
alias pubkeycopy="cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | pbcopy" | |
# Get week number | |
alias week='date +%V' | |
# Stopwatch | |
alias timer='echo "Timer started. Stop with Ctrl-D." && date && time cat && date' | |
# Show IP | |
alias ip="dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com" | |
# Print each PATH entry on a separate line | |
alias path='echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}' | |
# Empty the Trash on all mounted volumes and the main HDD. | |
# Also, clear Apple’s System Logs to improve shell startup speed. | |
# Finally, clear download history from quarantine. https://mths.be/bum | |
alias emptytrash="sudo rm -rfv /Volumes/*/.Trashes; sudo rm -rfv ~/.Trash; sudo rm -rfv /private/var/log/asl/*.asl; sqlite3 ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.LaunchServices.QuarantineEventsV* 'delete from LSQuarantineEvent'" | |
# Show/hide hidden files in Finder | |
alias show="defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true && killall Finder" | |
alias hide="defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool false && killall Finder" | |
# Hide/show all desktop icons (useful when presenting) | |
alias hidedesktop="defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop -bool false && killall Finder" | |
alias showdesktop="defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop -bool true && killall Finder" | |
# URL-encode strings | |
alias urlencode='python -c "import sys, urllib as ul; print ul.quote_plus(sys.argv[1]);"' | |
# Merge PDF files, preserving hyperlinks | |
# Usage: `mergepdf input{1,2,3}.pdf` | |
alias mergepdf='gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=_merged.pdf' |
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# Load the shell dotfiles, and then some: | |
# ~/.path can be used to extend `$PATH`. | |
# ~/.bash_prompt sets up the prompt | |
# ~/.exports is various exports | |
# ~/.aliases and ~/.functions contain a bunch of useful helpers | |
# ~/.extra can be used for other settings you don’t want to commit. | |
for file in ~/.{path,bash_prompt,exports,aliases,functions,extra}; do | |
[ -r "$file" ] && [ -f "$file" ] && source "$file"; | |
done; | |
unset file; | |
# Case-insensitive globbing (used in pathname expansion) | |
shopt -s nocaseglob; | |
# Append to the Bash history file, rather than overwriting it | |
shopt -s histappend; | |
# Autocorrect typos in path names when using `cd` | |
shopt -s cdspell; | |
# Enable some Bash 4 features when possible: | |
# * `autocd`, e.g. `**/qux` will enter `./foo/bar/baz/qux` | |
# * Recursive globbing, e.g. `echo **/*.txt` | |
for option in autocd globstar; do | |
shopt -s "$option" 2> /dev/null; | |
done; | |
# Enable homebrew | |
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)" | |
# Enable zoxide https://github.com/ajeetdsouza/zoxide | |
eval "$(zoxide init bash)" | |
# Enable fzf | |
[ -f ~/.fzf.bash ] && source ~/.fzf.bash | |
# bash- completion@2 | |
[[ -r "/opt/homebrew/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh" ]] && . "/opt/homebrew/etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh" | |
# Enable git bash completion for `g` | |
if type __git_complete &> /dev/null; then | |
__git_complete g __git_main | |
fi; | |
# Add tab completion for SSH hostnames based on ~/.ssh/config, ignoring wildcards | |
[ -e "$HOME/.ssh/config" ] && complete -o "default" -o "nospace" -W "$(grep "^Host" ~/.ssh/config | grep -v "[?*]" | cut -d " " -f2- | tr ' ' '\n')" scp sftp ssh; |
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#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
# https://github.com/fotinakis/bashrc/blob/master/crazy-prompt.sh | |
# Color bash prompt that displays the last 40 characters of the current | |
# working directory. | |
# From https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Color_Bash_Prompt | |
################################################## | |
# Fancy PWD display function | |
################################################## | |
# The home directory (HOME) is replaced with a ~ | |
# The last pwdmaxlen characters of the PWD are displayed | |
# Leading partial directory names are striped off | |
# /home/me/stuff -> ~/stuff if USER=me | |
# /usr/share/big_dir_name -> ../share/big_dir_name if pwdmaxlen=20 | |
################################################## | |
bash_prompt_command() { | |
