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Created July 19, 2012 13:13
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Basic jQuery SVG Wrapper Class Taken From My HomeMarks Project
#my-logo-text { position: absolute; width: 220px; height: 60px; top: 46px; left: 85px; }
#my-logo-text svg { width: inherit; height: inherit; }
#my-logo-text-text path { fill: white; }
#my-logo-text-tag-line path { fill: white; }
$ = jQuery
$.fn.mySVG = -> $(@).data 'my-svg'
$.fn.mySVGSet = (svg) -> $(@).data 'my-svg', svg
class window.MyNamespace.Models.SVG
constructor: (@wrapperID, @loadURL, @options={}) ->
@el = $(@wrapperID)
if @el.length
@el.svg loadURL: @loadURL, onLoad: @onLoad
@el.mySVGSet @
find: (selector) ->
$ selector, @root
# Private (events)
onLoad: (svg) =>
@jq = svg
@root = svg.root()
# Private
setRootAttributes: ->
return unless @options.rootAttributes
for own attr, value of @options.rootAttributes
@root.setAttribute attr, value
svgDidLoad: ->
class MyLogoText extends MyNamespace.Models.SVG
constructor: ->
wrapperID = '#my-logo-text'
loadURL = '/assets/my-logo-text.svg'
options = rootAttributes: {viewBox: '0 0 600 160', x: '0px', y: '0px', width: '100%', height: '100%'}
super wrapperID, loadURL, options
svgDidLoad: ->
@find('g title:contains(Text)').parent('g').attr 'id', 'my-logo-text-text'
@find('g title:contains(TagLine)').parent('g').attr 'id', 'my-logo-text-tag-line'
@find('g title:contains(Heart)').parent('g').attr 'id', 'my-logo-text-heart'
$ ->
new MyLogoText
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For full context, read this thread on the 757rb Google Group:
Using SVGs For The High Resolution Web

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