class P
constructor: ( @x, @y )->
p = new P 1, 2
args = [ 1, 2 ]
a = 1
b = 2
###call function immediately
class P
constructor: ( @x, @y )->
p = new P 1, 2
args = [ 1, 2 ]
a = 1
b = 2
###call function immediately
MacBook-Pro-Maxim:~ metalim$ mc --kajsdhfkj | |
Failed to run: | |
Неизвестный параметр --kajsdhfkj | |
Использование: | |
mc [ПАРАМЕТР...] [+число] [этот_каталог] [каталог_другой_панели] | |
+число - Задать начальную строку для встроенного редактора | |
GNU Midnight Commander, версия 4.8.4 |
MacBook-Pro-Maxim:~ metalim$ brew update | |
Already up-to-date. | |
MacBook-Pro-Maxim:~ metalim$ brew doctor | |
Your system is raring to brew. | |
MacBook-Pro-Maxim:~ metalim$ mc -V | |
GNU Midnight Commander 4.8.4 | |
Built with GLib 2.32.4 | |
Using the S-Lang library with terminfo database |
MacBook-Pro-Maxim:~ metalim$ brew update | |
Updated Homebrew from 5105ef88 to 24214fe9. | |
==> New Formula | |
ninja | |
==> Updated Formula | |
s-lang | |
MacBook-Pro-Maxim:~ metalim$ brew doctor | |
Your system is raring to brew. |
MacBook-Pro-Maxim:~ metalim$ brew update | |
Already up-to-date. | |
MacBook-Pro-Maxim:~ metalim$ brew doctor | |
Your system is raring to brew. | |
MacBook-Pro-Maxim:~ metalim$ brew install mc | |
==> Installing midnight-commander dependency: s-lang |
<script src=""></script> | |
<script type="text/javascript"> | |
function update_filter($elements, str) { | |
var s = str.toLowerCase(); | |
$elements.each(function(){ | |
$(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(s) != -1 ? $(this).show() : $(this).hide(); | |
}); | |
} | |
</script> | |
Filter: <input onKeyUp="update_filter($('#my_table tbody tr'), this.value);"> |