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Pat Patterson metadaddy

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metadaddy / gist:da4f4a5e98810f41d06ce510d05ed20a
Created January 14, 2025 22:27
Transcript of a LangGraph ReAct agent invocation, correctly creating a SQL query on the Drive Stats data set to find the annual failure rate of a particular drive model for a particular time period.
================================ Human Message =================================
What was the annual failure rate of the ST8000NM000A drive model in Q3 2024?
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
sql_db_list_tables (call_LLdny3ctJeEkZQOdFVfCuLhw)
Call ID: call_LLdny3ctJeEkZQOdFVfCuLhw
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: sql_db_list_tables
metadaddy / gist:2838c8521b6dfd6de57fb11c38417d31
Created January 14, 2025 22:18
Transcript of a LangGraph ReAct agent invocation, correctly creating a SQL query on the Drive Stats data set to find the annual failure rate of a particular drive model.
================================ Human Message =================================
What is the annual failure rate of the ST4000DM000 drive model?
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
sql_db_list_tables (call_BYVEqCmtF2zbEDwPyHlps2in)
Call ID: call_BYVEqCmtF2zbEDwPyHlps2in
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: sql_db_list_tables
metadaddy / gist:8349f733d9244b8f7c880158bf02adfb
Last active January 14, 2025 22:17
Transcript of a LangGraph ReAct agent invocation, incorrectly creating a SQL query on the Drive Stats data set to find the annual failure rate of a particular drive model.
================================ Human Message =================================
Each drive has its own serial number. What is the annualized failure rate of the ST4000DM000 drive model?
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
sql_db_list_tables (call_ShVR0SwihRgw2hzPpdMXGyxn)
Call ID: call_ShVR0SwihRgw2hzPpdMXGyxn
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: sql_db_list_tables
metadaddy / gist:95eef09c35df4e2e3a53f70e81453ad3
Last active January 14, 2025 21:48
Transcript of a LangGraph ReAct agent invocation, creating a SQL query on the Drive Stats data set to find the number of drives per data center on a given date.
================================ Human Message =================================
Each drive has its own serial number. How many drives did each data center have on 9/1/2024?
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
sql_db_list_tables (call_e8gfZp1frECuMjDEjXt13wj4)
Call ID: call_e8gfZp1frECuMjDEjXt13wj4
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: sql_db_list_tables
metadaddy /
Last active October 30, 2024 01:13
Test aborting an S3 multipart upload while a part is in flight
import asyncio
import datetime
import functools
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from aiobotocore.session import get_session
# Set the following environment variables, or add them to a .env file
metadaddy /
Last active October 6, 2024 23:10
Find most recently uploaded file in a Backblaze B2 bucket (with optional prefix)
import argparse
from datetime import datetime, MINYEAR, timezone
import boto3
from dotenv import load_dotenv
def list_objects(client, bucket_name, prefix=''):
Python generator to allow easy iteration over object versions, making
metadaddy /
Created October 14, 2023 00:25
Simple Python app to benchmark file uploads using the S3 PutObject API
# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2023 Backblaze, Inc.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
metadaddy /
Created September 1, 2023 17:23
This script uses the PDF file at as a template for creating more PDFs with random names, dates, product selections and recommendations. This PDF file is used in the Snowflake demo "How To Analyze PDF Docs Using Snowpark" at…
# Backblaze wants developers and organization to copy and re-use our
# code examples, so we make the samples available by several different
# licenses. One option is the MIT license (below). Other options are
# available here:
# The MIT License (MIT)
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
2023-06-07 12:42:03,490 [main] DEBUG ch.cyberduck.binding.application.NSApplication - NSConcreteNotification 0x60000390e320 {name = NSApplicationWillBecomeActiveNotification; object = <NSApplication: 0x137e3cff0>}
2023-06-07 12:42:03,491 [main] DEBUG ch.cyberduck.binding.WindowController - Become main for window <NSWindow: 0x147e72c50>
2023-06-07 12:42:03,491 [main] DEBUG ch.cyberduck.binding.WindowController - Become key for window <NSWindow: 0x147e72c50>
2023-06-07 12:42:03,493 [main] DEBUG ch.cyberduck.binding.application.NSApplication - NSConcreteNotification 0x60000394d8e0 {name = NSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification; object = <NSApplication: 0x137e3cff0>}
2023-06-07 12:42:03,504 [main] DEBUG ch.cyberduck.core.resources.NSImageIconCache - No cached image for eject.pdf
2023-06-07 12:42:03,504 [main] DEBUG ch.cyberduck.core.resources.NSImageIconCache - Return default size for eject.pdf
2023-06-07 12:42:03,656 [main] DEBUG ch.cyberduck.core.resources.NSImageIconCache - No cached image for eject.pdf
Create a marker file in each empty directory under a given root directory
This script recursively finds empty directories under the given root
directory and creates a marker file with the given filename in each one.
Author : Pat Patterson
param (