# How many characters of the $PWD should be kept | |
local pwdmaxlen=40 | |
# Indicate that there has been dir truncation | |
local trunc_symbol=".." | |
local dir=${PWD##*/} | |
pwdmaxlen=$(( ( pwdmaxlen < ${#dir} ) ? ${#dir} : pwdmaxlen )) | |
NEW_PWD=${PWD/#$HOME/\~} | |
local pwdoffset=$(( ${#NEW_PWD} - pwdmaxlen )) | |
if [ ${pwdoffset} -gt "0" ] | |
then | |
NEW_PWD=${NEW_PWD:$pwdoffset:$pwdmaxlen} | |
NEW_PWD=${trunc_symbol}/${NEW_PWD#*/} | |
fi | |
} | |
bash_prompt() { | |
case $TERM in | |
xterm*|rxvt*) | |
local TITLEBAR='\[\033]0;\u:${NEW_PWD}\007\]' | |
;; | |
*) | |
local TITLEBAR="" | |
;; | |
esac | |
local NONE="\[\033[0m\]" # unsets color to term's fg color | |
# regular colors | |
local K="\[\033[0;30m\]" # black | |
local R="\[\033[0;31m\]" # red | |
local G="\[\033[0;32m\]" # green | |
local Y="\[\033[0;33m\]" # yellow | |
local B="\[\033[0;34m\]" # blue | |
local M="\[\033[0;35m\]" # magenta | |
local C="\[\033[0;36m\]" # cyan | |
local W="\[\033[0;37m\]" # white | |
local LB="\[\033[36;40m\]" # light-blue | |
# emphasized (bolded) colors | |
local EMK="\[\033[1;30m\]" | |
local EMR="\[\033[1;31m\]" | |
local EMG="\[\033[1;32m\]" | |
local EMY="\[\033[1;33m\]" | |
local EMB="\[\033[1;34m\]" | |
local EMM="\[\033[1;35m\]" | |
local EMC="\[\033[1;36m\]" | |
local EMW="\[\033[1;37m\]" | |
# background colors | |
local BGK="\[\033[40m\]" | |
local BGR="\[\033[41m\]" | |
local BGG="\[\033[42m\]" | |
local BGY="\[\033[43m\]" | |
local BGB="\[\033[44m\]" | |
local BGM="\[\033[45m\]" | |
local BGC="\[\033[46m\]" | |
local BGW="\[\033[47m\]" | |
local UC=$W # user's color | |
[ $UID -eq "0" ] && UC=$R # root's color | |
local HOSTNAME="\h" | |
#PS1="$TITLEBAR ${EMK}[${UC}\u${EMK}@${UC}\h ${EMB}\${NEW_PWD}${EMK}]${UC}\\$ ${NONE}" | |
PS1="${G}${HOSTNAME}:${LB}\${NEW_PWD}${W}${NONE}\\$ " | |
# without colors: PS1="[\u@\h \${NEW_PWD}]\\$ " | |
# extra backslash in front of \$ to make bash colorize the prompt | |
} | |
PROMPT_COMMAND=bash_prompt_command | |
bash_prompt | |
unset bash_prompt |
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#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
export EDITOR='vim'; | |
# Increase Bash history size. Allow 32³ entries; the default is 500. | |
export HISTSIZE=; | |
# Omit duplicates and commands that begin with a space from history. | |
export HISTCONTROL='ignoreboth'; | |
# Prefer US English and use UTF-8. | |
export LANG='en_US.UTF-8'; | |
export LC_ALL='en_US.UTF-8'; | |
# Avoid issues with `gpg` as installed via Homebrew. | |
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/42265848/96656 | |
export GPG_TTY=$(tty); | |
# Detect which `ls` flavor is in use | |
if ls --color > /dev/null 2>&1; then # GNU `ls` | |
colorflag="--color" | |
export LS_COLORS='no=00:fi=00:di=01;31:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.ogg=01;35:*.mp3=01;35:*.wav=01;35:' | |
else # macOS `ls` | |
colorflag="-G" | |
export LSCOLORS='BxBxhxDxfxhxhxhxhxcxcx' | |
fi |
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#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
# Create a new directory and enter it | |
function mcd() { | |
mkdir -p "$@" && cd "$_"; | |
} | |
# Change working directory to the top-most Finder window location | |
function cdf() { # short for `cdfinder` | |
cd "$(osascript -e 'tell app "Finder" to POSIX path of (insertion location as alias)')"; | |
} | |
# Push the current branch to git "origin" remote | |
function gitpb() { | |
branch=$( git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD ) | |
cmd="git push origin $branch" | |
echo $cmd | |
$cmd | |
} | |
# git push origin <current-branch> --no-verify --force | |
function gitpbf() { | |
branch=$( git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD ) | |
cmd="git push origin $branch --no-verify --force" | |
echo $cmd | |
$cmd | |
} | |
# Delete all git branches except current | |
function git-delete-branches { | |
branch=$( git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD ) | |
cmd="git branch | grep -v \"$branch\" | xargs git branch -D" | |
read -p "This will delete all branches except $branch. Are you sure? " -n 1 -r | |
echo $cmd | |
bash -c "$cmd" | |
} | |
# Set the current branch to track origin with the same branch name | |
function git-set-upstream { | |
branch=$( git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD ) | |
cmd="git branch -u origin/$branch" | |
echo $cmd | |
$cmd | |
