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Never sleep() using Capybara!
# WAIT! Do consider that `wait` may not be needed. This article describes
# that reasoning. Please read it and make informed decisions.
# Have you ever had to sleep() in Capybara-WebKit to wait for AJAX and/or CSS animations?
describe 'Modal' do
should 'display login errors' do
visit root_path
click_link 'My HomeMarks'
within '#login_area' do
fill_in 'email', with: ''
fill_in 'password', with: 'test'
click_button 'Login'
# DO NOT sleep(1) HERE!
page.find(modal_wrapper_id).text.must_match %r{login failed.*use the forgot password}i
# Avoid it by using Capybara's #wait_until method. My modal visible/hidden helpers
# do just that. The #wait_until uses the default timeout value.
def modal_wrapper_id
def assert_modal_visible
wait_until { page.find(modal_wrapper_id).visible? }
rescue Capybara::TimeoutError
flunk 'Expected modal to be visible.'
def assert_modal_hidden
wait_until { !page.find(modal_wrapper_id).visible? }
rescue Capybara::TimeoutError
flunk 'Expected modal to be hidden.'
# Examples of waiting for a page loading to show and hide in jQuery Mobile.
def wait_for_loading
wait_until { page.find('html')[:class].include?('ui-loading') }
rescue Capybara::TimeoutError
flunk "Failed at waiting for loading to appear."
def wait_for_loaded
wait_until { !page.find('html')[:class].include?('ui-loading') }
rescue Capybara::TimeoutError
flunk "Failed at waiting for loading to complete."
def wait_for_page_load
wait_for_loading && wait_for_loaded
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Be aware that #wait_until has been removed from Capybara 2.0.
Read the notes here:!topic/ruby-capybara/qQYWpQb9FzY

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Yes, has_content and has_css is the contemporary practice — letting capybara configs decide, abstract, and dry-up the configs

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Just found this while researching modal issues LOL

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Lol, brandon, i just stumbled on this too! Great stuff ken :)

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Kufert commented Jun 29, 2017

I have an issue where a plugin I use adds the click event after 200ms, so w/o the sleep the click dose nothing. I can't wait for html/css, as all of that is already on the screen. Is there a way to wait for the click event to be added or am I doomed to use sleep?

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wait_until is removed from capybara now?

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@kevinhq yes, it is removed from capybara

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heridev commented May 11, 2019

For that scenario when maybe the loading spinner is blocking the ui and you need to force sleep in a smarter way, what about?

      while page.has_css?('.pageLoader')
        puts "waiting"
        sleep 0.1

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artur79 commented Sep 9, 2021

anyone, some ajax snippet for rails_ujs which check ajax request done ?

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equivalent commented Oct 20, 2023

there is "wait" option built in capybara.

find("#element_that_is_added_by_turbo", wait: 1)

above will wait up to 1s to element to appear

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