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Last active December 23, 2015 00:49
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Save metadaddy/6556403 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Visualforce TwiML page and Apex REST method for transcribing a voice message in Twilio and saving is as an Activity to a Lead.
global class MessageToTask {
global static void incomingMessage() {
String expectedSignature =
String url = 'https://' + RestContext.request.headers.get('Host') +
'/services/apexrest' + RestContext.request.requestURI;
Map <String, String> params = RestContext.request.params;
// Validate signature
if (!TwilioAPI.getDefaultClient().validateRequest(expectedSignature, url, params)) {
RestContext.response.statusCode = 403;
RestContext.response.responseBody = Blob.valueOf('Failure! Rcvd '+expectedSignature+'\nURL '+url/*+'\nHeaders'+RestContext.request.headers*/);
// Twilio likes to see something in the response body, otherwise it reports
// a 502 error in
RestContext.response.responseBody = Blob.valueOf('ok');
// Extract useful fields from the incoming transcription
String leadNumber = params.get('Caller');
String campaignNumber = params.get('To');
String transcription = params.get('TranscriptionText');
// Look for a matching lead
List<Lead> leads = [SELECT Id FROM Lead WHERE Phone = :leadNumber LIMIT 1];
Lead lead;
if (leads.size() > 0) {
// We found a match!
lead = leads[0];
} else {
// Create and insert a new Lead
lead = new Lead(LastName = 'From Transcription',
Company = 'From Transcription',
Phone = leadNumber);
try {
insert lead;
} catch (DmlException dmle) {
reply(campaignNumber, leadNumber, 'An error occurred. Sorry.');
// Create and insert a new Task
Task task = new Task(
ActivityDate =,
CallDisposition = 'Lead left a message',
CallType = 'Inbound',
Description = transcription +
'\n\nMessage recording at'+params.get('AccountSid')+'/Recordings/'+params.get('RecordingSid'),
Status = 'Completed',
Subject = 'Phone Message from '+leadNumber,
Type = 'Call',
WhoId = lead.Id
insert task;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" contentType="application/xml">
<Say>Hello! Please leave a message.</Say>
<Record maxLength="120" transcribe="true" transcribeCallback="/services/apexrest/messagetotask"/>
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How do i test this class and page
Do i need to open this vf page in mobile.

Please let me know how to test this

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