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Created August 20, 2019 18:09
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Save metadaddy/50d62481054004907123040493318d43 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"pipelineIssues" : [ ]
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"metricType" : "COUNTER",
"metricElement" : "COUNTER_COUNT",
"condition" : "${value() > 100}",
"sendEmail" : false,
"enabled" : false,
"timestamp" : 1563515361775,
"valid" : true
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"metricType" : "COUNTER",
"metricElement" : "COUNTER_COUNT",
"condition" : "${value() > 100}",
"sendEmail" : false,
"enabled" : false,
"timestamp" : 1563515361775,
"valid" : true
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"metricType" : "GAUGE",
"condition" : "${time:now() - value() > 120000}",
"sendEmail" : false,
"enabled" : false,
"timestamp" : 1563515361775,
"valid" : true
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"id" : "batchTimeAlertID",
"alertText" : "Batch taking more time to process",
"metricId" : "RuntimeStatsGauge.gauge",
"metricType" : "GAUGE",
"metricElement" : "CURRENT_BATCH_AGE",
"condition" : "${value() > 200}",
"sendEmail" : false,
"enabled" : false,
"timestamp" : 1563515361775,
"valid" : true
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"value" : [ ]
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"ruleIssues" : [ ],
"configIssues" : [ ]
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