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Created October 18, 2012 06:00
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Call Routing with Twilio and
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<apex:page sidebar="false"
<Say>Hello {!callerName}. Connecting you with {!rep.Name}.</Say>
public class ConnectorController {
public User rep {get; set;}
public String callerName {get; set;}
public ConnectorController() {
// Check the incoming params!
String accountSid = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('AccountSid');
if (accountSid != TwilioAPI.getDefaultAccount().getSid()) {
throw new TwilioRestException('Account SID mismatch',1);
String callSid = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('CallSid');
TwilioRestClient client = TwilioAPI.getDefaultClient();
TwilioCall call = new TwilioCall(client, callSid);
if (call.getStatus() != 'ringing') {
throw new TwilioRestException('Call SID mismatch',1);
// Look up contact from incoming caller id
String fromNumber = System.currentPageReference().getParameters().get('From');
List<Contact> callers = (fromNumber == null)
? null
: [SELECT Name, OwnerId
FROM Contact
WHERE Phone = :fromNumber OR MobilePhone = :fromNumber];
Contact caller = (callers != null && callers.size() == 1)
? callers[0]
: null;
callerName = caller.Name;
// Look up rep from contact
List<User> reps = (caller == null)
? null
: [SELECT Name, Phone
WHERE Id = :caller.OwnerId];
// If we don't have a unique rep, connect with switchboard
rep = (reps != null && reps.size() == 1)
? reps[0]
: [SELECT Name, Phone
WHERE LastName = 'Switchboard'];
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