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Created July 19, 2018 13:41
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Git Prompt PS1 in go lang.
package main
import (
var getSymbol = map[string]string{
func execCommand(command string) string{
gitExec := exec.Command("git", command)
outPut, err := gitExec.Output()
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
return string(outPut)
func processStatus(status string) string{
var noVC = regexp.MustCompile("Not a git repository")
var unTracked = regexp.MustCompile("Untracked files")
var notStaged = regexp.MustCompile("Changes not staged for commit")
var exitCode = regexp.MustCompile("exit status 128")
switch {
case noVC.MatchString(status) :
return getSymbol["novc"]
case unTracked.MatchString(status):
return getSymbol["untracked"]
case notStaged.MatchString(status) :
return getSymbol["changes"]
case exitCode.MatchString(status):
return getSymbol["noentry"]
return getSymbol["alliswell"]
func processBranch(branchdata string) string{
var branchMatch = regexp.MustCompile(`[(^\*)].+`)
match := branchMatch.FindAllString(branchdata, 1)
if match != nil{
return "\033[38;5;112m"+ match[0][1:] + "\033[0m\n"
return getSymbol["novc"]
func gitBranch() string{
return processBranch(execCommand("branch"))
func gitStatus() string{
return processStatus(execCommand("status"))
func main(){
var args []string = os.Args[0:]
if len(args) > 1 {
switch args[1]{
case "b", "branch":
case "s", "status":
case "p", "prompt":
fmt.Print(gitStatus(), " ", gitBranch(), ">>")
fmt.Println("Command Not found")
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