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Last active October 21, 2021 08:50
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Save metasyn/70e5e3599abe76c37a07 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a template for making a custom visualization in Splunk, by extending a backbone.js view.
define(function(require, exports, module) {
// STEP 1.) Initalization of your setup
// Add your dependenciences here,
// Note, no .js extension when using require
// e.g.
var d3 = require("../d3/d3");
var d3 = require("../d3plus/d3plus");
var underscore = require("../underscore");
var SimpleSplunkView = require("splunkjs/mvc/simplesplunkview");
// Name your object
// Replace all "MyVisualization" with whatever you choose.
var MyVisualization = SimpleSplunkView.extend({
className: "splunk-toolkit-MyVisualization",
// STEP 2.) Specify all the options that might need to be pasted to your visualization.
options: {
"managerid": null, // required
"data": "preview", // required
// Everything below is what you might customize.
"height": "400",
"width": "600",
"boolean": true,
"x": {
"value": "count",
"scale": "linear"
"x": {
"value": "count",
"scale": "linear"
output_mode: "json", // required
// the next two functions handle resizes
initialize: function() {
$(window).resize(this, _.debounce(this._handleResize,
_handleResize: function(e) {
// is the this pointer passed to the callback.
// here it refers to this object and we call render();
// STEP 3.) Creating the Inital View
// the createView function
// createView takes no arguments
// it creates the view we need
// then returns the visualization as the first
// arugment (named 'viz') to updateView, below
createView: function() {
// this gets rid of the "waiting for data message"
// and assures us that we have a clean slate
// We need to retrieve the data options we specified above.
// In the example below, we create a container, and set the
// container's height and width based on the option values.
// get the height and width from the options
// and set the div container to that size
var height = this.settings.get("height");
var width = this.settings.get("width");
// get the div id, adding a # to reference the fact
// that it is going to be an id when referencedd
var divId = "#" + this.$el.attr("id");
// create a container for the viz inside this
// this, in this case, references the div we have in our dashboard
$(divId).append('<div id="viz_container"></div>');
// get the settings, once again from the options above
var data_values = this.settings.get("x")["value"];
var boolean = this.settings.get("boolean");
// this is where we create the actual visualization
// but we haven't attached the data to it yet
var visualization = d3plus.viz()
"children": boolean
return visualization;
// STEP 4.) Format the data from Splunk
// the formatData function
// Making the data look how we want it to for updateView to do its job
// it becomes the second arugment ('data') for updateView
formatData: function(data) {
var y_data = this.settings.get("y");
var x_data = this.settings.get("x");
// Here is some custom function, to convert the x and y values to numbers
// instead of leaving them as strings
data = _(data).map(function(f) {
if (parseFloat(f[x_data.value])) {
f[x_data.value] = parseFloat(f[x_data.value]);
if (parseFloat(f[y_data.value])) {
f[y_data.value] = parseFloat(f[y_data.value]);
return f;
return data;
// STEP 5.) Updating the View
// the updateView function
// this is the final step
// where the data actually meets the visualization
// in this case, our visualization from createView is viz
// and our data from formatData is data
updateView: function(viz, data) {
var y_data = this.settings.get("y");
var x_data = this.settings.get("x");
.data(data) // the general data
.x(x_data) // the data for x
.y(y_data) // the data for y
.draw(); // finally, done !
return MyVisualization;
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