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Forked from Radiergummi/Cryptor.php
Created June 4, 2019 03:23
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A PHP class to encrypt and decrypt strings using a static application secret. Input is converted to hex strings to enable easier handling
namespace Vendor\Library;
use function bin2hex;
use function hex2bin;
use function openssl_decrypt;
use function openssl_encrypt;
* Cryptor class
* The encrypt/decrypt methods are largely taken from here:
* @link
class Cryptor {
* Holds the encryption algorithm to use
protected const ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM = 'AES-256-CBC';
* Holds the hash algorithm to use
protected const HASHING_ALGORITHM = 'sha256';
* Holds the application encryption secret
* @var string
protected $secret;
* Cryptor constructor
* @param string $secret application encryption secret
public function __construct( string $secret ) {
$this->secret = $secret;
* Decrypts a string using the application secret.
* @param string $input hex representation of the cipher text
* @return string UTF-8 string containing the plain text input
public function decrypt( string $input ): string {
// we'll need the binary cipher
$binaryInput = hex2bin( $input );
$iv = substr( $binaryInput, 0, 16 );
$hash = substr( $binaryInput, 16, 32 );
$cipherText = substr( $binaryInput, 48 );
$key = hash( Cryptor::HASHING_ALGORITHM, $this->secret, true );
// if the HMAC hash doesn't match the hash string, something has gone wrong
if ( hash_hmac( Cryptor::HASHING_ALGORITHM, $cipherText, $key, true ) !== $hash ) {
return '';
// prevent decrypt failing when $input is not hex or has odd length
// added via suggestion from @markusand, see comment:
if (strlen($input) % 2 || !ctype_xdigit($input)) {
return '';
return openssl_decrypt(
* Encrypts a string using the application secret. This returns a hex representation of the binary cipher text
* @param string $input plain text input to encrypt
* @return string hex representation of the binary cipher text
public function encrypt( string $input ): string {
$key = hash( Cryptor::HASHING_ALGORITHM, $this->secret, true );
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( 16 );
$cipherText = openssl_encrypt(
$hash = hash_hmac( Cryptor::HASHING_ALGORITHM, $cipherText, $key, true );
return bin2hex( $iv . $hash . $cipherText );
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