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Created August 26, 2011 06:47
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import Data.List
data Box = A | B | C | D | X deriving (Show,Eq)
boxLength = 4
type Zeile = [Box]
type All = (Zeile,Zeile)
start :: All
start = ([X,X,X,X],[A,B,C,D])
end :: All
end = ([X,X,X,X],[B,C,D,A])
diff (a,b) (c,d) = diff' b d
diff' a b = foldl1 (+) (map comp (zip a b))
comp (a,b)
| a == b = 0
| otherwise = 1
fs x = ([X,X,X,X], x)
shortest x y
| d == 0 = [x]
| d == 2 = swap2 x y
| d == 3 = swap3 x y
| d == 4 = swap4 x y
d = diff x y
per [] = [[]]
per xs = [x:ys | x <- xs, ys <- per (delete x xs)]
--swap2 :: All -> All -> [All]
swap2 x y = rolling swap2' (per allPos) [x] y
swap3 x y = rolling swap3' (per allPos) [x] y
swap4 x y = swap4' [x] y [0,1,2,3]
rolling f perm changes y = roll perm changes
roll [] changes = changes
roll (a:as) changes = roll as res
res = f changes y a
allPos = [0,1,2,3]
swap2' changes (p,b) args
| ((a !! p1) == (b !! p2)) && ((a !! p2) == (b !! p1)) = changes ++ [st1,st2,st3]
| otherwise = changes
changes_l = last changes
o = fst changes_l
a = snd changes_l
st1 = ((s3 (b !! p1) o), (s2 X a))
st2 = (fst(st1) , (s1 X (s2 (b !! p2) (snd st1))))
st3 = ((s3 X (fst st2)) , (s1 (b !! p1) (snd st2)))
p1 = args !! 0
p2 = args !! 1
p3 = args !! 2
s1 a b = replaceAt p1 a b
s2 a b = replaceAt p2 a b
s3 a b = replaceAt p3 a b
swap3' changes (p,b) args
| ((a !! p1) == (b !! p1)) && (a!! p2) == (b !! p3) && (a!!p3) ==(b !!p4) = changes ++ [st1,st2,st3,st4]
| otherwise = changes
changes_l = last changes
o = fst changes_l
a = snd changes_l
p1 = args !! 0
p2 = args !! 1
p3 = args !! 2
p4 = args !! 3
st1 = ((s1 (a !! p2) o), (s2 X a))
st2 = (fst st1, replaceAt st2ps X (s2 ((snd st1) !! st2ps) (snd st1)))
st3 = (fst st2, replaceAt st3ps X (replaceAt st2ps ((snd st2) !! st3ps) (snd st2)))
st4 = (s1 X (fst st3), replaceAt p3 (a !! p2) (snd st3))
--s var wohin
s1 a b = replaceAt p1 a b
s2 a b = replaceAt p2 a b
s3 a b = replaceAt p3 a b
s4 a b = replaceAt p4 a b
| a !! p2 == b !! p3 = p4
| a !! p2 == b !! p4 = p3
| a !! p2 == b !! p3 = p3
| a !! p2 == b !! p4 = p4
swap4' changes (p,b) args = changes ++ [st1,st2,st3,st4,st5,st6]
changes_l = last changes
o = fst changes_l
a = snd changes_l
p1 = args !! 0
p2 = args !! 1
p3 = args !! 2
p4 = args !! 3
st1 = ((pl roof (a !! weg) o), (pl weg X a))
st2 = (fst st1, (pl weg (a !! aufweg1Pos) (pl aufweg1Pos X (snd st1))))
st3 = (fst st1, (pl aufweg1Pos (a !! aufweg2Pos) (pl aufweg2Pos X (snd st2))))
st4 = (pl weg ((fst st3) !! roof) o, snd st3)
st5 = (fst st4, (pl aufweg2Pos (a !! roof) (pl roof X (snd st4))))
st6 = (o, (pl roof ( a !! weg) (snd st5)))
roof = last(elemo (a !! weg) b)
aufweg1Pos = last(elemo (b !! weg) a)
aufweg2Pos = last(elemo (b !! aufweg1Pos) a)
weg = p1
elemo x = findIndices (x==)
pl = replaceAt
replaceAt pos newVar list = insertAt' list [] pos
insertAt' (x:xs) new pos
| pos == 0 = insertAt' xs (new ++ [newVar]) (pos-1)
| otherwise = insertAt' xs (new ++ [x]) (pos-1)
insertAt' [] new pos = new
succeced x = length x >= 3
test = map succeced (map (shortest start) (map fs (per [A,B,C,D])))
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