} | |
# Copy the file contents to clipboard | |
function catcopy() { | |
cat $1 | pbcopy | |
} | |
# curl, but show only the headers | |
function curl-headers() { | |
curl -s -D - "$@" -o /dev/null | |
} | |
# curl and JSON prettify the response body | |
function cjq () { | |
curl -s "$@" | jq; | |
} | |
# Run bash in a docker container | |
function docker-bash() { | |
docker exec -it $1 /bin/bash | |
} | |
# Run docker container, mount current directory to /mnt/, and remove after stop | |
function docker-run() { | |
CMD="docker run --rm -it -w /mnt -v $(pwd):/mnt $@" | |
echo "$CMD" | |
$CMD | |
} |
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[alias] | |
# View abbreviated SHA, description, and history graph of the latest 20 commits. | |
l = log --pretty=oneline -n 20 --graph --abbrev-commit | |
# View the current working tree status using the short format. | |
s = status -s | |
# Show the diff between the latest commit and the current state. | |
d = !"git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- || clear; git --no-pager diff --patch-with-stat" | |
# `git di $number` shows the diff between the state `$number` revisions ago and the current state. | |
di = !"d() { git diff --patch-with-stat HEAD~$1; }; git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- || clear; d" | |
# Pull in remote changes for the current repository and all its submodules. | |
p = pull --recurse-submodules | |
# Clone a repository including all submodules. | |
c = clone --recursive | |
# Commit all changes. | |
ca = !git add -A && git commit -av | |
# Switch to a branch, creating it if necessary. | |
go = "!f() { git checkout -b \"$1\" 2> /dev/null || git checkout \"$1\"; }; f" | |
# Show verbose output about tags, branches or remotes | |
tags = tag -l | |
branches = branch --all | |
remotes = remote --verbose | |
# List aliases. | |
aliases = config --get-regexp alias | |
# Amend the currently staged files to the latest commit. | |
amend = commit --amend --reuse-message=HEAD | |
# Credit an author on the latest commit. | |
credit = "!f() { git commit --amend --author \"$1 <$2>\" -C HEAD; }; f" | |
# Interactive rebase with the given number of latest commits. | |
reb = "!r() { git rebase -i HEAD~$1; }; r" | |
# Remove the old tag with this name and tag the latest commit with it. | |
retag = "!r() { git tag -d $1 && git push origin :refs/tags/$1 && git tag $1; }; r" | |
# Find branches containing commit | |
fb = "!f() { git branch -a --contains $1; }; f" | |
# Find tags containing commit | |
ft = "!f() { git describe --always --contains $1; }; f" | |
# Find commits by source code | |
fc = "!f() { git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %Cblue%ad %Creset%s%Cgreen [%cn] %Cred%d' --decorate --date=short -S$1; }; f" | |
# Find commits by commit message | |
fm = "!f() { git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %Cblue%ad %Creset%s%Cgreen [%cn] %Cred%d' --decorate --date=short --grep=$1; }; f" | |
# Remove branches that have already been merged with main. | |
# a.k.a. ‘delete merged’ | |
dm = "!git branch --merged | grep -v '\\*' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d" | |
# List contributors with number of commits. | |
contributors = shortlog --summary --numbered | |
# Show the user email for the current repository. | |
whoami = config user.email | |
# Show recently checked out branches from the least recent | |
rb = !git reflog | egrep -io \"moving from ([^[:space:]]+)\" | awk '{ print $3 }' | awk ' !x[$0]++' | egrep -v '^[a-f0-9]{40}$' | fzf | xargs git checkout | |
# Show current commit hash | |
hash = git rev-parse --short HEAD | |
# Get current version | |
v = git describe --tags --always --dirty=-dev |
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PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" | |
PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" | |
PATH="$HOME/Tools:$PATH" | |
GOPATH="$HOME/go" | |
PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH" | |
PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" | |
PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin/:$PATH" | |
PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/findutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" | |
PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/curl/bin:$PATH" | |
PATH="$HOME/.foundry/bin/:$PATH" |
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